The Excellence Initiative at Heidelberg University
invites applications for a
Post-Doc Position
in a joined “FRONTIER”-project of the groups “Microenvironment of Tumor Cell Invasion” at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg (DKFZ) and “Angiogenesis” at the Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology of the University of Heidelberg.
Despite their abundant expression in remodelling tissues, it is not fully understood how proteases such as Membrane Type 1- Matrix-Metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP; MMP-14) drive fundamental biological processes ranging from angiogenesis to tumor cell invasion. Cell surface trafficking of transmembrane domain proteases, such as MT1-MMP, is the most effective mechanism for the regulation of proteolytic activity, yet the least well understood. This project focuses on novel aspects of the cell surface trafficking of MT1-MMP and its regulation.
Please check for further information.
Applicants should be highly self-motivated with a genuine interest in protein trafficking and must hold a doctoral or equivalent degree in biology, biochemistry or related disciplines. Proven expertise and an excellent track record in molecular and cellular biology, and proficiency in fluorescence microscopy are a prerequisite. Experience in either field glykobiology, protein trafficking and protease research – is highly appreciated.
Starting date:
The position is immediately available but later starting dates are also possible.
Duration: Initially for 2 years.
Apply to:
Applications with CV, list of publications, references, and a letter of motivation should be send to:
Postal address:
Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Korff
c/o Institute f. Physiology and Pathophysiology
I N F 326
D-69120 Heidelberg
or (preferred) by e-mail to: Laeufer@Physiologie.Uni
subject: FRONTIER
The University of Heidelberg is committed to strengthen the proportion of women in research and teaching and strongly encourages applications of qualified female scientists. Handicapped applicants with equal qualification will be given preferential consideration.