
Saturday, November 14, 2009

UK : EPSRC PhD Studentship Formal reasoning about human-computer interaction for the design and safe use of interactive medical devices

Queen Mary, University of London - School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

(Ref CHI+MED/Q0901)

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship on formal reasoning about human-computer interaction for the design and safe use of interactive medical devices as part of the CHI+MED ( project. Based at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London, the successful candidate will be part of the internationally leading Theory and Interaction, Media and Communication (IMC) research groups as well as the CHI+MED team.

CHI+MED is a major EPSRC funded multidisciplinary research project that brings together researchers from Queen Mary, University of London, UCL, Swansea University, and City University. It aims to improve the usability and safety of interactive medical devices. This is a pressing area for research because even simple errors can result in incorrect treatment, or patient death.

Under the supervision of Paul Curzon ( of Queen Mary and Duncan Brumby ( of the UCL Interaction Centre, the successful candidate will investigate formal computational modeling and reasoning to support the prevention of human error. The focus will be on the basic setting of an individual working with a single device. This will involve the development of formal logic-based models of human behaviour with linked methods, based on model checking or proof to analyse medical scenarios.

The detailed focus of the project will be developed by the student in the early stages of their research. However, one possible focus is work to support the design of device interfaces and work practices to help individuals avoid making slip errors in multi-tasking scenarios. Such situations, with frequent interruptions, are the norm in a hospital environment.

Key Requirements

Applicants for the PhD studentships will need to have a first or upper-second (2:1) class honours degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology or another related area and be able to demonstrate a strong mathematical background. High levels of ability in computing and programming and a clear interest in formal methods and human-computer interaction are also required.

British and EU nationals who meet the UK residency requirements, as outlined at, will receive a full award that covers both tuition fees and a tax-free annual stipend starting at £15,290 per annum. The post is also open to overseas candidates, however the studentship will then only cover UK tuition fees (£3,390 per annum) and stipend. If an overseas student is successful we may apply for a fee-waiver to cover the additional fees, though this is considered by the college on a case-by-case basis.

The studentship runs for 42 months full-time starting January 2010 and is subject to meeting satisfactory milestones.

Further Details

Further information concerning the studentship and the application form, is on the web at:

Detailed information about the school and its research areas can be found at and further information about the research area can be found at:

Informal queries can be directed to Paul Curzon (, tel. 020 7882 5212) or Duncan Brumby (, tel. 020 7679 0689)

Completed application forms along with a full CV, names, two references, a statement of purpose and a one page research statement describing your previous research experience and outlining its relevance to this project should be sent, ideally by email, to Paul Curzon at:

If this is not possible a paper copy should be sent to:Paul Curzon, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, West Square, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End, London, E1 4NS

Applications must arrive by the closing date: 1 December 2009

Interviews will be held on the afternoon of 8 December 2009.

UK : PhD Studentship Statistical Signal Processing

University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering

Limit of tenure: 3 years.

A PhD position is available for candidates interested in the area of Statistical Signal Processing with biological applications.

Single molecule experiments are now widely used to study biological systems and are revolutionising our understanding of how the cell works. However these experiments intrinsically have poor signal-to-noise ratio and so there is a need to develop optimal ways to process this data. Youwill be working on a new EPSRC-funded project concerning the Bayesian analysis of data from multiple moving molecules, a multi-object tracking problem; see

The project involves both the development of new methodology in the Signal Processing Group ( and its application to the analysis of real biological data in collaboration with Professor Klenerman's group in the Department of Chemistry,

A Postdoctoral Research Associate (already appointed) will also work on this project. The Signal Processing Group is a large vibrant group, comprised of about 25 PhDs students and 10 Post-docs, with research activity spanning most areas Statistical Signal Processing.


The application is open to nationals of any country, but full tuition fees are not covered for overseas (non-EU) students. Stipends for 2009-2010 are 13,290 GBP, and available for 3 years. Candidates should hold an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, information engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science or related fields, and marks corresponding to the top 10-20 percent cohort of a top university.

Start Date: Early 2010 or as soon as possible.

Further details may be obtained from Dr Sumeetpal S. Singh (, email: A letter of application, CV, transcripts and references should be sent as soon as possible to Mrs Rachel Fogg, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, (Tel +44 01223 332711, Fax +4401223 332662, email Applications may be sent by email or hardcopy. If successful, a formal application and documentation must be made online to the Board of Graduate Studies,

Planned Interview dates: Interviews will be held with selected candidates as soon as possible after the closing date.

This position is being re-advertised and previous applicants need not apply.

Quote Reference: NA05933, Closing Date: 1 December 2009

Interview Date(s): soon after closing date

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity

Friday, November 13, 2009

UK : Research Associate in Astrophysics

University of Cambridge - Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Salary: 27,183-35,469 pa

Limit of tenure: up to two years.

Applications are invited for a number of positions in the field of Astrophysics. Appointments will be made to individual projects in one of the following research areas: Accretion discs, Astrophysical dynamos, Planetary formation, Exoplanet systems, Solar and stellar phenomena, and Non equilibrium physical processes.

Successful candidates will have a PhD or equivalent, an established track record of original research and experience of working in collaboration. They will also have expertise in an appropriate area of theoretical Astrophysics.

Informal inquiries can be made by contacting Ms Miranda Canty, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA (email:

Applications should include a CV, a statement of research, two signed references and a completed PD18 application form (Parts I and III only), available from , and should be sent or emailed to Ms Miranda Canty (contact details as above) before 31st January 2010.

Quote Reference: LE05962, Closing Date: 31 January 2010

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Japan : IGPAS (Master and doctor degree) with Financial Support

International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate program in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. It was established in October 2004 as the first international graduate program founded in Japanese national universities. IGPAS offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. It also aims to educate Japanese students to exert their abilities as internationally-active, professional scientists.

IGPAS has proudly reserved positions of Japanese government scholarship for its master’s students since its foundation, and in 2008, IGPAS-Super Doctoral Course (SDC) has been started for doctoral students jointly with the Institute for the International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE) of Tohoku University. Students of IGPAS-SDC benefit from fellowship by IIARE to promote world top-level, interdisciplinary research at the Graduate School of Science.
Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study modern science and conduct cutting-edge research with top-level scientists currently working at Tohoku University.


IGPAS is a 5-year graduate program as the combination of a 2-year master’s program and a 3-year doctoral program. Each student belongs to one of six departments, which are divided into three groups according to the GCOE programs:(i) Chemistry, (ii) Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics, and (iii) Earth Science and Geophysics.
The academic year of IGPAS starts in October. The Graduate School of Science will admit at most 20 students each for the master’s and doctoral programs each year.

Financial Support

As of October, 2009, availability of financial supports for IGPAS students is as shown below. See 7. FINANCIAL SUPPORT of the IGPAS appplication booklet for the eligibility requirements of the following financial support below.

Master’s Program
Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship for 8 students
Term of the Scholarship: 5 years (2 years + 3 years)

■ Monthly stipend of 156,000 yen as a master’s student and 157,000 yen as a doctoral student.
■ Flight tickets between the country of the student’s nationality and Japan
■Exemption from application, admission and tuition fees.

Doctoral Program
IGPAS-SDC fellowship for 2 students
Term of the Fellowship: 3 years
■ Monthly stipend of 200,000 yen
■ 300,000 yen to compensate for admission fee
■ 250,000 yen/semester to compensate for tuition
■ Research grants of up to 500,000 yen/semester (up to 1,000,000 yen/year)

Application Period:
November 2, 2009 – December 18, 2009

Source :


Denmark : PhD Scholarships in Economics or Business Administration at Syddansk Universitet

Applications are invited for a number of PhD scholarships at the Department of Business and Economics, to be filled as soon as possible. The place of work will be in Odense.

The department carries out research in the following areas:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Management Science

As part of the PhD programme, an individual education programme within the field of Economics or Business Administration has to be completed. You will be expected to complete a six-month stay at a research institution abroad and, over the period of the programme, to acquire experience of teaching or other types of presentation. You are also expected to participate in the various activities in the department and – apart from your stay abroad – to be routinely present at the department.

The scholarships are available to students who wish to enter the PhD programme in Economics or Business Administration, in the framework of either the 5+3 programme or the 4+4 programme. A 5+3 PhD scholarship is granted to applicants who have completed an MSc in Economics, Mathematics and Economics, Business Administration or similar. The scholarship runs for three years. A scholarship in the 4+4 programme is given to applicants who have passed the fourth year of their Master’s programme or the equivalent. The scholarship runs for a period of four years. For the first two years you will be enrolled in the PhD programme and the Master’s programme parallel to each other. During that period your pay will consist of a combination of SU student grants and salary for job assignments. After obtaining the Master’s Degree, you will enter into a salaried PhD scholarship. Pay and conditions of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations).

Information about the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, is available from

Further information can be obtained from Head of Department, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, tel. +45 6550 2109, e-mail:

Read more:
Department of Business and Economics

Application, salary, etc.:

Your employment as a Salaried PhD Research Fellow is governed by the agreement of October 1, 2008 on Graduate Employees in government appendix 5 – protocol on PhD Research Fellows.

Fill in the application form available on our web page under the section Application forms for enrolment. Here you also find guidelines for preparing your project proposal. Furthermore you should submit certified copy of diploma for academic degrees including examination results, CV, project description, information on teaching experience or other forms of knowledge communication and if relevant a list of publications.

All interested persons are encouraged to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.

Please submit 5 copies of your application marked “Position No. 351/526-095681” including curriculum vitae, project description (1-3 pages), copy of diplomas and publications if any, to the University of Southern Denmark, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. The application must reach the University not later than December 3, 2009, at 12.00 noon.

Closing date 3 December, 2009 at 12 noon
Location: Odense

Mark application Job ID 351/526-095681 and send it to:

Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetssekretariat
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

For further details please open the following link:〈=eng

Germany : GBS Goethe Scholarship 2010 for EMBA and Full-time MBA Program

Goethe Business School (GBS) offers “Goethe Scholarships” to highly-talented and ambitious applicants who wish to study in the prestigious Goethe Executive MBA in Alliance with Duke or the brand new Goethe Full-Time MBA program. The “Goethe Scholarships” cover up to 55% of tuition and will vary based on the applicant’s profile.

Both programs target high-potential professionals aspiring to lead in a global world. Participants come from diverse academic and professional backgrounds. For more information and program brochures please visit our website


The Goethe Scholarship is open to all applicants. In order to qualify, candidates have to complete (1) the online application for either MBA program and (2) complete an additional essay, which is listed on the online application. Afterwards, a decision regarding the scholarship will be made along with the admissions decision. This usually takes approximately 3-4 weeks. Please note:

  • The scholarship amount granted may vary based on each individual profile and demonstrated financial need.
  • Applicants who receive financial support from their company may not qualify for certain scholarships.


The link to the online application can be found under:

The complete online application for either program consists of the following:

  • Completed online application form
  • Current resume in English
  • Two online recommendations
  • Three essays, one of them addressing financial need and academic and professional achievement in particular
  • GMAT official score report (for Full-Time MBA applicants)
  • TOEFL official score (minimum score of 95, waivers possible)
  • Official university transcripts in English or German
  • A non–refundable application fee of €130,00.


The Goethe EMBA and the Goethe Full-Time MBA begin annually in September.

Application deadlines for both programs are:

  • January 15, 2009 (15% tuition discount*)
  • April 15, 2009 (10% tuition discount*)
  • July 1, 2009


Goethe EMBA Goethe MBA
Regular program tuition (2009 intake) € 46,000 € 18,000
Less tuition discount (up to 15%) € 6,900 € 2,700
Less scholarship (max. amount) € 23,000 € 10,000
Minimum total tuition € 16,100 € 5,300

Tuition includes costs for international residencies, e.g. housing and meals. It does not include travel expenses, hardware and private expenditures.

Goethe Full-Time MBA students also have the opportunity to offset living expenses (circa €5,000) with internship remuneration.

*Tuition discounts are granted to admitted applicants who submit a complete program application package by the respective deadline.

Goethe Business School
Frankfurt University
House of Finance
Gruneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 (0) 69 798 33500
Fax: +49 (0) 69 798 33530

For further details please open the following link:

Singapore : Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Full Scholarships 2010 for All Nationalities

The two-year Master in Public Policy (MPP) programme provides a strong foundation in conceptual and analytical skills for future public service leaders and individuals with an interest in understanding and influencing how public policy choices are made.
Areas of Concentration

In particular, MPP students deepen their understanding of a specific field by focusing on one of five areas of concentration:

  • Development Studies
  • Economic Policy and Analysis
  • International Relations and Security Studies
  • Social and Environmental Policy
  • Public Management and Governance

Practical Experience

To obtain direct practical experience, students also undertake a public policy or management study, called the Policy Analysis Exercise, for a client in the public, private, or non-profit sector.


Most students also take internships with organisations that are relevant to their studies, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (Bangkok); National Economic Development Authority (Philippines); World Bank (Washington, DC); Government Investment Corporation (Singapore); and Standard Chartered Bank.

Double/Concurrent Degree Programmes

MPP students can also apply for double degree programmes with Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). The school also offers double degree programmes with NUS Faculty of Law and NUS Business School.

Students may also complete concurrent degree programmes with the NUS Faculty of Law and NUS Business School. These programmes allow the top students from the Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration programmes to begin their Master in Public Policy Programme concurrently with the third or fourth year of their law or business studies.

Financial Aid icon


The School provides a number of grants to students. Although the specific value and coverage may vary, a grant will generally cover 20% of tuition fees, as well as cover additional fees and provide a modest stipend. For the remaining portion of the tuition fee not covered by the grant, grant recipients may apply to NUS for a tuition fee loan. More specific information on grants will be communicated to you if you are successful in your application.


The scholarships below are offered on a competitive basis. Applicants must have good academic and professional records. They must also have demonstrated leadership and a desire to contribute to public service. Not all the awards will be made unless there are candidates of sufficient merit. Scholars may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship or award without the prior approval of the School.

There is no bond or obligation for the scholar to be employed by NUS or in Singapore.

Note 1: The following items are covered by the terms of the relevant scholarships:

  • A monthly stipend throughout the period of the award
  • A one-time book allowance
  • A one-time settling-in allowance
  • Shared housing
  • Tuition, health insurance, examination and other approved fees
  • Cost of travel from home country to Singapore on award of the scholarship
  • Cost of travel from Singapore to home country on graduation

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Graduate Scholarship

The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Graduate Scholarship is offered by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy to students who have demonstrated leadership and a desire to contribute to public service. This scholarship is available to all nationalities.

The terms of this scholarship for Singapore citizens and permanent residents are as follows:

  • A monthly stipend throughout the period of the award
  • A one-time book allowance
  • Tuition, health insurance, examination and other approved fees

Please refer to Note 1 for the terms of this scholarship for all other nationalities.

For further details please go to:

Germany : European School of Management and Technology Full-Time MBA Scholarship 2010

ESMT European School of Management and Technology is offering several additional merit-based scholarships for applicants to the Full-time MBA program beginning January 2010 in Berlin. These scholarships have been made possible by ESMT’s partner companies, who have donated to the scholarship pool. Outstanding female candidates may also apply for a limited number of full-tuition scholarships. ESMT’s partners are a group of 25 global companies, such as Allianz, BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, MAN, Siemens, The Boston Consulting Group, and ThyssenKrupp.

ESMT: New scholarships for Full-time MBA candidates available

  • Special scholarships for outstanding female candidates
  • Partner companies funding scholarships for applicants of exceptional merit
  • 3 Corporate Fellowships with traineeships at international corporations for qualified candidates

About ESMT

An international management school, based in Germany, with a distinct European focus

ESMT European School of Management and Technology was founded in 2002 to establish an international business school, based in Germany, with a distinct European focus. ESMT offers excellence and innovation through rigorous academic research, teaching and consulting—with a practice-oriented approach to business education.

ESMT focuses on three main topics: Europe, Leadership, as well as Management of Technology and offers an MBA and Executive MBA programs and executive education. ESMT’s main campus is located in Berlin with another campus in Cologne.

ESMT Scholarships

Supported by its 25 corporate founders ESMT is able to offer substantial scholarships to support students. The scholarship can cover full tuition and fees in exceptional cases, depending on the assessment by the MBA Scholarship Committee of the applicant’s merits. Every applicant will automatically be considered for an ESMT Scholarship. In addition to our general scholarships we would like to highlight the following:

Special full scholarships for female candidates

ESMT would like to encourage applications from female candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic excellence. Your online application has to be completed before December 1, 2009. Please note that a completed application includes submitting all supporting documents in addition to the interview.

Allocation of scholarships

Scholarships will be allocated on the basis of intellectual excellence, evidence of personal and professional achievement and evidence of strong leadership potential. Applicants do not have to apply separately for the scholarship as the application and interview results will be used to measure the mentioned criteria.

The amount of the scholarship will be decided after a candidate has been accepted into the program. The MBA Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and makes the decision as to the amount. This decision is final.

ESMT exclusively offers scholarships in conjunction with a successful application to its MBA program. The scholarship is not donated in the form of cash and will be deducted from the applicant’s tuition fees.

ESMT Corporate Fellowship Program

Coverage of full tuition and fees, 6-month traineeship paid by sponsoring company

Together with corporate founders such as Allianz and E.ON, ESMT offers this exclusive opportunity to Full-time MBA applicants. Your profile is matched to the recruitment requirements of our corporate partner. If you fit in with these criteria, and you are selected by our partner, you become a Corporate Fellow. Your sponsoring company covers your tuition and fees. You also receive a 6-month paid traineeship period in the company (1,000 Euro/ month).

For further details please open the following link:

Austria : PhD Scholarships 2010 in Finance at Vienna Graduate School of Finance

The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance starting in fall 2010. Up to six scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.
The program is open for students from all countries with all academic specializations, provided they hold a Master degree or equivalent and have sufficient level of formal training. Students who are going to graduate soon (by June 2010) may apply, too. To participate in the selection process a candidate’s application must be received by January 7, 2010

Online Application:

The VGSF PhD program in Finance consists of two parts: rigorous coursework and work on the PhD thesis. The students attend courses covering all major topics in finance and analytical methods required for research. In particular, the courses focus on Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing and Quantitative Methods in Finance. In the past academic years students had the chance to attend courses taught by international scholars such as Tomas Björk, Christopher Hennessy, David Lando, Jacob Sagi, Rossen Valkanov, Jiang Wang and Toni Whited. After passing the required exams, students start to conduct research projects on their own. In our weekly research seminar students have the opportunity to meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their state-of-the art research.

Josef Zechner,
Director of the PhD Program

For more details please open the following link:

UK : 35 Three-Year, Full-Time Doctoral University Research Studentships

City University

City University London's success in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) confirmed a major step-change in our research profile. World-class activity was recognised in many areas, leading to an increase of over 50% in our quality research funding. Based on that success, we have recently concluded a major review of research and knowledge transfer, which has allowed us to redefine our research as an all-inclusive set of activities comprising basic and applied research, policy- and practice-focused research, knowledge and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and consultancy. As we prepare for the future, our attention is focused on demonstrating the societal value of our research and the impact it makes on business, industry, government policies and the professions.

Our research and enterprise activities are more exciting and diverse than ever, with subjects ranging across business, social sciences, engineering and mathematics, informatics, law, music, journalism, cultural policy and a wide range of areas in the health-related domains.

We are now seeking to build on our success by offering 35 three-year, full-time doctoral University Research Studentships, available to both home and overseas fee-paying students. Applications can be made to undertake doctoral studies in any School of the University.

In addition, we would welcome applications from excellent candidates who are practising nurses and midwives who intend to use the degree to further their professional career. This follows the outstanding performance of our researchers in the Nursing and Midwifery areas in the 2008 RAE.

For entry in October 2010, the studentships will attract a bursary of £14,500 per annum in addition to payment of the tuition fees, plus an allowance of £1,000 across the studentship period for conference attendance, equipment etc. Successful candidates will usually be expected to undertake some teaching support activity in their second and third years, by agreement with the School concerned.

Full details can be found here:

Closing date for applications: Monday 25 January 2010

Please visit ref: 'University Research Studentships' to view other studentship opportunities being offered.

City University London

Northampton Square



The University for business and the professions

UK : City Overseas Student Awards

City University

City University London's success in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) confirmed a major step-change in our research profile. World-class activity was recognised in many areas, leading to an increase of over 50% in our quality research funding. Based on that success, we have recently concluded a major review of research and knowledge transfer, which has allowed us to redefine our research as an all-inclusive set of activities comprising basic and applied research, policy- and practice-focused research, knowledge and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and consultancy. As we prepare for the future, our attention is focused on demonstrating the societal value of our research and the impact it makes on business, industry, government policies and the professions.

Our research and enterprise activities are more exciting and diverse than ever, with subjects ranging across business, social sciences, engineering and mathematics, informatics, law, music, journalism, cultural policy and a wide range of areas in the health-related domains.

City Overseas Student Awards

With the end of the UK Government's Overseas Research Students (ORS) Awards, we have also decided to institute our own scheme in order to supplement the main studentships and to increase support for international research students. The City Overseas Student Awards will cover the doctoral tuition fees of overseas fee-paying students who can demonstrate outstanding merit and research potential. Eligible candidates will be considered for both full studentships and these additional awards.

Full details can be found here:

Closing date for applications: Monday 25 January 2010

Please visit ref: 'University Research Studentships' to view other studentship opportunities being offered.

City University London

Northampton Square



The University for business and the professions

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

UK : Overseas Scholarships in Music

City University

City University London's success in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) confirmed a major step-change in our research profile. World-class activity was recognised in many areas, leading to an increase of over 50% in our quality research funding. Based on that success, we have recently concluded a major review of research and knowledge transfer, which has allowed us to redefine our research as an all-inclusive set of activities comprising basic and applied research, policy- and practice-focused research, knowledge and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and consultancy. As we prepare for the future, our attention is focused on demonstrating the societal value of our research and the impact it makes on business, industry, government policies and the professions.

Our research and enterprise activities are more exciting and diverse than ever, with subjects ranging across business, social sciences, engineering and mathematics, informatics, law, music, journalism, cultural policy and a wide range of areas in the health-related domains.

Overseas Scholarships in Music

The Department of Music in the School of Arts can offer 4 Overseas Scholarships in Music to full-time overseas fee-paying doctoral students. The Scholarship comprises a £4,000 contribution to overseas tuition fees, renewable for a further two years dependent on progress. Overseas students who wish to study for an MMA-DMA degree (jointly with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama) are eligible for an award of £2,000.

Full details can be found here:

Closing date for applications is Monday 25 January 2010

Please visit ref: 'University Research Studentships' to view other studentship opportunities being offered.

City University London

Northampton Square



The University for business and the professions

UK : Full time PhD Studentships in Pain Research

Birmingham City University - Faculty of Health, Graduate School


The Faculty invites applications for two studentships leading to the degree of PhD (either directly or via MPhil) in aspects of pain neurophysiology.

The studentships will join an established programme of clinical pain research between the University and the NHS regional pain centre. There are currently 5 PhD students in this group undertaking various studies related to chronic pain and a postdoctoral researcher is shortly due to be appointed. Applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates in biomedical sciences, clinical sciences and medicine.

Funding for the studentships is for three years and includes a subsistence grant of £13,290 per annum with University fees of £3,390 paid for UK/EU students. Applications from candidates outside of the EU will incur higher University fees which will reduce the subsistence grant.

Pain Research

The Faculty of Health has a research interest in clinical pain with projects in pain measurement, psychology of beliefs, spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, intrathecal drug delivery. The linked clinical unit is a nationally recognised centre for the specialised therapies of spinal cord stimulation and intravenous drug infusions in fibromyalgia. The 2 PhD projects in the following areas are being offered:

  • 1. Central processing of pain neuromodulation: Investigations of neurostimulation
  • 2. Central processing of pain neuromodulation: Investigations of fibromyalgia

The 2 students together will be expected to develop and test paradigms for investigation of central mechanism of pain transmission and to apply these to the two clinical therapeutic areas above. This will involved testing and possibly validating various neurophysiology clinical equipment

Support is provided throughout and there is an expectation in the early stages to support the learning of experimental and therapeutic techniques.

The students are also supported by access to the multidisciplinary clinic team providing these specialised clinical therapies. Office space and computing are available at the research site.

The team has a track record of regular peer-reviewed publications and research grant awards and past students have been invited to present their work at national and international meetings.

How to apply

Applicants should hold or expect to hold a first or upper second class honours degree in a biomedical or related discipline and have a working knowledge of neurophysiology.

You can find out some more information and the application forms on our website following the below link.

Information on the Faculty of Health's Centre for Health and Social Care Research and Graduate School can be find via

Return the completed Research Degree Application Form and a Covering Letter to Mrs Sue Clarke, Research Administrator, Graduate School Administrator

Centre for Health and Social Care Research, Birmingham City University, Room 224, Ravensbury House, Westbourne Road Campus, Birmingham B15 3TN Tel 0121 331 6124 Fax 0121 331 6076

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Prof Jon Raphael for an informal discussion by emailing or tel. 01384 244809.

The closing date for applications is 21st Nov 2009.

Europe : 14 Marie Curie PhD Fellowships

Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History

University of Potsdam

We invite applications for 14 Marie Curie PhD Fellowships in the Project “Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History”. All fellowships may commence on February 1st 2010 and include funding for 3 years. Living and mobility allowances are between 30,000 € and 47,000 € per year. ENGLOBE is funded through the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union.

The vacancies are based at the following universities:

  • Universität Potsdam, Germany,
  • Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal,
  • Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France,
  • Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Poland,
  • Technische Universität Berlin, Germany,
  • National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland,
  • Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey,
  • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, Spain,
  • Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom.

Selected graduates will have the opportunity to do their PhD. in the field of Enlightenment Research. Their dissertation topics should be situated in one of the following four thematic areas:

  • Comparative history and transfers of knowledge and sciences (e.g. European and extra-European knowledge transfer processes; transformations of knowledge societies in history; definition of truth criteria in different societies since the 18th Century; media and forms of knowledge; intercultural modes of thought).
  • Comparative patterns of perception (e.g. comparative forms of perception of “otherness”; construction of cultural and religious spaces and frontiers; colonial discourses within Europe; images and stereotype production; anthropology and race theories since the Enlightenment; Literature as a source in Global History).
  • Values in hybrid cultural spaces (e.g. different forms of modernizations; hybrid cultural spaces within Europe; conceptions of Orientalism and Occidentalism; Europe-transcending conceptions in Global History; Gender aspects in the Philosophy of History; art and architecture as sources in Global History).
  • Extra-European and European approaches to the key concept “evolution” (e.g. models, levels, and dimensions of evolution; influence of Enlightenment ideas on independence movements in extra-European societies; criticisms of colonial structures within the Enlightenment).

The "training-through-reseach" encompasses secondments to extra-European network partners, training in complementary skills (e.g. project management, intercultural communication, presentation skills) and joint supervision of dissertations.


  • A good primary degree in the humanities (history, philosophy, literature, cultural studies, art history or similar fields);
  • Mobility (the willingness to live and work in a foreign country);
  • High motivation in performing interdisciplinary research;
  • Capacity for teamwork, flexibility, communication skills;
  • Fluent English; other languages would be advantageous.

Important: At the time of selection by the host organisation, researchers should not have resided or received education or employment in the country of their host organisation for a period exceeding 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.

Your Application should include:

  • A formal letter of Application (including contact details, outline of research interests, declaration of motivation),
  • Curriculum Vitae with passport photo,
  • Graduation certificates,
  • An outline (3 pages) of your proposed PhD project.

Deadline for applications: 15 December 2009.

For information about the Marie Curie Programme please consult:

For more detailed information about the ENGLOBE Programme please visit our homepage:

Applications (by post or email) should be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile

Project manager ENGLOBE

University of Potsdam

Am Neuen Palais 10

14469 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 0331/977-1199


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

UK : PhD Studentship Sound Source Localisation and Separation for Robot Audition

University of Surrey - Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP)

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship to pursue research in the area of audio signal processing with applications to automatic localisation and separation of a target speech signal from a mixture of sound sources. The project, starting on Monday 4 January 2010, will focus on developing novel signal processing algorithms and software tools to explore both statistical and spatial characteristics of the stereo input with the aim of enabling a robotic system with certain perceptual abilities within complex auditory scenes.

The successful applicant will join the CVSSP, a world-leading research group in sensory (visual and auditory) data analysis and interpretation. CVSSP is one of the largest UK research groups in machine vision and audition with more than 70 researchers and world-class audio and video facilities. CVSSP forms part of the Department of Electronic Engineering, which has a track record high quality research: it was ranked joint second in the latest UK research quality assessment, RAE 2008, with 70% of its research classified as either 4* ("world-leading") or 3* ("internationally excellent"), and attained the highest grade of 5*A in the previous RAE 2001. It produces around 20 academic journal papers and 10 doctorates a year, covering many aspects of blind source separation, audio-video analysis and interpretation, information retrieval and biometrics, 3D computer vision and animation, and speech signal processing.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have a first or 2:1 honours degree or equivalent in electrical and electronic engineering, computer science, mathematical science, statistics, physics, or related discipline. Applicants should be able to demonstrate excellent mathematical, analytical and computer programming skills. Advantage will be given to applicants with experience in one or more areas of audio and speech signal processing, acoustics, blind source separation, and/or machine learning.


The studentship includes tuition fees (at the UK/EU rate of approximately £3400 per year) and an annual bursary of approximately £13000. Prospective students of any nationality are eligible to apply. However, international (i.e. non-UK/EU) applicants should be prepared to cover the difference in tuition fees, which is approximately £8000 per year.

How to Apply

If you want to apply, you should send a CV, a covering letter explaining the reason why you are interested in this studentship, a scanned copy of your undergraduate and/or postgraduate transcripts and certificate of qualifications, names and contact details of two referees. Please quote the above studentship in your email or covering letter.

Applications should be sent to:

Mr James Field

Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing

Department of Electronic Engineering

University of Surrey

Guildford, Surrey

GU2 7XH,



For informal enquiries about the studentship, please contact Dr Philip Jackson at

Suitable candidates will be shortlisted within one week of the closing date, and then be invited to complete the application form and to have an interview.

Application Deadline: Monday 7 December 2009. For further information about the University of Surrey, please visit The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy

UK : EPSRC PhD Studentship Quantitative assessment of atherosclerotic plaque stability

Aston University - School of Engineering and Applied Science

(3 years)

Ref no. R090328

Applications are invited for a three year PhD studentship, supported by the School of Engineering and Applied Science of Aston University to be undertaken within the Biomedical Engineering Research Group at Aston University. The successful applicant will join an established experimental and modelling group working on biomedical research. The position is available to start in 2010 (subject to negotiation)

Financial Support

Will be provided to the successful applicant to cover the Home/EU fees rate plus a maintenance grant of £13,290. Applicants from outside the EU may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the difference between the ‘Home/EU' and the ‘Overseas' tuition fees, currently this is £8,270.

Background of the Project

Atherosclerosis is a widespread arterial disease that can lead to heart attack or stroke. For the carotid artery, the most common treatment is surgery to remove the plaque. Currently, the decision to perform surgery is based primarily on the degree of blockage in the artery. In the case of relatively severe blockage of the carotid artery, surgery provides an improved outcome for only a minority of patients, and there is no clear guidance for patients with moderate blockage. Finite element modelling has been demonstrated for atherosclerotic plaque, but the accuracy is uncertain, because tissue properties vary between patients by more than a factor of two. Since there is a nonlinear relation between plaque geometry, tissue properties and stress, correct tissue properties are critical for accurate determination of plaque stability. This project would involve using medical CT or MR images to construct solid models of arterial plaque, determine the patient specific material properties and finally the stability of the plaque.

Person Specification

The successful applicant should have a first class or upper second class honours degree or equivalent qualification in Mechanical Engineering or a related subject or hold an MSc in a relevant discipline. Preferred skill requirements include knowledge/experience of materials modelling, testing or analysis of soft materials and finite element analysis. For informal enquiries about this and other opportunities within the Biomedical Engineering Research Group, contact Dr. Greg Swadener by email

Application forms, reference forms and details of entry requirements, including English language are available at

Please send your completed application form with at least two academic references and a full CV by email to or by post to: Dr. Greg Swadener, Mechanical Engineering and Design Department Aston Triangle, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, United KingdomT: 0121-204-3536 (direct)

Closing Date: 7 December 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

UK : PhD Studentship University of Edinburgh - Informatics Graduate School

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program "EuroSPIN" (European Study Programme in Neuroinformatics) is inviting applications from students having a solid background in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, biochemistry or neuroscience (on a master level or equivalent), in all cases with computer science skills. Documented interest in research like activities (e.g.demonstrated in the form of master thesis work, or participation in research related activities) is of large importance. Also fluency in English is requested.

Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience and informatics research to develop and apply computational tools and approaches that are essential for understanding the structure and function of the brain.Four partners participate in EuroSPIN:- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden- University of Edinburgh (UoE), UK- National Centre for Biological Science (NCBS), India- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (ALUF), Germany

These four partners are all research leaders in the Neuroinformatics field, but they have complementary strengths. In addition, two associated partners, the Honda Research Institute and Nordita, participate.

Each student will spend most of the time at two of the partner universities, and also receive a joint (or double) PhD degree following a successful completion of the studies. The mobility periods, as well as the courses a student will follow, are tailored individually based on:

a) the PhD students background;

b) which constellations of partners that are involved, as well as

c) the specific research project. During the PhD period each student has one main supervisor from each of the two universities that grant the PhD degree.

During the application process, the students are asked to indicate their preferences with regard to constellations of partners, and also preferred project ideas/areas can be indicated and motivated.

There are excellent scholarship opportunities for students accepted to an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme. A stipend or employment contract will be given to all selected PhD students during the study time, which is between 3-4 years.

If you are interested, go to our homepage:

Deadline for Application (non-EU students): December 15, 2009.

Deadline for Application (EU students): about March 2010 (will be announced).

UK : Doctoral Research Studentship

A Clean Engine for Regeneration? Hydro-electricity and Environmental Impact, 1945 - 2008. Energy, Climate Change and Adaptation Research Cluster

University of Stirling

As part of a major initiative to explore issues of Energy, Climate Change and Adaptation, the University of Stirling is offering a doctoral research studentship on ‘A Clean Engine for Regeneration? Hydro-electricity and Environmental Impact, 1945-2008’. This will focus on hydro-electric energy policy in Scotland and Norway since 1945. The studentship will be for the value of £16,240. Suitably qualified applicants with a good first degree in history, politics, environmental science or geography, or who may have studied hydrology, fluvial geomorphology or aquatic ecology, are encouraged to apply. You should also be keen to develop an understanding of the environmental impact of hydropower generation and environmental policy relating to water and renewables.

This thesis will provide an Environmental History of Hydroelectricity in Britain, set into the wider context of the North Atlantic/northern European experience. Its primary foci will be Scotland and Norway, two of the first countries to begin commercial exploitation of this form of power generation (Scotland 1896, Norway 1906). The research will compare and contrast governmental policy in both countries towards hydropower, and explore public perceptions of and the environmental debate surrounding development. A central issue will be the causes and consequences of the major expansion of hydropower in both Scotland and Norway in the third quarter of the 20th century and the divergent paths followed thereafter, within a chronological span framed by the inception of the UK’s post-1945 energy policy and the sequence of White Papers and Reports of 2003-7 (the 2003 Energy White Paper, the Energy Review Report of 2006, the Energy White Paper of May 2007), and subsequent public statements on Britain’s future energy needs. It will have particular reference to the political, social economic and environmental/ecological controversies and debates surrounding the location and impact of generation schemes on a local, regional/provincial and national scale, exploring recurring conflicts crudely characterised as between economic interests and environmental/cultural pressure groups.

Application Process:

The deadline for applications is 15 February 2010.

Informal enquiries in the first instance may be made to Professor Richard Oram ( Applicants should ensure that they have submitted an application for postgraduate admission to the Postgraduate Admission Office, University of Stirling, STIRLING, FK9 4LA. email:

Please also submit a brief CV and an abstract outlining the nature of your interest in this research topic to Professor Richard Oram, Centre for Environmental History and Policy, School of History and Politics, University of Stirling, STIRLING, FK9 4LA. email:

All documentation must be submitted by 15 February 2010. It is anticipated that the studentship will start on 1 March 2010.

UK : PhD studentship - Ultra precision and micro-manufacturing for bio-medical devices

Cranfield University

Academic Supervisor: Dr Silvia Marson and Professor Paul Shore

Duration: 3 years

Closing Date: 1 February 2010

Supported by UPS2 Integrated Knowledge Centre and McKeown foundation a studentship of up to £17,000 p.a. for 3 years plus fees* is available

Cranfield University has an exciting opportunity for a motivated graduate to undertake research that investigates new processes and technologies in precision engineering for the fabrication of bio-medical devices (lab-on-a-chip devices and bio-impedance probes).

This PhD aims to investigate the use of microreplication technologies for the fabrication of challenging bio-medical polymer products/parts. The project will involve conceptual design, design for manufacture and metrology, moulds manufacturing using state of the art ultra precision and micro fabrication facilities, polymer parts manufacturing using micro-injection moulding facilities. Additional tasks may include modelling and simulation.

The successful candidate will be required to become familiar with the relevant regulatory issues covering the bio-medical devices under development. They will be part of a multidisciplinary team and will be provided with any required training.

Cranfield University is world-renowned for its research in ultra precision technologies. It manages the UK’s Integrated Knowledge Centre in Ultra Precision and Structured Surfaces (UPS2), which is recognised as the leading Centre of Excellence for the development of value adding surface technologies, components and high value products and conducts commercial work alongside research.

This research can also be undertaken as a 1-2 year MRes/MPhil.

Start date: March 2010

Entry requirements

Applicants should have a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent in an engineering, physics or related discipline, with a special interest in engineering applied to bio-medical devices. Applicants should be enthusiastic and motivated with the ability to thrive in an interdisciplinary and challenging environment and feel at ease interacting with scientists in different disciplines.


*Supported by UPS2 Integrated Knowledge Centre and McKeown foundation research grant, this studentship will cover tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. Non UK/EU students will have to pay the remainder of their tuition fees up front before commencing their studies. Applicants are also eligible for a bursary of up to £17,000 p.a. for three years dependent upon qualifications and experience.

How to apply

In addition to your CV, please complete the application form at:

Alternatively, for more information and an application form please contact:

School of Applied Sciences

T: 44 (0)1234 754086



UK : PhD Scholarship Numerical And Experimental Study Of 3-D Strain/Stress Fields In Engineering And Life Sciences

Loughborough University

PhD scholarship jointly funded by the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK, and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Châlons en Champagne, France. The successful candidate will spend 18 months in Châlons en Champagne and 18 months in Loughborough, aiming for a dual doctorate degree.

Up to £12,600 per annum tax free plus tuition fees.

Ref: PDR031109

Loughborough University has a world-leading reputation in the development and application of optical interferometric techniques for measuring strain fields on the surfaces of engineering components. The Mechanics and Manufacturing Laboratory at ENSAM has extensive expertise in the area of inverse identification of material properties from full-field measurements. This project aims to extend novel tomographic optical techniques to allow the mapping of strain fields and mechanical properties inside the volume of weakly scattering materials, in a non-contact way and with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. Specific problems that will be addressed as part of a broader research platform include:

Inverse problem solution: Extraction of depth-resolved distributions of material properties inside weakly scattering materials by means of Finite Element Updating and the Virtual Fields Method from experimentally measured displacement fields using optical methods.

Medical applications: Evaluation of elastic modulus distributions from displacement measurements through-the-thickness of the human eye cornea to numerically predict corneal behaviour after laser ablation in refractive surgery.

Engineering applications: Measurement of 3-D displacement fields inside polymers and composite materials under known loads to evaluate structural damage and extract constitutive parameters.

Further info on research project at:

The ideal candidate will hold, or be expecting, a 1st class or 2:1 honours degree in mechanical engineering or physical science subject, preferably with proven experience in Finite Element Analysis. Strong theoretical and numerical analysis skills, proven ability to undertake experimental projects and proficiency in MATLAB/C++ computer programming language are also required.

At Châlons en Champagne, a scholarship grant of 13,200 € p.a. will be paid by the Champagne Ardenne Regional Council. At Loughborough University, a scholarship grant of £12,600 p.a. plus PhD student fees will be paid by the Wolfson School for EU applicants; in all other cases the student will be responsible for £4,600 towards the cost of the full overseas rate.

Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact Dr. Pablo D. Ruiz, Loughborough University, at or Prof. Fabrice Pierron, ENSAM, at Please contact Ms Jo Mason, Research Administrator ( for further information and an application form. Please quote the reference PDR031109 on your initial enquiry to Ms Mason and on the application form.

The closing date for applications to this post is 30th November 2009.

UK : Four year PhD programme - 2010 MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology

Outstanding research training will be provided at the internationally recognised MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, utilising state-of-the-art techniques in various model systems. Applications are welcomed from a wide range of academic backgrounds; from molecular and cellular biology, embryology to developmental biology, electrophysiology and computational neuroscience.

Year 1: three lab rotations, a taught developmental neurobiology course, seminars and workshops run by leading experts in the field
Year 2-4: research project, transferable skills, seminars and conferences

Projects are available with the following group leaders:

Esther Bell
Eric Blanc
Juan Burrone
QueeLim Ch'ng
David Chambers
Jon Clarke
Uwe Drescher
Britta Eickholt
Manolis Fanto
Phillip Gordon-Weeks
Anthony Graham
Matthew Grubb
Sarah Guthrie
Robert Hindges
Corinne Houart
Tara Keck
Robert Knight
Camilla Larsen
Ivo Lieberam
Andrew Lumsden
Ivor Mason
Martin Meyer
Guy Tear
Ian Thompson
Darren Williams
Richard Wingate
Molecular mechanism of neural induction
Co-expression in Drosophila melanogaster
Synaptic physiology and plasticity
Neuroendocrine regulation of C. elegans physiology
Patterning and specification of cranial motor neurons
Morphogenesis and neurogenesis in the zebrafish CNS
Axon guidance in the vertebrate visual system
Signalling mechanisms controlling circuit formation
Neuronal and glial degeneration in Drosophila
Cytoskeletal dynamics and growth cone pathfinding
The neural crest and neurogenic placodes
Activity-dependent maturation in the olfactory bulb
Axon guidance of cranial motor neurons
Axon pathfinding and synaptogenesis during development
Mechanisms of forebrain fate specification
Mechanisms of structural plasticity
Cranial neuromuscular development
Patterning of sub-regions in the drosophila brain
Generation and regeneration of respiratory motor circuitry
Molecular control of neural patterning
Signalling mechanisms in brain development
Visual system development in the zebrafish
Molecular mechanisms of axon guidance in Drosophila
Development of the mammalian visual system
Dendrite development in Drosophila
Neuron migration and evolution of the cerebellum

For more details go to

How to apply: Send a full CV, the names and contact details of two academic referees and personal statement of your interest in this programme to:
Mrs Stefania Boscolo, Postgraduate Administrator, MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, New Hunt's House, King's College London, Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL.

Candidates should have or expect at least an upper second class degree. Closing date for applications is 8 January 2010. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview in early February 2010.

Queries should be emailed to Please note that the eligibility criteria for MRC Studentships can be found at:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

UK : PhD Studentship: understanding errors in the use of interactive medical devices

University College London - UCL Interaction Centre

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the area of understanding the causes of errors associated with the use of interactive medical devices. Based at the UCL Interaction Centre (, the student will be part of an internationally leading Human-Computer Interaction group within the CHI+MED project.

CHI+MED is a major EPSRC funded research project that brings together researchers from UCL, Swansea University, Queen Mary University of London, and City University to improve the usability and safety of interactive medical devices. Improving the safety of interactive medical devices is a pressing area for research because even simple errors can result in incorrect treatment, or patient death.

Under the supervision of Duncan Brumby and Anna Cox, the student will investigate medical device usage and the cognitive processes that lead to erroneous actions while performing routine procedural tasks. The project will involve experimental work with human participants designed to test theories of interactive behaviour.

Applicants should have a first or upper-second (2:1) class honours degree in Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science or another related area and have a clear interest in human-computer interaction. Experience of running controlled experiments with human participants is essential, as is an effective working knowledge of statistical data analysis tools (e.g., SPSS, R). Candidates should have excellent written and verbal communication skills. High levels of ability in computing and programming are desirable.

British and EU nationals who meet the UK residency requirements, as defined by EPSRC (, will receive a full award covering both tuition fees and a tax-free annual stipend starting at £15,290 per annum. The post is also open to overseas candidates, who will receive the annual stipend, but please note that only a portion of the total tuition fee, equivalent to the UK fee (£3390 per annum), will be covered.

Further information about the studentship and instructions on how to apply can be found at CHI+MED studentship.doc, while information about the CHI+MED project is available at Informal queries can be directed to Duncan Brumby (, tel. 020 7679 0689) or Anna Cox ( studentship runs for 42 months full-time starting January 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Closing date for applications is 6 December 2009.

Interviews will be held on 17 December 2009.

UCL Taking Action for Equality

UK : MA International Relations: Global Security and Development

University of Plymouth - Plymouth Business School

Ref: jobs001

Security threats have become a major global concern. Our programme is designed to address how and why underlying issues such as poverty, disease, environmental degradation, societal inequities and politics create the international framework in which security conflicts emerge.

This MA is particularly appropriate for students with qualifications in one or a combination of these subjects: Development Studies, Economics, Geography, History, International Relations, Language and Cultural Studies, Law, Philosophy, Politics or Sociology.

Programme Highlights

  • Flexible structure tailored to your interests
  • Multidisciplinary programme
  • A bursary will be awarded to the best UK undergraduate applicants

Duration 1 year full time or 2 years part time

Entry Requirements A second class honours degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Other applications will be considered depending on experience, motivation and aptitude. For overseas students, an IELTS score of at least 6.5 is required.

Contact Marketing and Admissions Office, Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA

Tel: +44 (0)1752 585500 Fax: +44 (0)1752 585501 Web:

Programme Manager: Jamie Gaskarth,

For more information on this course please click here

Postgraduate and Professional Open Evening Tuesday 17th November 15.30 – 18.30.

For more information visit

UK : PhD Studentship Modelling Fire Development in and around Radiant Structures

University of Central Lancashire - John Tyndall Institute for Nuclear Research

Reference No RS/09/14

Applications are invited for a full-time studentship available in the John Tyndall Institute at the University of Central Lancashire and supported by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. The studentship is tenable for up to 3 years for a PhD (via MPhil route) [subject to satisfactory progress]. The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates plus a stipend (currently £13,290 for 2009/10) per annum. International applicants may apply but will be required to pay the difference between UK/EU and international fees. The successful applicant will start on 1 January 2010 if a Home/EU applicant or 1 April 2010 if an International Applicant.

Project Title: Modelling Fire Development in and around Radiant Structures

Project Description:

Fire is a complex reaction affected by a large number of variables that present many (as yet) unresolved modelling challenges. This project is aimed at transferring recent knowledge of fire dynamics to a nuclear environment and applying modern modelling skills to specific fire problems identified in decommissioning, transport and storage. The work is intended to underpin future prediction of realistic fire conditions that nuclear structures and transport containers must withstand.

Applicants should have, or expect to receive, a second class (upper division) honours degree in a numerate/physical science subject (e.g. mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry etc) or above or a Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) in a related discipline.

Informal project related enquiries may be directed to Dr Jonathan Francis 01772 893229 or e-mail:

Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS0914) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel: 01772 895082 or email:

The closing date for applications to the Graduate Research Office:

Monday 23rd November 2009

Proposed Interview Date Wednesday 2 December