
Friday, June 13, 2008

UK : University of Bath PhD Studentship

Novel techniques to reduce losses in low-voltage network caused by power quality problems
Centre for Sustainable Power Distribution (CSPD)

Supervisor: Dr Myo Aung

The Centre for Sustainable Power Distribution (CSPD), Bath, is seeking a dynamic and self motivated person to work on a project funded by EPSRC/Supergen–Flexnet Consortium to develop novel techniques to reduce losses in low-voltage networks caused by power quality problems including voltage sags, voltage imbalances, harmonics, and interharmonics. The project involves monitoring and analysis of power quality conditions of low voltage feeders, industrial, commercial and residential premises. The project will then investigate the impact of power quality conditions on the network losses. Finally, the project will develop novel techniques to reduce losses in low-voltage networks caused by power quality problems. The required testing will be carried out at the power quality laboratory.

Eligibility: Home/EU and Overseas students with a good first degree (equivalent to 2.1 or 1st class honours) are eligible. A degree in Electronic/Electrical Engineering is preferable.

Financial Support: The funding will cover UK home fees (overseas students will have to provide the difference between home and overseas fees (about £9000 pa). The funding will also provide a stipend of £13,400 pa for up to 42 months. A budget is available for equipment/travel.

Training Offered: The student will receive a full range of training offered to PhD students at the University of Bath and will work together with members of the Centre for Sustainable Power Distribution at Bath. Further, the student will receive an enhanced training course offered by the EPSRC/Supergen–Flexnet Consortium which consists of the 10 leading universities in power engineering.

Starting Date: Wednesday 1st of October 2008

Application Procedure: An application form can be downloaded at Please send a complete application form together with supporting documents. Please quote the project title and supervisor name. Informal enquires should be made to Dr. Myo T Aung by e-mail: (or) phone +44 (0) 1225 386109.

Further Details

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : University of Sheffield PhD Studentship

Understanding Molecular Chemical Reactions Inside Solids
Department of Chemistry

Applications are invited to undertake a PhD project that aims to understand chemical reactions occurring in molecular crystalline solids. It is anticipated based upon our early results (see J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 9584 and 2007, 129, 15606, Chemical Communications, 2007, 1532 and Angewandte Chemie 2008, 47, 1693) that the project may lead to highly important developments towards responsive or chemically modifiable molecule-based materials, for which applications in areas such as sensors, gas storage, or for catalysis.

The materials to be studied are metal-organic compounds synthesised through supramolecular and coordination chemistry approaches. The project will provide an opportunity to use a variety of techniques including synthesis, spectroscopic methods and possibly some computational studies. However, the prominent focus of the project is on the use of diffraction methods, particularly powder diffraction, to monitor reactions and establish key kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanistic information, which will be vital to fully developing applications of such reactions. The project involves collaborations with colleagues at major national and international experimental facilities and extensive opportunities to use these world-leading facilities, in particular high flux X-ray synchrotrons ESRF in Grenoble, France and Diamond near Oxford, UK, and neutron diffraction facilities ILL and ISIS at the same two sites. The project is fully funded for four years and provides an opportunity to spend an extended period at ESRF in Grenoble during year 3.

The student will work in the research group of Professor Lee Brammer who runs an active research program involving many aspects of studies of crystalline materials ranging from fundamental studies and applications of intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds) to development of porous framework materials for applications in molecular separations, gas storage and catalysis (

This is a 4-year studentship and starts in October 2008. The stipend will be at standard EPSRC rates and fees for UK/EU applicants will be paid in full. Students from outside the EU would need to find funds to pay the difference between EU and international fees.

To apply or to request further information students should contact Professor Lee Brammer via email at or tel: +44 (0)114 222 9536, after which a formal application can be made via the website

The final deadline for applications will be 20 August 2008, but applications will be handled as received and a decision will be made as soon as a suitable candidate has been identified.

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

Programme management: a dynamic capabilities perspective
International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe's top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008.

A programme is a dynamic collection of related projects and activities that bring about strategic organisational renewal.

An organisational capability is built from its assets and resources such as employee knowledge, information systems, and culture.

Programmes are based on relationships between organisations that together use existing capabilities to create new capabilities. For example many large public and private sector organisations use technology ‘service provider' firms to bring about strategic change through IT outsourcing.

There is an urgent need for high-quality research that will contribute to the development of new perspectives and theories that further our understanding of the complex process of programme management. The International Centre for Programme Management provides the opportunity for such research.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr David Partington. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Experience of working on projects and programmes is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr David Partington, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2008. Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School's website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email

WHO Research Leadership Development Training Grants

All applications must be received by June 15, 2008 only by e-mail at Email subject line should include "LTG . Read carefully and follow the instructions in each application. In addition, articles 1 and 12 (with original signatures) should be expelled:

The World Health Organization
CH - 1211 Geneva 27

Fax copies are not accepted. Read carefully and follow the instructions on each item. Late and incomplete applications will not be processed. Applicants from countries that require approval by national must submit their requests through the appropriate channels. All candidates must send a copy of their application to the representative of the WHO office in their home country for information purpose. For more information, please contact Dr. Valaikanya Plasai address:

UNICEF / UNDP / World Bank / WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) invites applications for awards of up to 10 grants for postgraduate training in medical research at academic institutions in endemic countries. Particular attention will be given to applications from the following: the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), as defined by the United Nations; female applicants; applications offering local curriculum; Social sciences and applied research in the field of health.

This new type of TDR grant that instead of Research Training Grants (RTG). While the focus of learning and personal development grantee, this new approach provides development opportunities for home grantee institutions in order to make improvements to research practices in the institution. Various educational technology will be used, including mentoring at various stages of development, training and contracts.

TDR beginning of a new strategy in June 2007, with the vision to promote "effective global research on infectious diseases of poverty, in which the endemic countries, played a key role." TDR new vision is realized through a three-pronged strategy: leadership, empowerment, as well as research on neglected diseases. The district election commission should have a major role in setting priorities for scientific research, taking into account the need and importance for sustainable and optimal impact on the health of the poor. Leadership involves joint structure and information service for research partners, as well as providing empowerment of scientists and public health professionals from the OIC can become prominent leaders who initiate and conduct research.

Description of the Grant Scheme
TDR opportunities (also called business-Line 2) provides a comprehensive, sustainable development capacity of research programs. Both individual researchers and their home institutions supported collectively. With the active participation of the host academic institutions, students are encouraged to develop in the future leaders of research and partners to build capacity for scientific research in the OIC. TDR particularly promising for capacity building in the application of social sciences in medical research. This year, only in applications for doctoral thesis
studies will be considered.

Grant offers the following features:

  1. Individual postgraduate training in medical research. TDR expects to develop a group of young scientists from the OIC, which will become leaders in their fields, and in initiating research projects relevant to their countries. This group of young scientists will strive for relevance, excellence and high ethical standards in the conduct of health research in the district election commissions.
  2. The corresponding capacity development at the primary institution and / or academic institution can be considered optimal for learning grantee.

The long-term perspective the result of the programme is to expand DEC leadership and capacity at the individual, as well as institutional levels, in relevant technical and research management. The program expects trained individuals and their institutions play a key, leading role in developing the concept and prioritization of research needs, use of resources to meet the needs, maintaining contacts with key stakeholders in research and capacity-building needs, and communicating results research to the public. Houses agency and a person must receive strong presence in the research community in the region, and eventually become a resource for leadership training in the region. Certain scientists who are trained under this grant should serve as focal points in each of the institutions, and will be continuously maintained and developed TDR become leaders, to take a leading role in the initiation of relevant studies in their countries and region.

The selection criteria

Applicants must

  1. Be a citizen of endemic countries, usually no more than 35 years for the month of application;
  2. Worked in the past 12 months in the national institute, which studies element in the endemic country, and pledged to cooperate with the Institute for at least five years after completion of study;
  3. Suggest a topic of research and study plan that is relevant to the needs of DEC, TBI Bus Lines (BST) and diseases, as well as the proposed research;
  4. Demonstrate interest and potential for leadership and innovation.

Agencies should

  1. Be national, or not for profit, the establishment of a DEC with an element of health research at TDR pressing problems and diseases;
  2. Let the applicant to be trained in post-graduate programme for up to three years;
  3. Support research proposal to develop individual and institutional research in terms of the proposed area.Two letter of reference is scanned and attached to the application.

The selection criteria

Applications will be judged on the basis of four elements that are no less important:

  1. Aspirants:
    • Excellent results, as a researcher, as well as a principled public health professional
    • Conceptual and managerial capacities
    • Potential for the development of leadership in their field of research
  2. Organization:
    • Excellent results as a national institution, with an element in the TDR study problems and diseases.
    • The strong commitment to support the individual applicant, as well as to explore the plan proposed by an individual applicant
    • The potential for capacity development guidance and support from the leadership at a high level for such development
  3. Procedures:
    • Single and with the support offered by research
    • Display ties between individual and home-Institute for Development
  4. The proposed study will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Excellence (appropriateness, effectiveness, innovation and research logic, and the quality of proposals)
    • Compatibility with international standards of research, Good Clinical Practice, ethics and safety-related issue
    • TDR relevance (TDR consistency problems and diseases, public health relevance, and relevant to the needs of the region.)
    • Does the proposed research experience will serve the needs of the applicant's development
    • Potential serving as a platform for leadership and capacity development in the region
    • Physical characteristics suitable for the proposed study (laboratory facilities, available technologies, computer time, etc.)
  5. Priorities for selection

    • Applications from LDCs
    • Women
    • Study of plans that offer training in their own country or region
    • Social science applications for health research

    The selection process
    All applications to be filed before the deadline will be checked against the selection criteria in the TDR. All applications can then be sent to two members of Education Steering Committee (TSC) for consideration. TDR may seek external reviewers, if not expertise within the Committee. These experts submit their comments on the TDR short list of qualified applications. TDR representatives then make a visit to the institute assessment of the organizational criteria, as well as evaluating applicants potential for development, and make recommendations to TSC, which meets in November. TSC reviews estimates for individual claimants, made by professionals, and recommendations for institutions and the applicants made a visit and make recommendations to the TDR Director for approval of grants.

    Dates for selection of applications

    March 2008 Reception June 15, 2008 Application Deadline July 2008 Applications are considered two members of Education Steering Committee (TSC), or two external reviewers with a request TSC July 31, 2008 Shortlist successful application ready for August 15, 2008 Notification of unsuccessful applicants for the TDR August 2008 visit the site and assess the TDR representative (s) in November 2008 Applications are reviewed, and recommendations made by Research Training Steering Committee (TSC), empowerment 1 week after the TSC recommendation TDR Director approval of recommendations, TSC

    2 weeks after the approval of the TDR Director Grant recipients notified

    All applications must be received by June 15, 2008

    Terms of Use

    To apply for this grant, follow the instructions for use in completing the application. Two judges is required for each application. Applicants from countries that require approval by national must submit their requests through the proper government channels. All applicants should send a copy of their application to the WHO Representative Office in their country for informational purposes.

    Deadline : Jun 15, 2008

    For more information, please contact Dr. Valaikanya Plasai address:

    Dr. Valaikanya Plasai
    Training Manager (ai), empowerment
    Special Programme for Research and
    Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)
    The World Health Organization
    1211 Geneva 27
    Tel: +41 22 791 2170
    Fax: + 41 22 791 4774

India : Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarships in Telecom Management

A generous range of scholarships are available to students of all nationalities to support full-time study of Masters Program in Telecom Management (MPTMP), commonly known as MBA in Telecom, at Aegis School of Business. All successful candidates are automatically considered for scholarship support and are notified as part of the admissions process.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply early to ensure they are considered for all scholarship opportunities. Please note that scholarships vary in value and have different criteria on which they are awarded. There are a number of scholarships up to $8,750, covering part or full tuition fee, are available for highly motivated self-funded outstanding female candidates from any part of the world.

Aegis, a live consulting based business school, was started with the support of Bharti Telecom (Airtel), India’s top Telecom Company, for developing the next generation of leaders. Aegis School of Business is the most international business school in India, in term of student and faculty diversity. School has over 70 % International candidates, which is the highest among any Indian Business Schools. The international diversity at Aegis prepares participants for a global work place. Aegis offers one-year full time programs: MBA/ PGP, MBA IT, MS in Computer Engineering/ MPIS, Masters in Telecommunication Management program, Post Graduate Program in Communication.

Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided by your experience, technical competency, academic excellence and how these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance learning and group work at Aegis.

This Scholarship is available for candidates admitted in full-time programs at Aegis and has a confirm offer letter. Candidate should have Bachelors Degree/ Diploma in science or Technology.

To be eligible for Scholarship you need final admission offer letter from Aegis.

Details of Eligibility criteria for admissions can be found here .

Scholarship Amount:

Scholarships up to $8,750 covering the full or partial tuition fee are available for highly motivated, self-funded individuals.

Selection Process:

  • Applications evaluation and short listing
  • Interview of Short-listed candidates ( option for telephonic interview available)
  • Please note that scholarships vary in value and have different criteria on which they are awarded.

Important Dates:

Application on ongoing basis

2nd round application deadline 25 June 2008
3rd round application deadline 10 July 2008

Next Step:

  • Resume: Send a copy of your updated Resume for pre-application screening at
  • Application: Complete the application form downloadable / online applicationform
    Admission Application Form and Scholarship Application Form is common.
    When you submit the application for admission along with additional essay for scholarship, your candidature will be automatically processed for scholarships.
  • Additional one or tow page essay explaining, “Why I should be considered for award of Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship?”
  • Test Scores: Copy of any one of the Test Scores viz. GMAT, GRE, TOEFL (Aegis TOEFL code is 5730), IELTS, CAT, G4ATR (not mandatory). Although it is not mandatory requirement, but it will defiantly increase your prospect of getting the scholarship and candidature in the program.

To explore more about the program and scholarships at Aegis, feel free to call: +91 932 252 5977 or +91 982 087 0483 or or email:

You can also read more details at the official scholarship page.

Main Contact

Sarika Gupta
Director Admissions & Financial Aid
Aegis School of Business
Aegis School of Telecommunication
Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15, CBD, Belapur
Navi Mumbai 400614
Phone: +91 022 67122726
Mobile: +91 (0) 93225 25977


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ireland : National University of Ireland PhD Studentship: Valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Department of Economics

Further Details

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

False Optimism in Project Management

International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe's top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008

The repeated failure of major projects in the public and private sectors has been linked with the setting and sustaining of over-optimistic expectations by stakeholders. This PhD study will explore the phenomenon of false optimism in projects - its nature and its causes. We envisage that the findings of the study will have significant theoretical and practical implications.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr Elmar Kutsch. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Ideally, we are seeking an individual with a background in social psychology. Experience of working on projects is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr. Elmar Kutsch, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 7 July 2008.

Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School's website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email

UK : University College London PhD Studentship: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award

Modelling Rupture of CO2 Pipelines

Department of Chemical Engineering

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is considered to be the most effective way of tackling the effects of global warming. This will require the large-scale capture, transportation and storage of CO2. In the case of coal fired power generation plants, pressurised pipelines are considered to be the most practical, and possibly the only option for transporting the captured CO2 for subsequent storage.

Given the enormous amounts of CO2 contained in such pipelines (typically several million tonnes), a prior knowledge of the release rate and subsequent dispersion in the event of pipeline rupture is central to assessing the failure impact. CO2 is toxic and when inhaled in large concentrations can lead to asphyxiation.

This exciting PhD project aims to extend our award winning work ( to develop a computer based model for predicting the failure consequences of CO2 pipelines. The project carried out in close collaboration with a major industrial partner is multidisciplinary involving a variety of subjects including, fluid mechanics, mathematics, heat transfer, quantitative risk assessment and computing. The experience gained is expected to equip the prospective PhD graduate with job opportunities in a variety of industrial sectors particularly in the oil and gas industry.

The successful candidate will be an outstanding First Class Chemical Engineering or Mathematics graduate (although other relevant disciplines will be considered) preferably with computing skills. The funding covers full tuition fees plus maintenance over three years and is open to suitably qualified overseas students.

UCL is consistently classed amongst the top Universities in the world. The UCL Chemical Engineering department in particular received the highest research rating in the most recent Government funded Research Assessment Exercise placing it amongst the only three such departments in the UK.

C.V's should be sent either by post or email as soon as possible to:
Professor Haroun Mahgerefteh
Department of Chemical Engineering
University College London
Torrington Place
London WC1E 7JE

Tel: 020 7679 3835

UK : University of Wolverhampton PhD Studentship

Statistical shape analysis for the human back

Department of Engineering & Technology,in association with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital,Birmingham

A PhD studentship is available in the Department of Engineering and Technology at Wolverhampton University. This is an opportunity to conduct research on statistical shape analysis of the human back which will be beneficial to patients with spinal deformities such as scoliosis. The Department of Engineering and Technology in conjunction with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham have undertaken research into back shape over the last five years. A prototype system has already been developed and is in regular use in the clinic. It calculates the three-dimensional shape of the back using Fourier transform profilometry and reports clinical data based on angles and lengths. A change to shape analysis of the three-dimensional form will make the clinical results independent of rotation and scale effects; this should improve the reliability and sensitivity of the assessment of deformity.

The 3-year PhD studentship will provide Home/EU tuition fees plus a stipend starting at £13500 for 2008/9. Overseas students are eligible to apply, but will be liable to pay the difference between home/EU and overseas fees (an additional £4810 for 2008/9). The successful candidate will commence in September 2008.

Students should have, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second-class degree in computer science, engineering, statistics, mathematics, physical sciences or a related discipline; excellent computer programming and mathematical skills are required.

Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Fiona Berryman (

Applications, with a detailed CV, transcripts of all degree results and the names and addresses of two referees, should be sent to Dr Fiona Berryman, Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Wolverhampton, Telford Campus, Priorslee, Telford TF2 9NT.

Closing date: 14 July 2008

France: PhD Scholarships in Banking and Finance, University of Limoges

PhD scholarships in Banking and Finance

University of Limoges, Department of Economics (France)

The University of Limoges is launching a call for PhD scholarships in Banking and Finance. The selected candidate(s) will be recruited for a period of 3 years. Co-tutorship with other institutions encouraged.

Research to be conducted on Bank Risk and Regulatory implications (Basel II or III, Bank Supervision, Market Discipline, Ownership and Capital Structure…) with strong econometric and/or theoretical background.

Other areas in Banking and Finance are also welcome. The selected candidate(s) will be connected to an international research network. They will be hosted by the LAPE (Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Prospective Economiques, Director: Pr Amine Tarazi).

APPLICATION PACKAGE Candidates should submit the following: 1) Application Form 2) PhD Proposal 3) Detailed CV 4) Support letter(s) 5) Transcript of records

IMPORTANT: The duly accomplished application package must be submitted as an attachment to an email to celine.crouzille-meslier [ at ] with PhD scholarships in Banking and Finance as the subject heading on or before 25 June 2008.

Dr. CĂ©line Crouzille-Meslier
Université de Limoges
Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques
LAPE 5 Rue Félix Eboué BP
3137 87031 Limoges Cedex 1
Tel.: (33) 555 14 92 14, Fax : (33) 555 14 92 11
Email: celine.crouzille-meslier [ at ]

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Netherlands : PhD Candidate / Bayesian Hypothesis Testing in Hierarchical Models

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD position in Oral Pathology and Biochemistry

University of Amsterdam The Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA)

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD student Bone Regeneration and Stem Cells in Oral Surgery

University of Amsterdam Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA)

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD Position APTADETECT

Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group (AFSG)

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The Netherlands : PhD Position in Accounting

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Economics and Business

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The Netherlands : PhD Researcher SBR-recycling

University of Twente Engineering Technology

Further Details

The Netherlands : 2 PhD-Students "Surfactant-assisted enhanced oil recovery"

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Department of Applied Physics

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The Netherlands : PhD Student Tropical Algebraic Groups

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Department of Mathematics and Computer science

Further Details

The Netherlands : 2 PhD students Organization and Strategy

Universiteit Maastricht Department Organization & Strategy

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The Netherlands : PhD Position: Quenches in strongly-correlated quantum systems

Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD in Analysing the Tsw resistance gene of Pepper

Wageningen UR, Laboratory Virology

Further Details

The Netherlands : Ph.D Position, Physics, In-situ, video-rate STM during electrochemical depositio

Leiden University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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The Netherlands : Ph.D Position, physics, Subsurface AFM - Scanning Ultrasound Holography

Leiden University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD position Economics f/m

The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)

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