
Sunday, June 8, 2008

UK : Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 4-Year PhD Programme in Integrative Mammalian Biology & Parasite Immunology

IMB Case Studentship on "Lipopeptides as adjuvants for Leishmania vaccines"

Case award with Pfizer
Lipopeptides are one of a new generation of immune stimulatory molecules, which activate innate and adaptive immunity through Toll-like receptors. The adjuvancy and generation of protective T cell and antibody mediated immunity make lipopeptides a potentially important component of, or modification to, sub-unit vaccines. This research aims to evaluate the efficacy of lipopeptide vaccines against the protozoan parasite Leishmania in murine models and determine the influence of TLR-2 and co-receptor ligation in vaccine adjuvancy and efficacy.

Training in a wide range of immunological and parasitological techniques will be provided and include visits to the laboratories of the Pfizer vaccine development group. Skills required for working with animal models are an intrinsic part of this project together with the handling and maintenance of Leishmania parasites and their sand fly vectors.

The proposed research is a collaborative project between two research groups housed in a large shared well-equipped laboratory in the new state-of-the-art research facility, The Centre for Tropical and Infectious Diseases. The collaboration combines expertise with bacterial lipoproteins and lipopeptides in innate and adaptive immunity (Taylor Lab) with expertise in molecular biology of Leishmania and vaccine development (Bates Lab).

Professor Mark Taylor (Professor of Parasitology)
Dr. Paul Bates (Reader in Medical Parasitology)

Applications including a covering letter and CV with the names of two referees should be sent via email to Professor Taylor (

Stipend Allowance: £25,527 (under review)

Closing date 28th July 2008 interviews anticipated to be held week commencing end of August 2008.

The School actively promotes an Equal Opportunities Policy