
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Netherlands : PhD student for Genomics

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

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The Netherlands : PhD student on core-shell polymersomes

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

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The Netherlands : PhD-Student at the Institute for Culture and History

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Humanities

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The Netherlands : Phd Monitoring animal welfare and food quality

Wageningen University, Department of Animal Sciences, Animal Production Systems Group

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The Netherlands : PhD position 'Starch based high performance coating materials'

University of Groningen

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The Netherlands : 3 PhD-positions in Biosensors Research

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Department of Applied Physics

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The Netherlands : PhD student for Adaptive Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI)

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

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The Netherlands : PhD Student for viral genomics as an imaginative science

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

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The Netherlands : PhD student for a project on artificial organelles

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

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Italy : University of Modena and Reggio Emilia PhD Studentship

Department of Physics

Field(s): physics, biophysics
Application deadline: Oct 15 (Wed), 2008
Contact: Dr. Ciro Cecconi
Phone: (+39) 059 205-5328
Fax: (+39) 059 2055651

Address: Department of Physics, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 213/A 41100 Modena, Italy

Job description: Protein folding remains a major unsolved challenge for modern biophysics. Despite the experimental and theoretical efforts of many laboratories in the last 40 years, our understanding of the basic rules that govern the attainment of a protein structure is still incomplete. This lack of information is partly due to the inadequacy of conventional bulk methods to study a process that is highly heterogeneous. During folding, individual molecules are thought to follow different pathways and populate different intermediate structures on their journey to the native state. Such a diversity of behaviors is often blurred in the ensemble average measured by bulk methods.

Recent advances in single molecule manipulation techniques, such as laser tweezers, have made it possible to revisit protein folding with a new approach. In these experiments, individual molecules are directly manipulated and their unfolding and refolding trajectories described along a well-defined reaction coordinate, namely their molecular end-to-end distance. In a work published in Science, Cecconi et al. has recently presented a method to manipulate individual globular proteins using laser tweezers [Cecconi et al., Science 2005; Cecconi et al., European Biophysics Journal 2008]. Using this novel experimental approach, Cecconi et al. investigated the folding pathways of single RNase H molecules with unprecedented details, uncovering information inaccessible to ensemble methods.

At the Department of Physics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia a new line of research has recently been started that focuses on the study of the folding mechanism of single protein molecules using laser tweezers. Individual molecules are directly manipulated and their response to force characterized in terms of different parameters, such as: i) deformability of the native state, ii) unfolding and refolding pathways, iii) magnitude of the forces that hold together secondary and tertiary structures; iv) anisotropy of the protein's energy landscape, v) distances from the folded and unfolded states to the transition state(s), vi) thermodynamics and kinetics of fluctuations between different molecular conformations. We are therefore seeking a motivated PhD student willing to undertake research in this field. The PhD appointment is for a period of three years. Candidates should have a B.S. or M.S. in physics or related fields.

For further details please contact Dr. Ciro Cecconi. Applicants should send their resumes (including email address) to Dr. Ciro Cecconi (

Canada : MS and PhD Studentships in System Dynamics and Control

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Ryerson University has a strong and vibrant research programme with a focus on system design, dynamics, and control. Four Ph.D studentships are immediately available in the areas of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, Orbit and Attitude Dynamics and Control, Formation Flying, Underactuated Systems, and Fault-Tolerant and Intelligent Control.

The research will be supervised by Professor Krishna Kumar, Canada Research Chair and in collaborations with Canadian and American industries. The candidates will have an opportunity to work with these industries on real problems of practical significance.

The research involves theoretical and experimental work. The candidates should have a master's/doctoral degree in Mathematics/ Aerospace /Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Computer engineering. The candidates must have a strong background in mathematics, dynamics, and control. Experience with MATLAB is essential. Knowledge of orbital or attitude dynamics is desirable. The prospective candidates should send (preferably by email before July 28, 2008) their resumes along with names and contact information of three references as well as copies of research papers to:

Dr. Krishna Kumar, Associate Professor
Canada Research Chair
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: +1-416-979-5000 Ext. 4908; Fax: +1-416-979-5056

Deadline: July 28, 2008.

Japan : The Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University Scholarships

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University is now accepting applications from visiting scholars and researchers who work on Southeast Asia, or on any one of the countries in that region, in order to conduct research, write, or pursue other scholarly interests in connection with their field of study.

Five fellowships will be awarded for the first half of 2009 on a competitive basis. Fellowships are normally for a six-month duration, although in exceptional cases they can be extended for an additional six months.

Deadline: 31 July, 2008

  • Applicants must submit the following documents in English:
  • a completed application form (Word) (can be sent by email)
  • a curriculum vitae (not exceeding 5 pages) including research experience and a list of your main publications.
  • hard copies of two letters of recommendation (these may be enclosed with the application or sent by the referees directly to the CSEAS, General Affairs Section)
  • Applications should not be stapled, folded, or bent.

Please send your application to:
General Affairs Section
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Kyoto University
46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
E-mail address:
(Important note: When sending inquiries or applications by email, please use "CSEAS fellowship" as the subject or title of the email message, otherwise your application form will not reach us.)

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. Application materials will not be returned to applicants.

For more information click here and for updates, please see our website.

Germany: PhD Positions in Logistics Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen

Two outstanding researchers are immediately sought to work as Ph.D. candidates at Jacobs University Bremen in the research group of Dr.-Ing. Katja Windt, Professor of Global Production Logistics in the School of Engineering and Science. The research group is part of the collaborative research center (Sonderforschungsbereich) “Autonomous Logistics”.

We are looking for two candidates.

Position 1
Candidates in the field of mechanical or electrical engineering (or even industrial engineering with a strong focus on engineering courses) with additional knowledge or a strong interest in production logistics will fit in this position. Your field of research will be related with the evaluation of technologies from a logistics perspective. In addition you will be required to build up the logistics lab at Jacobs University. You should be familiar or have the ability to get familiar with different logistics technologies that are used in the lab e.g. storage systems, identification technologies etc.

Position 2
Candidates with a master or diplom in physics with an additional knowledge in music theory are ideally suited for this Ph.D. position. You will be responsible for conducting logistics research by implementing interdisciplinary approaches. The ideal candidate will deal with the development of new production planning and control methods by the use of interdisciplinary approaches (music theory represents one example).

General qualifications
The ideal candidates should be enthusiastic, creative and interactive individuals who are focus driven and are interested in working in an international research team. Further qualifications candidates should demonstrate are to be able to work autonomously, to show self initiative and a high degree of ability to work under pressure.

We offer
This is an opportunity to work in a young research group. The research field of Logistics Engineering is vastly growing and offers job opportunities in different branches. Interesting tasks in research, university teaching and industrial consultancy will be offered as well as the chances to develop your professional and personal skills in an attractive and modern working environment.

Applicants who feel they possess the above qualifications and qualities are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications should include a single PDF attachment containing a cover letter which explains their logistics background (either interest or research done), copies of transcripts and degrees and the names and addresses of at least two referees. Please include your availability (earliest and latest possible starting dates).

Electronic submission to: s.manss[ at ]

The closing date for applications is 4th August 2008.

Jacobs University is an equal opportunity employer and is certified Family Friendly by the Hertie Stiftung.

Switzerland: PhD Studentships in Computer Vision, ETH Zurich

The new CALVIN research group at the Computer Vision Laboratory of ETH Zurich is looking for several PhD students.

There are three main topics:

  • large-scale learning of thousands of object/scene/attribute categories and their mutual contextual relations from the Internet
  • human pose estimation and action recognition in uncontrolled video, such as TV shows
  • modeling the parallel between the structure of visual scenes and the structure of natural sentences to aid visual learning and automatic image annotation

Your profile:

  • Masters degree (preferably in Computer Science; Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, and Physics are also accepted)
  • Solid programming skills; the projects involve programming in Matlab and C++
  • Solid mathematics knowledge (especially linear algebra and statistics)
  • Creative and highly motivated
  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken
  • Prior knowledge in the areas of computer vision, machine learning or data mining is a plus (ideally a master thesis in a related field)

Please send applications include:
a complete CV, graduation marks, topic of your master thesis, the name and email address of one reference (preferably your master thesis supervisor). If you already have reserch experience, please include a publication list and references.

For further questions, please contact: Prof. Vittorio Ferrari ( ferrari[ at ] )

Germany: PhD Scholarships in Environmental Economics & Earth System Modelling, Hamburg University

PhD Scholarships (Environmental Economics and Earth System Modelling)

The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), in Hamburg, Germany, is a PhD program jointly offered by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the University of Hamburg. The School comprises institutions and scientists from the broad field of Earth sciences, as well as from the economics and social sciences. The IMPRS-ESM contributes to the development, application and evaluation of a spectrum of Earth system models at different complexity and spatial and temporal scales.

The IMPRS-ESM offers several doctoral positions to outstanding students interested in interdisciplinary studies in the comprehensive field of Earth system research. Detailed information is available on
our internet site

The PhD program is open to applicants holding the equivalent of a German Diplom or a Master’s degree (with written thesis) in physics, geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and oceanography), chemistry, ecology, mathematics, computer science, economics, or political science. Applicants need to register on-line ( application.html) and e-mail to us the requested application documents.

Application deadline is September 15, 2008 (online registration closes September 8).

The selection procedure includes an interview of shortlisted applicants. Successful candidates will be offered financial support of about 1,000 Euro monthly to cover living expenses. There are no tuition fees.

Positions will be available starting March 2009 (duration up to 3 years).

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology seeks to increase the number of female scientists and encourages them to apply. Disabled persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.

For questions, please contact: coordinator[ at ]

Monday, July 14, 2008

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

Analysis of work-based relationships and the development of self-efficacy beliefs at differing levels of knowledge, experience and expertise in a clinical context.

Cranfield School of Management, in partnership with Cranfield Health, is offering this 4 year full-time PhD studentship tenable from October 2008. The studentship has been made possible through sponsorship provided by the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Gloucestershire Partnership Trust, Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Bedford Hospital NHS Trust.

The research will consider how significant work-based relationships impact on a clinician's self-efficacy beliefs during key stages in their career. After graduation, junior doctors start working in an environment where they are expected to behave as competent, accountable professionals and be responsible for their own learning and professional development in a variety of new and bewildering situations. Historically, the young graduate would join a ‘firm' of doctors lead by a named consultant and would learn both clinical and professional skills from the doctor above them on the hierarchy. Working for extended periods, the method of learning was a form of experiential apprenticeship. Recently the introduction of the European Working Time Directive and Modernising Medical Careers has challenged this model. Young graduates now find themselves on full shifts in a flatter structure with less peer support available, greater patient and public expectation and an increasingly litigious workplace.

The context for this research is a heightened awareness of work-based relationships as an important factor in the determination of self-efficacy beliefs. Research suggests that individuals who establish and maintain positive work-based relationships have higher self-efficacy, actively gain support and career advantage over those who do not have such relationships. The study will explore the learning and work environment of trainee doctors, including Foundation Doctors, Senior House Officers, the Specialist Registrar and Consultants.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded 4 year full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr Joe Jaina and Professor David Buchanan. The studentship includes full payment of fees and stipend of £12,940 per annum. The successful applicant will have a good first degree and is likely to have, or be currently completing, a Master's degree. Some relevant work experience in the NHS would be desirable. Applications from candidates with a clinical background are particularly welcome.

For an informal discussion about this studentship please contact Dr Joe Jaina, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, or email to whom your research proposal and c.v. should be sent for review prior to your completion of a formal application.

Full details of the formal application process and the PhD programme are available on the School's website at

The closing date for applications is 31 August 2008.

Nertherlands : Tilburg University PhD Student

Human Resource Studies Department

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

TILBURG UNIVERSITY is well known for its high standards in education and scientific research, specialising in human and social sciences and located in the southern part of the Netherlands. For many years, Tilburg University has held top positions in annual national rankings. More information about Tilburg University can be found at

The teaching and research of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences are organized around the themes of Health, Organization, and Relations between State, Citizen, and Society. The faculty’s inspiring working environment challenges its workers to realize their ambitions; involvement and cooperation are essential to achieve this.

The Human Resource Studies Department within FSW, headed by Professor Jaap Paauwe, is a well-established department with a strong reputation spanning two decades for being the only university in the Netherlands to offer both a Bachelors and Masters programme in HR Studies. The department is also developing a strong reputation in research, with academic links to Cornell University in the USA and Cambridge University in the UK, supporting the team of academic staff based at Tilburg carrying out high quality research. Our Masters programme has developed strong thematic modules based on our areas of specialism: Human Resource Studies, Human Metrics & Valuation, Strategic Human Resource Development, Diversity Management, International HRM. Our strong team of academics includes Professors Jaap Paauwe (HRM and performance), Rob Poell (HRD), Pat Wright (SHRM), Rene Schalk (work and well-being), and Associate Professors Riccardo Peccei (performance and well-being), Paul Boselie (SHRM) and Marc van Veldhoven (labour and health), and Assistant Professors Marloes van Engen (diversity and gender), Elaine Farndale (international HRM), and Marianne van Woerkom (workplace learning). For more information about the HR Studies department, please visit:

The Human Resource Studies Department in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Tilburg University, The Netherlands is currently expanding and has the following vacancy:

PhD student appointment (Promovendus) (full-time, F/M, 1+3 years)
Vacancy number 400.08.25

Within the department you will carry out research in Human Resource Studies developing your own research in line with department’s research programme ( You will be expected to have a Masters degree (MA, MSc or Drs) in human resource management, management or social sciences. Furthermore, you will have a keen interest and outstanding ability in academic research. You should be fluent in both written and spoken English, and have excellent presentation and communication skills. The PhD thesis should be finalized within four years. In this period, the PhD candidate will also be expected to carry out some teaching duties for a maximum of 20% of his/her time after the first year. The candidate is expected to attend courses on theory and methods, and to present research at seminars and conferences both in the Netherlands and internationally.

The appointment will initially be for 12 months, to be extended for up to a further 3 years dependent on performance evaluations. Tilburg University is among the top of the Dutch employers and has an excellent policy concerning terms of employment. The salary will be accordance with Tilburg University regulations for academic staff, and will range from €2000 (first year) up to a maximum of €2558 (fourth year) gross per month (various allowances are not included). The collective employment terms and conditions for Dutch universities will apply.

Additional information about Tilburg University and the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences can be retrieved from: Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from Dr Elaine Farndale, HR Studies Department: Tilburg University, PO.Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Applicants should send their CV and a covering letter to Mr M.H. van Ieperen, Managing Director Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Email: Please refer to vacancy number 400.08.25.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt until the position is filled.

Ireland : University of Dublin Trinity College

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS): a novel target for antidepressant activity

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences & Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : Masters Studentship at the Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Science - University of Strathclyde

Applications are invited for one-year Faculty Masters Studentships (comprising full home or overseas tuition fees): the deadline for applications is 15 August 2008.

Applications are invited in the following subjects: English, French, Geography, History, Italian, Law, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.

A list of eligible courses and research degrees on which these awards may be held is available from the Faculty Officer (Ms Bronagh Dallat), Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Tel: 0141 548 2750, Fax: 0141 552 0775, e-mail:,

Further information is also available on the University Postgraduate Scholarships webpage by following the link to: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences Studentships

Australia :Study Lilydale Scholarships for International Students at Swinburne University of Technology

From 2009 all international students who enrol in an on-campus, single degree at Lilydale will receive a Study Lilydale Scholarship.

Scholarship reduces the rate charged at 10% each year for the duration of degree. Fee reduction is off the published fee and not a double degree.

The Faculty of Higher Education, Lilydale offers programs in business, communications and social sciences. Students can combine majors and minors from all three areas of discipline.Scholarships for International Students at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Eligibility criteria

  1. The scholarship will apply to new commencing international students enrolling at The Faculty of Higher Education, Lilydale in 2009.
  2. The scholarship is available to UG and PG coursework programs for single degrees. (Double degree programs and programs studied across multiple campuses are excluded).
  3. Students must not be receiving any other form of Swinburne scholarship, or fee reduction.
  4. There is no separate application required, as eligible recipients will automatically receive the scholarship at the time of enrolment.
  5. Annual retention of the scholarship will be subject to satisfactory progress.

Eligible undergraduate courses
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Bachelor of Business (Tourism and Management)

Bachelor of Communications
Bachelor of Communications (Media Studies)
Bachelor of Communications (Public Relations)

Social Science:
Bachelor of Social Science
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)

Scholarships will be awarded to all international students enrolling from 2009.

Enquire about Study Lilydale Scholarships online.

Tel: 1800 897 973 (within Australia). (+613) 8676 7002 (from overseas)