Research Schools of Veterinary and Animal Sciences wish to appoint 8 PhD fellows in the following themes by research school, for 3 years starting on September 1st, 2008. Successful applicants will enrol at the Faculty of LIFE Sciences, University of Copenhagen, under the auspices of the specific research school. The individual research school administers a special study programme for PhD fellows within their field of research.
Graduate School on In Vivo Pharmacology, INVIVO
1. Hepatocytes as a tool for extrapolation of maximum residue levels of drugs from one species to another.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within a project of the use of primary hepatocytes as a tool for extrapolation of maximum residue levels of drugs from one species to another. The project involves experiments with intact animals as well as development of methods to isolate primary hepatocytes from food producing species.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Anatomy and physiology of food producing animals
- Pharmacology and toxicology
- Analytical chemistry
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
- Knowledge of the principles in drug metabolism
- Experience in laboratory and/or analytical chemistry
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Professor Christian Friis on phone (+45) 35 33 31 61, e-mail:
Research School for Specialized Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics, KLINIK
2. The genetic basis of arrhythmia and sudden unexpected death in dogs.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within comparative clinical aspects of inherited cardiac arrhythmias in dogs and humans.
The aims of the project are characterization of canine candidate genes and comparative genetic findings in human inherited cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death, and furthermore to elucidate the molecular mechanism of disease causing mutations in ion channel genes in canine and humans.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Strong laboratory experience in molecular biology
- Research experience in cardiovascular genomics
- Experience in bioinformatic analysis of ion channel genes
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Chief Physician Michael Christiansen, SSI, phone +3268 3660, e-mail: or Assoc. Professor Jørgen Koch, LIFE, phone (+45) 3533 2933, e-mail:
Research School of Animal Production and Health, RAPH
3. Effects of eradication of Salmonella Dublin from cattle herds.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within research fields mentioned in the following areas:
In Denmark a surveillance program for Salmonella Dublin in cattle herds has been running since 2002. The program provides unique data to assess change in prevalence over time in the whole country and good data on each herd status for dairy herds and to some extend non-dairy herds. In 2006, it was decided to start an eradication campaign for Salmonella Dublin and the goal is to eradicate the infection from Denmark by 2014. There are about 700 infected herds in Denmark today and many of these will be trying to intervene against spread of the infection in their herd and try to eliminate it from the premises over a period of 1-3 years.
There are good experiences and tools available to aid in the eradication strategies in Denmark and to follow the epidemiology of the infection in the intervention herds. However, there is a need for a better understanding of the economical, health and welfare effects of strategies that lead to elimination of the infection in the herds. Such knowledge may lead to more cost-effective intervention strategies and may provide decision support based on animal health economics for or against eradication of infections, such as Salmonella Dublin.
The work in this PhD fellowship will be performed at KU LIFE in close collaboration with researchers at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FAS), Research Centre Foulum, Aarhus University (AU), who are working on incorporating the effects of eradication of Salmonella Dublin from dairy herds into an existing simulation model (SimHerd-model). The PhD fellow will mainly be expected to be doing research based on field work and the use of register data from real life cattle herds. This includes interviews with Danish cattle farmers, herd visits and epidemiological analyses to assess epidemiological, health, welfare and economical parameters of relevance in relation to intervention against Salmonella Dublin. The PhD fellow will also have the possibility to learn about simulation modelling of infectious diseases and animal health economics models as part of the project.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Ability and desire to work with cattle and Danish cattle farmers
- Experience or strong interest in epidemiology (including disease control, modelling of infectious diseases) and/or animal health economics, questionnaire studies or detailed quantitative studies
- Good communicative skills
- A desire to work with many different people in the cattle field
- A positive attitude and good interpersonal skills
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in veterinary medicine or similar relevant biological background (MSc)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be creative and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Associate Professor Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen on phone (+45) 35 33 3015, e-mail:
4. Alfa-ketoglutarate and collagen for healthy livestock production.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within the field of collagen and its importance for healthy livestock production.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Animal tissue work e.g. vessels, muscle and bone including their connective tissue components
- Mechanical stretch testing including breaking strength measurements of animal tissues
- Ultrastructure analysis covering diverse microscopy techniques
- Receptor studies of which G-protein-coupled-receptors are particularly relevant
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
- An inquisitive and flexible approach to research
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Dr. Adrian Harrison (Project Manager) on phone (+45) 35 33 2568, e-mail:
Research School in Animal Nutrition and Physiology, RAN
5. Pre- and postnatal dietary interactions on functional development of the musculo-adipo-insular axis.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within Animal Nutrition and Physiology including the use of experimental animals as models in human research. Focus of the PhD project will be on:
- Comparative studies in humans and sheep on prenatal dietary insults and the consequences for postnatal endocrine and metabolic function
- Impact of pre- and postnatal dietary interactions on development of metabolic and endocrine (dys)function in sheep with emphasis on:
- insulin and IGF-1 signalling and sensitivity in muscles
- ß-cell development and maturation of insulin secretory function
- Molecular mechanisms: gene expression, epigenetics, miRNA translation
An extensive and relevant biological material is available from experimental studies with sheep, and from different co-hort studies in humans (including twin study). This material will be used for state-of-the-art genomics and epigenomics including miRNA studies that can be translated to human conditions.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- (Animal) physiology and nutrition
- Knowledge of or interest in methodologies related to molecular biology (genomics, epigenomics, miRNA)
- Good skills in English
- Good collaborative skills
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Project Manager Mette Olaf Nielsen on phone (+45) 3533 2563 or e-mail: or Professor, Dr. Med. Allan Vaag, Steno Diabetes Centre on phone (+45) 4443 0234, e-mail:
6. Effect of nano-particles of silver on development and growth.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within the field nano-technology in animal nutrition. The main objective of the project is to investigate effects of nano-molecules of colloidal silver on resistance, growth and development on the molecular, cellular, tissue and whole body level. The project assumes the introduction of components in poultry nutrition, which have not been used before, aiming at substituting the use of antibiotics, coccidiostats as well as other pharmaceutics by highly effective, non-chemical action of nano-particles of Ag. To a large extent the applied analytical methods will be based on advanced biotechnological techniques and the use of visualization techniques, including confocal microscopy. Quantitative measurements of energy metabolism in embryos and chickens at cellular and whole body level will be carried out by calorimetric techniques. Utilization of nutrients and growth performance will be measured in newly hatched chickens and growing chickens.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Animal nutrition and biotechnology
- Research or other relevant experience, preferably within the subject area or related areas
- Experience/interest in poultry nutrition and biotechnology
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact the main supervisor Professor André Chwalibog, Department of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen on phone (+45) 35 33 30 44, e-mail:
7. Intrauterine nutrition and metabolic programming in mink.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within the field of intrauterine nutrition and metabolic programming in mink. The main objective of the project is to document the metabolic response and adaptations occurring in mink malnourished during different critical windows of foetal life, and how such effects relate to adult animal health, performance and longevity. The main hypothesis is that malnutrition during critical windows in foetal life will cause alterations in the metabolism of the programmed individuals, and that these alterations can be documented by changes in key regulatory hormones, gene expression for some key enzymes and adipokines and by increased body fat content, obesity rate and reduced lifetime performance of the programmed individuals. The methods used will be a combination of quantitative energy and protein metabolism studies with profiles of regulatory hormones and use of up to date molecular biology techniques for studying gene expression for enzymes and adipokines.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Animal nutrition and physiology
- Research or other relevant experience preferably within the subject area or related areas
- Experience/interest in carnivore animal nutrition and metabolism
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact the main supervisor Professor of Clinical Animal Nutrition, Anne-Helene Tauson, on phone (+45) 35 33 30 39, e-mail: or head of research school RAN, Professor André Chwalibog, Department of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen on phone (+45) 35 33 30 44, e-mail:
Sustainable Control of Fish Diseases in Aquaculture, SCOFDA
8. Immunity in rainbow trout against white spot disease and redmouth disease: optimization of vaccination effects.
Job description
With reference to the project manager, the work of the PhD fellow will consist mainly of duties in connection with research and development within vaccination and immuno-stimulation of fish.
The appointee should have qualifications within the following areas:
- Fish diseases
- Immunology
- Molecular biology
Qualification requirements
In connection with the appointment to the post special importance will be attached to the applicant having the professional and personal qualifications stated below:
- Acquirement of a Master's degree in relation to the above subject area(s)
The PhD fellow is also required to have research potential, to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For further information about the post, please contact Professor Kurt Buchmann, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology on phone (+45) 35 33 2700, e-mail:
General terms of employment
Employment and remuneration will be according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.
The post will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The post is covered by the Protocol on Job Structure.
General questions regarding PhD programmes should be directed to Course Administration c/o Special Advisor Michael Cleve Hansen on phone (+45) 3533 2056 or Head Clerk Lillian Zeuthen Bjørnseth on phone (+45) 3533 2172. Further information on PhD programmes is available at >Present students > PhD programmes > Regulations.
The application should be submitted in 3 copies (sorted) copies; therefore it is not possible to receive the application by e-mail. The application must include a reply e-mail address. Each application must include the following appendices marked with the stated appendix numbers:
- Appendix 1: curriculum vitae with documentation of education.
- Appendix 2: material required for expert assessment.
In addition to the material submitted by the applicant the Assessment Committee may require further material in its assessment of the applicant. In this case it is the responsibility of the applicant, on request, to send the material to the Committee.
Following processing of the application, any application material sent will be destroyed.
Receipt of the application will not be acknowledged, but the applicant will continuously be kept informed of the progress of the application.
The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Executive Order no. 92 of 15 February 2008.
The application, marked 625-91 should be sent to The Faculty of Life Sciences, Grønnegaardsvej 2, 1870 Frederiksberg C, where it must be received no later than June 1st, 2008 at 12.00 noon, CET. Applications received after the closing date for applications will not be considered.
The Faculty of Life Sciences is one of Europe's leading university environments in the areas of food, health, plants, biotechnology, natural resources, the environment and related academic areas.
Our research and degree programmes are centred on knowledge and tools that can help secure a brighter future for humans, animals and plants.