
Friday, May 9, 2008

Australia: AB-CRC Masters Project Scholarships, Australian Universities

This scholarships scheme is provided by Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre (AB-CRC) primarily to encourage students who are undertaking Masters by Coursework degrees in human and veterinary public health and emerging infectious diseases to carry out their short research project in a topic related to biosecurity.

The AB-CRC Masters Project Scholarships is also primarily aimed to provide enriched learning opportunities for Masters students with an interest in biosecurity and to extend the knowledge, research skills and networks of human and animal health professionals in areas relates to biosecurity.

AB-CRC Masters Project Scholarships are tenable at universities which are core or supporting participants in the AB-CRC including Curtin University of Technology, James Cook University, Murdoch University, The University of Queensland and The University of Sydney. The scholarships provide financial support, in the form of project operating expenses, to students undertaking a short research project as part of a Masters by Coursework degree in a field related to human or veterinary public health.

To receive a Masters Project Scholarship from the AB-CRC, students will sign-off on the Conditions of Award included as part of the scholarship application form. This document will be signed by both the student and the supervisor and will outline both the AB-CRC’s rights and obligations, and the student’s rights and obligations.


  • A recipient must be enrolled as a candidate for a Masters by Coursework degree in fields related to human or veterinary public health, emerging infectious diseases or biosecurity.
  • A recipient must undertake a short research project on a topic related to biosecurity as part of the course requirements.
  • A recipient must be an Australian resident or a student from a developing country in the Asia-Pacific

Project Operating Expenses

  • The AB-CRC Masters Project scholarships offered by the AB-CRC consist of project operating expenses valued at up to $5,000 (where the research project contributes 25% or more of total credit points) or up to $2,500 (where the research project contributes less than 25% of total credit points).
  • In exceptional circumstances (on a case-by-case basis) approval may be granted for a research project contributing less than 25% of total credit points to receive $5,000, where appropriate budget justification is provided and where the project topic is considered a high priority area.
  • The recipient must submit a budget as part of the application process. Operating allowance can be used for research consumables, project-related travel, equipment and inter-library loans, but not items that should be provided as basic infrastructure by the host institution, including computers.

Awarding of the Scholarships

  • Scholarships will be awarded to students based on merit and in consideration of the relevance of the project to the activities of the AB-CRC.
  • Scholarships will be announced each year in May and December.
  • Students will be required to consult with their potential supervisors and their Masters program coordinators to develop project proposals, as the project proposal, supervisor endorsement and Masters program endorsement will form part of the application.
  • Applications (including one academic referee report and one professional referee report) will be due in June and January.
  • The Scholarship Subcommittee will finalise the awarding of AB-CRC Masters Project Scholarships in July and February.

Initial enquiries may be directed to the Scholarships Administration Officer, Debra Gendle, phone 08 9266 1634 or email .

Applications must be made using the Masters Project Scholarship Application Form. Application deadline for the current round is on 31 October 2008.

The AB-CRC will ensure that the research projects put forward by candidates selected have been approved by the coursework program in which they are enrolled before the Scholarship is approved for payment.

Application will be assessed and reviewed by a Scholarship Subcommittee of the EUC Standing Committee. Students may be required to vest ownership of Scholarship Intellectual Property in the University, through a Scholarship Agreement, in accordance with the Centre Agreement.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Norway: PhD Research Fellow in Mathematics, The University of Bergen

At the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen or SINTEF ICT, Oslo, a 3-year position as Research Fellow (PhD position) is available within the project:

Geological Storage of CO2: Mathematical Modelling and Risk Analysis.

The fellowship is financed by the Research Council of Norway, StatoilHydro and Shell. Work location will be either at the University of Bergen or at SINTEF ICT in Oslo.

The project is a cooperation between research groups at the University of Bergen and SINTEF ICT in Oslo. The candidate will participate in an international research network devoted to the development of analytical and numerical tools to be used in risk assessment analysis of geological storage of CO2. The candidate will in particular focus on the development of streamline methods for simulating CO2 injection. We seek a candidate with background from some of the fields: numerical analysis and programming, differential equations, and reservoir modelling and simulation. More information about the project is found at

The research fellow must take part in the Universitys approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with the research group in question.

The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as research fellow.

Applicants must have achieved a master degree n applied and computational mathematics, reservoir modelling or related areas, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.

Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government salary scale; currently corresponding to gross NOK 325,800 per year; following ordinary meriting regulations. (range 43/47).

For further information about the positions please contact Professor Helge K. Dahle (UiB), phone +47 55585648, fax: +47 55589672, e-mail helge.dahle[ at ] or Chief Scientist Knut-Andreas Lie (SINTEF ICT), phone +47 22067710, e-mail Knut-Andreas.Lie[ at ]

Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.

State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.

The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions. The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.

The application must include a complete overview of education and professional activities (CV), scanned copies of diplomas and transcripts, publications, a list of publications and other scientific works, and contact details of two or three referees, and should be sent to post[ at ]

Closing date for applications: 6 June 2008. Quote reference number: Matmora 08/5618

Germany: Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels

Funding for two doctoral research scholarships will be available for one year in the first instance, extended to a maximum of three years, based on satisfactory progress. Successful candidates will be registered as full-time students of the University of Kent; registered initially for the MPhil they will be expected to transfer/upgrade to the PhD within 18 months of registration.

Candidates will receive a maintenance grant of €9000 p.a. and tuition fees (€13,690 in 2008/09). Scholarship holders will normally be expected to teach a maximum of 6 hours per week in term time, at the direction of the Dean. Candidates will be subject to an annual review of progress and performance in both research and teaching and will be expected to perform at a satisfactory level in both areas to ensure renewal of their award.

Successful applicants will pursue a thesis topic in an area of research strength of the school. We particularly welcome research proposals in European Public Policy, International Relations, International Conflict Analysis, International Political Economy, and Political Strategy and Communication. Applicants should normally have obtained, or be about to obtain a relevant Master's degree at merit or distinction level. In addition to making an application to study for an MPhil/PhD, applicants are required to submit a research proposal, CV and covering letter. Applicants should also ensure that two academic references are submitted by the closing date of 16 June 2008.

To submit an application for the PhD scholarships please follow the instructions as detailed on the following webpage:

Once you have submitted your application to study at UKB, you may apply for a scholarship by sending a research proposal, CV, and covering letter outlining your interest in the scholarship by email to UKB must receive your scholarship application no later than 17:00 Brussels time on 16 June 2008.

Italy: 7 PhD scholarship in Economics, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

The Advanced School of Economics (in Italian: Scuola Superiore di Economia, or SSE for short) runs two doctoral programs: one in Economics and one in Business.

The Doctoral Program in Economics (DEC) and the Doctoral Program in Business (DEA) emanate from the Department of Economics and the Department of Business Management at the University of Venice. The School coordinates these two programs, that share several first-year courses and a common philosophy. Since 2008, the School has taken over over the activities of a third doctoral program in Economics and Organisation that used to be run as part of the School for Advanced Studies in Venice.

The School is based in Venice and offers only courses at a doctoral level. The official language is English. The current Director is Agar Brugiavini.

Click here for more information

DEC: Application 2008

DEC will admit up to ten students, seven of which will be fully financed (including tuition fees and living stipend). One position in DEC will be preferentially assigned to students with an interest in Mathematical Methods for Economics. The School provides subsidized housing to all first-year students.

The deadline for applying to DEC is May 20, 2008. Notice of admission for DEC will be given by June 9, 2008. Classes start on September 1, 2008.

Admission is based on the evaluation of applicants' curriculum, research interests, and reference letters. Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a statement of purpose (covering research interests) and three letters of reference (one of which should also vouch for the candidate's adequate knowledge of the English language). If available, any published work or working paper should also be included. Enclosing GRE and TOEFL results is highly recommended, but not (yet) required. Documentation should be submitted in English (preferably) or Italian language.

An application to DEC must abide by the statute of the "Bando" (Official Advert) as officially published online by the University of Venice. (This direct link may expire after May 20, 2008.) The official version of the Bando is available from the website of the University of Venice following the path Offerta Formativa -> Dottorato di Ricerca -> Scuola Superiore di Economia - SSE. You can also download a copy of the Bando using the links posted at the top of this page.

For more information about applications to DEC, please contact Marta Colombini (; tel.: +39-041-234-7963).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

UK: University of Manchester PhD Studentship

School of Materials - Textiles Research Group

Click here for Employer Profile

UK: University of Winchester PhD Studentships

The University of Winchester will have a number of fully-funded PhD studentships, attached to Research Centres, available from September 2008 for three years. Subject areas are listed below. Candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a first class or upper second class degree and a Masters degree in a relevant subject area.

Education in Western Philosophy
Inclusive Education
Early Years Pedagogy
Learning and Teaching Science
Sustainability and Education
The Sybil Campbell Library: gendering the cultivated mind

Travel and Communication in Anglo-Saxon Wessex
The Queen's Lands c.1300-1503
Post-Medieval Winchester
Hayling Island Iron Age and Romano-Celtic Temple
Winchester's Medieval Leper Hospital
The Archaeology of Eighteenth-Century Hampshire Houses
Geoarchaeological Modelling of Stratigraphy in Winchester
Landscape Archaeology of Medieval Ethiopia

St Ethelburga’s PhD Studentship in Reconciliation and Peace (see below)

The successful candidate will work with the St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace ( as well as engaging in their research.

Possible areas for research include:

  • The impact, effectiveness and limitations of truth and reconciliation processes (TRCs) around the world.
  • How reconciliation is understood and practiced in different faith traditions.
  • Contemporary forms of non violent action and peaceful protest (reappraising the legacy of Gandhi, King).
  • The development and erosion of European concepts of religious tolerance.
  • The influence of Christian fundamentalism in conflict situations (e.g. Africa, Middle East).
  • The politics of communities in which different faiths have co-existed for substantial periods (e.g. Andalucia, Jaffa).

For application forms and further information please contact:

Chrissie Ferngrove
Research & Knowledge Transfer Co-ordinator
The Research & Knowledge Transfer Centre
University of Winchester
Winchester SO22 4NR

(Please state which subject area you are interested in)

Tel: 01962 827483

Closing date for applications: 30 May 2008
Interviews to be held: week commencing 23 June 2008

Further Details

UK: University of Southampton PhD Studentship Aerodynamics and Computational Aeroacoustics

Aerodynamics & Flight Mechanics Research Group (AFM), School of Engineering Sciences (SES)

Click here for Employer Profile

UK: University of Birmingham Phd Studentship Microstructure behaviour in the mouth: Design Principles for Engineering Intelligent Foods

Supervisors: Dr. S. Bakalis, Prof. I.T. Norton

A range of food related diseases require production of ‘healthy' food products that are of reduced fat and caloric content but retain their high quality characteristics.

Despite advances in the area of physical sciences in creating microstructures with advanced property functions there is still a need to understand the performance of such products during oral processing. An engineering understanding of the phenomena occurring during eating will result in a new approach of Food Product Design and the possibility to engineer healthy products of enhanced sensory characteristics.

The objective of this study will be to obtain an engineering understanding of phenomena occurring during eating of liquid multiphase products. Phenomena such as flow patterns, micro-mixing and microstructure behaviour during mastication will be examined. This will be followed by relating in-vivo microstructure behaviour to in-vitro measurements obtained using a range of experimental tools such as rheology and soft tribology.

Indicative objectives:

1) Develop and implement techniques that would allow quantification of flow and micro-mixing phenomena occurring in the mouth using a compilation of optical techniques, tracers, pressure probes and tomographic techniques.
2) Understand the effect of formulation during in-mouth behaviour
3) Extend and validate existing in-vitro mouth models to study microstructure parameters
4) Understand the relative importance of physical parameters that determine microstructure behaviour in mouth.

For further information contact Dr S Bakalis on

Further Details

UK: University of Birmingham Phd Studentship Printing three dimensional soft solid structures

Supervisors: Dr. S. Bakalis, Dr. L. Grover

Evolution of existing printing technologies has resulted to low cost processing tools that could be exploited from the consumer good and biotech industries. Preliminary work has demonstrated that it is possible to to modify commercially available printers to create two dimensional gel structures. The possibility to extend this work to produce advanced three dimensional structures will make a breakthrough in the technology available to produce consumer goods and biomimetic structures, e.g. the technology could be used for distributive manufacturing processing.

In this work will building upon existing three dimensional soft solid structures will be produced by obtaining a detailed understanding of the physical processes during printing. A range of structures would be then produced, e.g. encapsulates containing active ingredients, living cell cultures.

Indicative objectives would include:

1) Modify existing system to allow for printing of three dimensional structures combining a range of biopolymer
2) Quantify forces during printing and their effect on the printed structures
3) Identify the effect of formulation on the printed structures
4) Produce a range of structures such as capsules and gel structures containing cells

For further information please contact Dr S Bakalis on

Further Details

UK: Northumbria University PhD Studentship Functional biomechanical assessment of patients following total hip and knee replacements

School of Psychology & Sport Sciences

Principal Supervisor: Nick Caplan, Ph.D.
Clinical Supervisor: Shankar N Kashyap, MCh.Orth, FRCS

The aims of this industry sponsored PhD studentship are to investigate biomechanical changes to movement after total knee replacement (TKR) and total hip replacements (THR). The studentship is offered as part of a strong research collaboration between Northumbria University and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead. The student will be based at the University, although time will be spent at the hospital recruiting patients. With access to a large number of patients through the clinical supervisor, the successful applicant will quantitatively assess the patients’ gait, and track changes in gait (and other biomechanical measures) in common day to day movements, throughout the rehabilitation period. The successful applicant will work closely with physiotherapists and registrars at the hospital, and is expected to become actively involved with the industry funding body at conferences and seminars.

The expected start date of the studentship is 1 August 2008.

Skills required

  • Experience of working with human participants.
  • Experience of motion data collection and analysis.
  • Experience of instrumentation, data collection and signal processing with electronic components (e.g. force platforms).
  • Experience of using spreadsheet, word processing, database and statistical software packages.


  • Experience of 3D motion analysis of gait, including inverse dynamic modelling using a Vicon system (or equivalent).

Student qualifications

  • 1st or 2-1 in Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Sport and Exercise Sciences or equivalent (preferably to Masters level).

The Studentship funding (which will be for a maximum period of three years) pays annual tuition fees at the Home/EC rate (currently £3,252) together with a monthly stipend (currently £12,600 p.a.).

Any further information about the studentship can be obtained by contacting Dr Nick Caplan at or on 0191 243 7382.

Applicants are required to complete a Studentship Application form - available from Northumbria University’s website - and submit it to the School Research Administrator, Andrew Pearce (contact details below) by Friday 30 May 2008.

Andrew Pearce
Research Administrator
School of Psychology and Sport Sciences
Northumbria University
Northumberland Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: (0191) 227 7028

UK: University of Southampton PhD Studentship Calculations relevant to Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate Change and Remote Sensing

School of Chemistry

Click here for Employer Profile

Netherlands: PhD Studentships in IT-Enabled Innovation, University of Amsterdam

Applications for PhD students positions are invited by the Amsterdam Business School, Faculty of Economics and Business. Regarding this positions the School is seeking an individual who is excited about engaging in multidisciplinary approaches to studying information and information technologies in a social context.

The salary will be in accordance with the University regulations for academic personnel, and will range from €2000 (first year) up to a maximum of €2558 (final year) gross per month. The collective employment agreement of the Dutch universities will be applicable. The PhD thesis should be finalized within four years. In this period, the candidate will also be expected to do some teaching (20% of the time).

The candidate is expected to conduct research on IT-enabled innovation leading to international journal publications and a PhD thesis. The research will combine multiple methods of investigation, qualitative as well as quantitative.

IT-enabled innovation refers to the catalytic roles of information environments and information technologies in the ability of individuals and organizations to produce something ingenious or at least new in a particular context. The objective of this project is to explore and provide solid evidence regarding the drivers, processes, recurring patterns, prevailing work practices and related socio-technical phenomena that are conducive to IT-enabled innovation.

As opposed to the detection of error and the control of chronic problems, the study should be focused on positive change that involves the encouragement of human strengths and emphasizes a positive stance toward our capacity to construct better organizations and technologies. The resulting contribution is expected to provide further knowledge that can be used to enhance creative work, unstructured syntheses, serendipitous discoveries and any other form of computer-aided tasks that involve unexplored outcomes or aim to enhance our ability to go boldly where no one has gone before. The particular research questions will be framed in line with the interests of the candidate.

General Requirements

  • Master’s degree in any discipline, but preferably with a social, organizational or technical orientation
  • Interest (and preferably experience) in field research, including studies focusing on organizations
  • Demonstrated mastery of both written and spoken English
  • Conviction to complete the requirements toward a PhD degree within four years

The candidate will be supervised by Prof. Rik Maes and Dr Michel Avital, who have extensive experience in guiding doctorate students’ research, and can provide guidance in a wide range of research methods as well as access to a large set of local and multinational organizations.

For further information about the vacancy, please contact Dr Avital (email: phone: +31-20-525-5059). Preliminary inquiries indicating interest, motivation and qualification are highly encouraged.

Applicants should submit a cover letter of intent that details their research interest and related experience, a curriculum vitae that includes relevant coursework, the contact information of three reference persons and, if possible, a web link to manuscripts that demonstrate their writing skills in English (e.g. Master’s thesis, conference papers.).

The application package should be sent via email to Please include the job reference number (08-5005) and your name in the subject line, and submit all documents as attachments.

Although we prefer applications via email, they may be also mailed to:

University of Amsterdam, Personnel Department, Attn Bernadette Clemens, Roetersstraat 11, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Early application is recommended. The deadline for applications is 30 May 2008.

The appointment will initially be for 1 year, to be extended to a total of 4 years upon excellent performance (an evaluation will be held after 8 months). The collective employment agreement of the Dutch universities will be applicable.

UK: Postgraduate Scholarships in History Studies, University of Leeds

Postgraduate scholarships are available for students undertaking a full-time PhD programme in the School of History. The awards will cover full tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. Candidates are expected to have UK First Class or Upper Second Class Honours degree and/or a Master’s Degree, or equivalent international degree.

International candidates whose first language is not english must also meet the University’s English language requirements. Generally the university require TOEFL score of at least 580 with 4.5 on the test of written English or computer-based test score of at least 240 with 4.5 on essay rating or an IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 with at least 6.0 in all components.

You may apply online for research degree study at: or may be downloaded from:

You may apply online for taught postgraduate degree study at: or a PDF version may be downloaded from this page.

All enquiries regarding these awards must be made in the first instance to:

Maria Di Stefano
School of History
University of Leeds
Tel: +44 (0) 113 343 3610

Application deadline is 16 August 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

USA: Center for Neural Science New York University Postdoc Position

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Center for Neural Science at New York University for research into the neural mechanisms of sensory-motor behavior. The project will investigate activity in neuronal circuits of the posterior parietal cortex and its relationship to eye-hand coordination and decision making. Experimental work will involve simultaneous multiple area, multiple electrode recordings in behaving animals.

The successful candidate will be highly motivated, have a PhD in neuroscience, bioengineering or a related field, experimental experience in neurophysiology, and experience programming in MATLAB. They will benefit from state-of-the-art research facilities and a vibrant community at the Washington Square campus of NYU. Salary will follow NIH guidelines commensurate with training and experience.

Please send a letter describing research experience and interests, a CV and contact information for three references electronically to Dr. Bijan Pesaran at or to the following address:

Dr. Bijan Pesaran
4 Washington Pl., Rm 809
Center for Neural Science
New York University
New York, NY 10003

France: PhD Studentships in Aroma and Perfume Research, the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

At the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Côte d’Azur – France, in the Faculty of Chemistry, Parc Valrose, a motivated and competent Ph.D. student is required, capable to analyse the molecular ingredients in aromas and perfumes by multidimensional chromatographic techniques. Starting in October 2008, a BDO/BDI contract will be offered (brut: 1757,- EUR/month), including possibilities for a three-year extension.

The ideal candidate will have a Master-2 degree in chemistry, a strong background in bioanalytical chemistry as well as in chromatographic techniques. English language skills are manda­tory.

Apply with CV and letter of interest in English or France language to Pr. Uwe Meierhenrich, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, LCMBA, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, Uwe.Meierhenrich[ at ]

The closing date for applications is Thursday 22 May 2008.

France: PhD Positions in Color Content-Aware Image Processing

Subjet: Robust color invariant features for object recognition

Introduction :
Image retrieval consists in finding among a database of target images those which represent the same scene as this represented by a query image. In this context, the key-point is the extraction of efficient descriptors from the images. Several recent studies have shown that color histograms can be very efficient in this context. However, color histograms do not take into account the spatial arrangement of colors and are very sensitive to illumination changes. Several authors have shown that the spatial organization of colors could significantly improve the performance of the image classifiers. Some spatial descriptors, such as color correlograms, may be used to represent in a global way the spatial arrangement of colors in the image, but they are sensitive to object occlusion and scale variation and are not designed to recognize objects in cluttered scenes. In very recent works, few searchers propose to extract local descriptors such as SIFT or SURF which have been proven to be more robust to local features. The SURF outperform the SIFT and are less time consuming. However, the SURF are not yet designed to work on color images.

The aim of this thesis is to extend the SURF to: (a) color information, (b) interest point detection and (c) local description. The interest points detected by the SURF approach result from the analysis of the intensity function discontinuities. However, it has been shown that, in the context of fast object recognition, the human visual system is attracted by regions characterized by high visual saliency and that these visual attention regions are not necessarily regions characterized by intensity function discontinuities. On the other hand, we propose to detect interest points by exploiting the color visual saliency in the images. Previous works done in our lab. will be used in this context.Furthermore, the SURF descriptors are based on specific local intensity gradients. Since color descriptors are more distinctive than gray level ones, we propose to determine new local color descriptors that are invariant to illumination changes. Previous works done in our lab. will be used in this context.

We seek strong and motivated candidates. Selection will be based on: 1. Excellence of the candidate: outstanding achievement in the applicant’s Master of Science degree level in imaging science, computer science , or any discipline pertaining to the quantitative description of image processing, provided that the applicant can provide evidence of the necessary previous knowledge (i.e. a base of minimal competencies) particularly in the fields of computer science fundamentals, and image analysis and signal processing fundamentals. 2. Language ability: the candidates must demonstrate sound knowledge of the language (the requirement for competence in English is equivalent to Toefl with at least 213 points (computer based)/550 points (paper based) or IELTS at grade 6.5. Knowledge of French will be not compulsory, but will be beneficial. 3. Student motivation to undertake the PhD and relevance to his/her professional development (explaining the application, the present situation, the interest in the PhD degree , the intentions after this PhD degree, …).

The application deadline is June 1, 2008

To receive the application form and/or to get more information please contact :
Alain TREMEAU, Alain.Tremeau[ at ]

Ireland: EC-funded Scholarships for Citizens of ENP Countries and Russia to Obtain an MA in European Studies

The European Commission has launched a call to fund scholarships for the study of MA programmes in European integration. The scholarship of the European Commission covers up to €20,000 per student
per academic year to cover fees and subsistence costs. For details on the scholarship, see this link. In total, approximately 150 scholarships will be available.

The UCD School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin invites applications to its MA in European Studies from citizens of European Neighbourhood Policy countries or Russia, who
possess a first academic degree in either the social sciences or humanities (BA), and are in command of the English language.

Interested students should apply to the UCD School of Politics and International Relations through the normal channels by Wednesday, 28 May 2008, and normal entry procedures apply. For details of the application procedure, see UCD will then recommend to the European Commission successful applicants to our MA programme who also fulfil the scholarship criteria. The European Commission will make the ultimate decision on the distribution of

Prospective students not receiving a scholarship are free to either withdraw their application for the MA European Studies program of the UCD School of Politics and International Relations of the University College Dublin, or to seek alternative sources of funding.

Ben Tonra
Jean Monnet Professor of European Foreign and Security Policy

Director of the Graduate school
UCD College of Human Sciences

Associate Professor of International Relations
UCD School of Politics and International Relations

Tel + 353 1 716 7615
Fax + 353 1 716 8355

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sweden: Postgraduate Scholarship in Biology

Project Description
Molecular mechanisms behind evolution of the modern yeast traits. You will run longitudinal experiments in several growth vessels (fermentors). Evolving samples will be analyzed by a variety of techniques: classical microbiology and genetic techniques, pulse-field electrophoresis, micro-array techniques and proteome analysis to follow gene-expression, and HPLC and gas analyzer analysis to follow the appearance of fermentation products. This project will attempt to answer the question if we can run the tape of the evolutionary history again and at the end obtain the same molecular structures and organisms.

Postgraduate Scholarship in Biology, within the discipline of Molecular Genetics with placement at the Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Faculty of Science

For full information contact
Jure Piskur, tel +46 46 222 83 73

For complete information see the ADVERTISEMENT (pdf).

The application form (pdf), quoting the reference number, should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, an academic transcript showing all grades obtained during undergraduate studies, and any other documentation that the applicant feels is relevant. The application must reach the Registrar, Kansli N, Lund University, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden, not later than 15th May 2008. All submitted documents must be attested as to their authenticity.

Einar Everitt

Click here to get more information

Nertherlands: Phillips-Nyenrode Scholarships in Business Administration, Nyenrode Business University

he Phillips-Nyenrode Scholarships are offered to students undertaking the International MBA Program within the University. The scholarships scheme is a part of Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships scheme.

Phillips-Nyenrode Scholarships are available for applicants from USA nationality (preferably children of Philips employees). The scholarships are sponsored by the Philips North America and Nyenrode Business University. The awards amount is 10,000 Euro.

Phillips-Nyenrode Scholarships are awarded on the basis of your application as well as an additional essay competition. In addition to the scholarship, each winner will also be assigned an experienced business manager as a personal coach during the course of the program.

Essay Topics
The Philips brand promise is Sense and Simplicity. At Philips, we believe that technology should be as simple as the box it comes in. Life is complicated enough. Technology should not add to the problem. Philips is committed to making technology that makes sense. Technology that’s easy to use. Technology designed around the way you live and work. In other words, technology that’s one of life’s simple pleasures. Please explain what you think “Sense and Simplicity” means to the consumer. (max. 1500 words)

The application deadlines for Phillips-Nyenrode Scholarships is on 31 May 2008.

For further details, including the application process and how to apply for the Nyenrode’s International MBA programme, please read the Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships.

Netherlands: Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships, Nyenrode Business University

The Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships are offered to students undertaking the International MBA Program within the University. The scholarships scheme is funded by the contributions of Nyenrode Business University, its alumni, and partner companies.

Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships are awarded on the basis of your application as well as an additional Nyenrode’s International MBA Scholarships. In addition to the scholarship, each winner will also be assigned an experienced business manager as a personal coach during the course of the program.

Before you can apply for the International MBA programme, you need to have:

  • a minimum of three (3) years of work experience
  • a university degree (or equivalent) with an excellent academic record
  • a thorough command of written and spoken English
  • taken the TOEFL or IELTS tests for non-native English speakers
  • taken the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
  • completed an application package, including written essays and letters of recommendation
  • a selection interview, which takes place after the complete application package has been reviewed by our Admissions Committee

Scholarship selection process

A Nyenrode committee will screen all written scholarship applications and will select no more than three candidates to proceed to the final round. These selected candidates will be invited to present their essays to the Scholarship Jury in June.

The presentation will take 30 minutes including questions from the jury. Should the candidate live abroad, the presentation can be conducted by telephone or video conferencing. The jury will make a decision regarding allocation of the scholarship to one of the three candidates after the presentations.

The committee and the jury reserve the right not to award the scholarship. The outcome of the scholarship competition will be announced in June 2008.

Scholarships application procedures

  1. In order to start the scholarship application process, please fill in the scholarship registration form. The Scholarship Officer will confirm your registration by e-mail.
  2. You may apply for a maximum number of three scholarships, but can be awarded only one. Please submit your scholarship essay(s) to The Scholarship Officer will confirm receipt of your scholarship application(s).
  3. Your scholarship essay(s) will only be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee after you have been admitted to the International MBA program.
  4. The deadline for submitting scholarship essays is May 31st, 2008. Please be reminded that by this date you must also have submitted your complete application package for the IMBA Program. Candidates who fail to apply for the IMBA program before this deadline will not be considered for the scholarship competition.
  5. The Scholarship Committee will select three candidates per scholarship to proceed to the final round. The selected candidates will be invited to present their essays to the Scholarship Jury. The scholarship essay and program application will both be considered when awarding scholarships.
  6. The presentations will take place at Nyenrode Business Universiteit or if necessary via telephone or video conferencing before the end of June, 2008.
  7. Scholarships will be deducted from the tuition fee of the International MBA program. There are no cash awards. The student should be prepared to cover all other program related expenses including living expenses and the Dutch study visa fee.
  8. Scholarships will only be valid for the 2008/2009 International MBA program and cannot be transferred in case of deferral.

Other details can be obtained from each scholarships page below:

  1. Cedo Nulli Scholarships
  2. CRH Europe Distribution scholarships
  3. Entrepreneurial Manager scholarships
  4. Friends of Nyenrode scholarships for American Talent
  5. Johnson Wax scholarships
  6. Nyenrode - Class of 1958 scholarships
  7. Nyenrode Foundation scholarships
  8. Philips - Nyenrode scholarships
  9. Randstad Holding scholarships
  10. Spanish Ambassador scholarships
  11. Taiwanese Representative Scholarships

Mrs. Bianca van Eunen - Hummel, Scholarship Officer
Telephone +31 346 291 720

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finland: Helsinki University of Technology Postdoctoral and PhD Positions

Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale (SIN) Group

Laboratory of Physics

Postdoctoral and PhD positions are available in the Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale (SIN) Group ( as part of the ESF Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical systems programme ( The SIN group is part of the Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience ( within the Laboratory of Physics, Helsinki University of Technology.

Interfacial friction is one of the oldest problems in physics and chemistry, and certainly one of the most important from a practical point of view. Everyday operations on a broad range of scales, from nanometer and up, depend upon the smooth and satisfactory functioning of countless tribological systems. Friction is intimately related to both adhesion and wear, and all three require an understanding of highly non-equilibrium processes occurring at the molecular level to determine what happens at the macroscopic level. We are initiating two new directions in nanotribological studies. Firstly, we will study the nanomanipulation of metallic clusters on thin insulating films, and investigate how we can control this by changing the size and charge of the cluster, and by patterning the surface. Secondly, we will study the frictional contact between nanoprobes and insulating surfaces, particularly focusing on alkali halide films and organic overlayers, and energy dissipation on metal oxide surfaces. In both cases, the research will require state-of-the-art quantum mechanical methods to study electronic properties, supported by atomistic simulations for large-scale systems. Both projects involve international collaborations with leading theoretical and experimental groups in Europe, and a significant amount of travel to collaborating groups will be expected.

  • Duration: 1/5/2008 - 31/12/2011
  • Requirements: (Postdoc) PhD in computational physics, with a preference for candidates with knowledge of atomistic and electronic structure methods. (PhD) Masters in physics, with a preference for candidates with knowledge of theoretical and computational methods.
  • Salary: (Postdoc) ~3000 €/month gross. (PhD) ~2200 €/month gross.

For applications and more info contact Adam Foster (, Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale (SIN) Group, Laboratory of Physics, Helsinki University of Technology

USA: AISES Google Scholarships

The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) Google Scholarship will fund scholarships awards to students pursuing degrees in the computer science, computer engineering and management information systems. The $10,000 scholarship awards will be equally disbursed over the scholarship award recipient’s course of study.

For example, if a recipient is in their junior year of study, the award will be disbursed over the four remaining semesters in the amount of $2,500 per semester. If the award recipient is in their final year of study, the full award of $10,000 will be disbursed.

Applicants must have a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited four-year college or in their second year at a two-year college leading to a four-year degree. Students at a two-year college must demonstrate a transition plan to a four-year college/university.

Majoring in one of the following college disciplines at an accredited four year college or university:

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Engineering
  • Management Information Systems

Other majors will be considered if it is evident that the applicant demonstrates a strong academic course of study that includes a high volume of computer science related courses and/or computer science related research.

Applicants must be a member of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.

Applicants must be a member of AISES. To obtain an AISES membership go to

Notification of scholarship awards are made in September and fall disbursements are made no later than November 1. Spring disbursement of the award will be given out dependent upon maintenance of a 3.5 or higher grade point average (GPA) and official verification of a full-time course load.

AISES Google Scholarship award recipients will be invited to attend the Google Scholars Retreat at Google headquarters the spring following their selection as a scholar. Google will provide scholars with information regarding Google internships and notify students of Google student program opportunities.

To apply, please download the application form (pdf).

Deadline for the 2008-2009 academic year’s applications is on 15 June 2008

USA: AISES General Motors Engineering Scholarships

The General Motors Engineering Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in engineering. Preference is given to electrical, industrial or mechanical engineering majors. The scholarships amount will be US$ 3,000 per annum. The Scholarships is non-renewable.

Applicants must currently be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student or graduate student at an accredited college or university and have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Eligible applicants are required to complete an online inventory of skills that is administered by General Motors via the Internet.

Applicants Must submit an essay explaining a) knowledge of or lived experiences with American Indian tribal culture; b) a comprehensive discussion of specific interest in engineering; and c) how will applicant contribute his or her knowledge or professional experience to a Native American community.

Applicants must be a member of an American Indian tribe or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.

Applicants must also be a member of AISES. To obtain a membership application, go to

To apply, please download the application form (pdf).

Deadline for the 2008-2009 academic year’s applications is on 15 June 2008

Notification of award is made in October and fall disbursements are made no later than November 1. Spring disbursement of the award will be given out dependent upon maintenance of a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) and completion of a full-time course load.

USA: AISES A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarships

The A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate or postgraduate students pursuing degree in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, math and technology. This scholarships program is funded through a variety of sources, including memorials, private donations, AISES fundraisers, corporations and government entities.
The scholarships amount will be US$1,000 per annum for undergraduate students and US$ 2,000 per annum for graduate students. The Scholarships is non-renewable.

Applicants must currently be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student or graduate student at an accredited 4-years college or university and have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Applicants must majoring in mathematics, medicine, physical sciences, technology, science, engineering or natural resources.

Applicants must be a member of an American Indian tribe or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.

Applicants must also be a member of AISES. To obtain a membership application, go to

To apply, please download the application form (pdf).

Deadline for the 2008-2009 academic year’s applications is on 15 June 2008

Notification of award is made in October and fall disbursements are made no later than November 1. Spring disbursement of the award will be given out dependent upon maintenance of a 3.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) and completion of a full-time course load.