School of Materials - Textiles Research Group
Investigation into Structural Analysis and Associated Conservation Support Strategy in the Display of Large Historic Tapestries and Textiles
Project to start: October 2008
Application deadline: 20 June 2008
Supervisors: Professor Chris Carr (The University of Manchester), Dr. Prasad Potluri (The University of Manchester) and Kathryn Hallett (Historic Royal Palaces)
The Project
The project will focus on understanding the degradation and structural failure of historical tapestries and other large hanging textiles. At present there is little quantitative scientific basis for the interventive methodologies for supporting age-damaged historical tapestries. The materials, processing and approaches utilised within the conservation process are based on practical experience and subjective observation. Accordingly this project proposal will develop novel mechanical testing systems, evaluate the effect of stitching support, and mathematically model the behaviour of supported and unsupported tapestries. Through this integrated approach it is hoped that the predictive modelling of tapestry failure will be lead to more effective conservation.
The Studentship
Funding is offered through the AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage Programme. The studentship covers tuition fees at the UK/EU rate and provides a maintenance stipend at the UK Research Council minimum level (£12,600 for 2007/8) for each of the three years of study. As a Collaborative Research Student the successful candidate will also receive an additional payment of £500 per annum. This stipend will be enhanced by Historic Royal Palaces by an additional £1,000 per annum, giving an overall maintenance allowance of £14,100 per year.
Applicants must have a relevant first degree (usually a minimum 2.1). This studentship is open to all who can satisfy UK residency requirements. To be eligible for a full award, the applicant must be a UK national, or be a (non-UK) EU national who has been ordinarily resident in the UK throughout the 3-year period immediately preceding the start of the programme, or other national, who has been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain by the Home Office.
Non-UK EU students who do not fit these criteria are eligible to apply for a fees-only award. For more information on the AHRC/EPSRC eligibility criteria, applicants should consult the AHRC website
Further Information and Application
To apply for this studentship please complete an online application form at quoting the project reference number PhD/08/CC/02
For further information about the project please contact Chris Carr (Email or Tel: 0161 200 4131) or see the School Website
General admissions enquiries should be directed to the Postgraduate Team, School of Materials
(Email: or Tel: +44 (0)161 306 4824)
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