Understanding Molecular Chemical Reactions Inside Solids
Department of Chemistry
Applications are invited to undertake a PhD project that aims to understand chemical reactions occurring in molecular crystalline solids. It is anticipated based upon our early results (see J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 9584 and 2007, 129, 15606, Chemical Communications, 2007, 1532 and Angewandte Chemie 2008, 47, 1693) that the project may lead to highly important developments towards responsive or chemically modifiable molecule-based materials, for which applications in areas such as sensors, gas storage, or for catalysis.
The materials to be studied are metal-organic compounds synthesised through supramolecular and coordination chemistry approaches. The project will provide an opportunity to use a variety of techniques including synthesis, spectroscopic methods and possibly some computational studies. However, the prominent focus of the project is on the use of diffraction methods, particularly powder diffraction, to monitor reactions and establish key kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanistic information, which will be vital to fully developing applications of such reactions. The project involves collaborations with colleagues at major national and international experimental facilities and extensive opportunities to use these world-leading facilities, in particular high flux X-ray synchrotrons ESRF in Grenoble, France and Diamond near Oxford, UK, and neutron diffraction facilities ILL and ISIS at the same two sites. The project is fully funded for four years and provides an opportunity to spend an extended period at ESRF in Grenoble during year 3.
The student will work in the research group of Professor Lee Brammer who runs an active research program involving many aspects of studies of crystalline materials ranging from fundamental studies and applications of intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds) to development of porous framework materials for applications in molecular separations, gas storage and catalysis (http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/profiles/brammer.html).
This is a 4-year studentship and starts in October 2008. The stipend will be at standard EPSRC rates and fees for UK/EU applicants will be paid in full. Students from outside the EU would need to find funds to pay the difference between EU and international fees.
To apply or to request further information students should contact Professor Lee Brammer via email at lee.brammer@sheffield.ac.uk or tel: +44 (0)114 222 9536, after which a formal application can be made via the website http://www.shef.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/apply.
The final deadline for applications will be 20 August 2008, but applications will be handled as received and a decision will be made as soon as a suitable candidate has been identified.
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