City University
City University London's success in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) confirmed a major step-change in our research profile. World-class activity was recognised in many areas, leading to an increase of over 50% in our quality research funding. Based on that success, we have recently concluded a major review of research and knowledge transfer, which has allowed us to redefine our research as an all-inclusive set of activities comprising basic and applied research, policy- and practice-focused research, knowledge and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and consultancy. As we prepare for the future, our attention is focused on demonstrating the societal value of our research and the impact it makes on business, industry, government policies and the professions.
Our research and enterprise activities are more exciting and diverse than ever, with subjects ranging across business, social sciences, engineering and mathematics, informatics, law, music, journalism, cultural policy and a wide range of areas in the health-related domains.
Overseas Scholarships in Music
The Department of Music in the School of Arts can offer 4 Overseas Scholarships in Music to full-time overseas fee-paying doctoral students. The Scholarship comprises a £4,000 contribution to overseas tuition fees, renewable for a further two years dependent on progress. Overseas students who wish to study for an MMA-DMA degree (jointly with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama) are eligible for an award of £2,000.
Full details can be found here:
Closing date for applications is Monday 25 January 2010
Please visit ref: 'University Research Studentships' to view other studentship opportunities being offered.
City University London
Northampton Square
The University for business and the professions