Study Of The Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour Of Granular Materials
The School of the Built Environment
Heriot-Watt University & Edinburgh University
This studentship will meet the full cost of tuition fees and provide a maintenance allowance for 36 months for completion of a PhD. *The current stipend is £12,940 per annum for session 2008/09. The studentship will commence as soon as convenient after candidate selection in September 2008.
Academic Supervisors: Dr Gabriela Medero, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK and Professor Jin Ooi, School of Engineering and Electronics, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.
This project aims to investigate the hydro-mechanical behaviour of granular materials. The research will be mainly experimental and tests will be carried out under unsaturated conditions.
Enthusiastic and self-motivated candidates with at least a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent in civil engineering (or equivalent) or mechanical engineering are encouraged to apply. Both home and overseas candidates are eligible.
The student will be jointly supervised by academics from both Heriot-Watt and Edinburgh Universities and have access to resources at both universities. Both universities are located in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The School of the Built Environment (Heriot-Watt University) currently has over 80 PhD and MPhil students. Students originate from a broad spectrum of undergraduate disciplines and ethnic origins. This wide skills base and diverse background knowledge provides a unique environment for the evolution of exciting multidisciplinary research.
The successful candidate will also have opportunities to undertake paid teaching assistant duties and there are excellent opportunities to develop transferable skills, interact with industry and present your work at conferences and in publications.
Entry Requirements for HWU
You should have a relevant First or Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent in civil engineering (or equivalent) or mechanical engineering. Applicants with Home, EU and overseas fee status are eligible to apply.
Value of Award:
This studentship will cover tuition fees and a stipend of £12,940 p.a for up to three years will be awarded to the successful candidate subject to eligibility.
How to Apply to HWU
Complete the on-line application form
(1) Complete the on-line application form at
*For Question 20) of the online form please enter the research proposal title as the proposed area of research (i.e. "Study of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of granular materials")
(2) Please enter your full name on the Referee's Report Form (download it from and also the research proposal title (as above) then forward to you referees for completion and return (by fax or post only).
(3) Please include a current CV and forward copies of your certificates and relevant transcript, (by fax or post only).
For informal enquiries please contact Dr Gabriela Medero or Prof Jin Ooi at:
Email or
The Closing Date for Applications is Monday 1st of September 2008
Further details of Heriot-Watt University can be found at and further details of the School of the Built Environment are at
Further details of Edinburgh University can be found at and further details of the School of Engineering and Electronics are at
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