
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

UK : University of Warwick PhD Studentship

Integrating DNA barcoding & biotyping approaches in fungal systematics, particular reference to major Fusarium pathogens

Warwick HRI

Project overview:
With an estimated 1.5 million species in the biosphere, fungi represent one of the most diverse eukaryotic lineages and exhibit huge diversity in form and function. At Warwick HRI, we have been using a combination of molecular and biological markers to characterise populations and species of major fungal pathogens. Fungal genus Fusarium is hugely important in the context of human well-being as it includes several major plant pathogens, mycotoxin producers and opportunistic human pathogens. The main aim of the current project is to develop a framework integrating DNA barcoding and biotyping methodologies applicable to major Fusarium pathogens. The project will mainly focus on developing DNA barcoding and biotyping methodologies to characterise the Fusarium species populations associated with the basal rot of onion in the UK as a model. The generic approaches will be applied to additional key examples of Fusarium oxysporum (FO) formae speciales and taxa representing major species complexes. This will be used to test the hypothesis and define species and sub-species boundaries in Fusarium.

Specific objectives:
1) To identify DNA barcoding genes and genomic regions applicable for species and sub-species level differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum complex with reference to taxa representing other major species complexes.
2) To develop a set of biotyping markers applicable for species and sub-species level differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum complex including pathogenic and saprophytic forms.
3) To carry out phylogenetic analysis of the multigene sequence data generated from the selected Fusarium species and formae speciales with reference to the biotyping-based groups and hypothesis testing of the potential of the multigene barcoding system to offer sufficient resolution at the species and sub-species levels

This studentship is available to UK, EU and International candidates. Funds are only available to cover UK/EU Tuition Fees. International candidates (outside EU) would be required to pay the difference between UK/EU Tuition Fees and International Tuition Fees.

The studentship is for 3 years starting on 29 September 2008 and will be registered at the University of Warwick. The studentship is funded by Defra.

Details of how to apply are available at You should indicate on the application form that you are applying for the studentship (there is a section for funding). Please quote reference number HRI57.

Click here for further details of the post in Microsoft Word format.
Click here for further details of the post in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Please quote job vacancy reference number HRI57-078.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Tuesday 12 August 2008.

For further details on how to apply for a post at Warwick, the employee benefits that we offer, information on Warwick people, what it is like working at Warwick, and more, please see our jobs introduction page.

The university values diversity.