Social Capital and Marine Resource Governance
Department of Economics
The Department of Economics offers an opportunity to carry out doctoral research with an interdisciplinary team of researchers focusing in particular on marine environmental governance in Ireland. It is part of an innovative project awarded to NUIG to undertake applied economics research into how social capital influences the governance and conservation of marine coastal resources. The impact of social capital will be examined in terms of its ability to support cooperation between stakeholders and promote better coastal zone management and improved biodiversity conservation practices.
This research draws on social capital theory as well as the common-pool resource (CPR) and co-management literature to determine if building partnership capacity between marine stakeholders and resource users through CLAMS (Co-ordinated Local Aquaculture Management Systems) and other marine partnerships provides a critical basis for overcoming collective action problems (CAPs). The candidate’s duties will include research on social network theory, social network analysis and co-management and the methodological and theoretical issues related to this.
This is a 36 month full time fully funded studentship, to begin in September 2008. The studentship is being funded through the Programme of Third Level Institutions and offers a stipend (€16,000 per annum) for 3 years in addition to tuition fees. Additional funds are available for traveling to conferences and research visits. Successful candidates will be provided with computing and office facilities and will be joining a dynamic team of young researchers. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Tom van Rensburg (Department of Economics, NUIG) and in close association with Dr. Greig Mill (Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, UK). You can read more about the Department of Economics and this project as well as the ENRE (environmental and natural resource economics) group at
Candidates should have, or expect to obtain an MA or MSc degree in Economics, or, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics and Management, econometrics or related fields. Research should lead to a PhD thesis as well as to publications in international refereed journals. Essential skills: strong competency with quantitative analysis and experience with econometric software and social network analysis modelling programs.
Informal contacts concerning the post may be made to Tom van Rensburg:, Tel: +353 91 493858.
To Apply:
Applicants should submit a letter outlining their suitability for the position plus a full curriculum vitae, to include the names and contact details of three referees, by post or email to: Maureen Mescall, Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland Email: Tel: +353 (0)91 495325.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. on Friday 5th September 2008.