The Quota Scheme is Norway’s and NTNU’s largest loan and scholarship scheme for financing students from eligible developing countries, and countries in Central and Eastern Europe/ Central Asia.
You may be eligibile for Quota Scheme support if you are either a student or temporarily or permanently employed at one of the institutions where NTNU has a collaborative agreement. These institutions are mainly found in developing countries or in Central and Eastern Europe/ Central Asia. Please refer to the list of institutions. The deadline for submission of the preliminary application is December 1, 2009.
To be ellgible, you must also have stayed at least one year in your home country directly prior to when you plan to undertake your education at NTNU or any other Norwegian university/ college. That means you cannot apply for financial support directly from a country than your own.
NTNU has been granted 168 seats (157 for developing countries, and 11 for Central and Eastern Europe/ Central Asia) for the academic years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.However, there are only about 60-65 new seats each year under the Quota Scheme at NTNU. The rest of NTNU’s Quota Scheme seats are used for students who are already admitted at our university, and who need renewal of Quota Scheme support to complete their studies.
The few Quota Scheme seats available, compared with the very high number of applicants competing for new seats, makes this source of funding support extremely competitive. Only very qualified candidates from collaborating institutions will therefore be offered admission.
OverviewWhat Does It Cover
The Quota Scheme covers living expenses while studying in Norway, travel allowances according to fixed national rates at minimum student price, support to cover fieldwork periods in the students’ home country as part of the study programme in Norway, and additional support for children when they are staying together with the student in Norway.
At the moment the yearly support is NOK 87 600 for students at undergraduate and graduate programmes (NOK 8 760 per month for 10 months per year). A major part of the support (60 %) is given as a loan, that will only be waived if the student is permanently settling down in his or her home country after completing the education in Norway. A minor part (40 %) is given as a scholarship.
As it might take up to two months after arrival to receive the loan and scholarship, it is necessary that the students provide themselves with sufficient fund to cover their expenses in Norway for the first two months. This would amount to approximately NOK 14 000, because you have to take into consideration the living expenses, including the house rent, an accommodation deposit of NOK 3 000 to the Student Welfare Organisation, cost of books, and a minor semester fee (Approximately NOK 450).
If you are following a normal study progression, the financial support will usually be renewed every year until you have completed your education, meaning for a normal study period of 2 years duration on the condition that you are present at NTNU in Trondheim. An additional 3rd year support under the Quota Scheme can be granted in cases where the MSc/MPhil student is academically delayed in his/her studies (child birth, sickness etc during the study period). Please note that according to the regulations, students who are pregnant at arrival will not be granted maternity scholarship.
The regulations under the Quota Scheme says that if the student permanently settle down in his or her home country, the loan will be waived as a form of Norwegian governmental development assistance to the student’s home country. Students who are not following the intentions behind the scheme, and who settle in another country after having completed their education in Norway, are expected to repay the loan on the same conditions as Norwegian citizens.
Anette Moen
Higher Executive Officer
Office of International Relations NTNU
The deadline for submission of the preliminary application is December 1, 2009.
Admission requirements under the quota schemeFor admission under the Quota Scheme, NTNU will only consider candidates attached to one of NTNU’s collaboration institutions for admission to our international master’s programmes. Applicants will be asked to indicate that they belong to at least one of the following categories in the electronic preliminary application database to be able to proceed with their application for Quota Scheme support:
a) Permanently employed at one of NTNU’s collaboration institutions.
b) Temporary employed at one of NTNU’s collaboration institutions
c) Presently studying at one of NTNU’s collaboration institutions
d) Graduates with a first degree from one of NTNU’s collaboration institutions.
Applicants belonging to the categories a), b), or c) will be given the highest priority in admission under the Quota Scheme.
One general requirement for admission to our international master’s programmes, is that applicants must have completed a minimum of 3 years of recognised university studies beyond the basic matriculation requirement for admission at Norwegian universities/ colleges relevant for their home country. Usually this will require that the applicants must have completed a specialised first degree/ bachelor’s degree of at least 4 years duration within a relevant academic area.
For some international master’s programmes relevant work experience may also be considered relevant for admission. Please notice that applicants who have obtained only a 2-3 years Diploma/ Higher National Diploma degree, at Polytechnics/ college level, do not qualify for admission to our international master’s programmes.
Before applying, please study the academic requirements for the international master’s programme you are interested in applying for carefully (see academic requirements for each of the master’s programmes at our web pages: ).
English language requirement for applicants under the Quota Scheme:
An electronic version of the preliminary application form is available at the home page of the Office of International Relations. The evaluation of the applicants’ background will be based on the information given in the electronic preliminary application form. Applicants should therefore use some time when filling in all the questions in the database, and be careful to give correct information. The information on the electronic preliminary application form, will later be checked against the educational and other required documents submitted with the final application form for those of the candidates who have passed through the preliminary application screening.
International Master’s ProgrammesNTNU offers more than 30 international master’s programmes taught in English, ranging from the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, architecture, medicine and Erasmus Mundus programmes.
Programme catalogue 2009-2010 (pdf)
Because the language of instruction for these programmes is English, you don’t have to comply with NTNU’s Norwegian language requirements. You do, however, have to be able to demonstrate your English-language proficiency if you come from a country where a language other than English is the native language.
- MPhil in Childhood Studies
- MSc in Chemical Engineering
- MSc in Coastal and Marine Civil Engineering
- MSc in Condensed Matter Physics
- MPhil in Development Studies – Specializing in Geography
- MPhil in Development Studies – Specializing in Urban Challenges in East Africa
- MSc in Electric Power Engineering
- MPhil in English Linguistics and Language Acquisition
- MSc in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- MSc in Exercise Physiology/Sports Sciences
- MSc in Geotechnics and Geohazards
- MSc in Globalization – Global Technology Management
- MSc in Globalization – Global Politics and Culture
- MPhil in Human Development
- MSc in Hydropower Development
- MSc in Industrial Ecology
- MSc in Information Systems
- MSc in Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering- (New from 2009)
- MSc in Light Metals Production
- MPhil in Linguistics
- MPhil in Maritime Archaeology
- MSc in Marine Coastal Development
- MSc in Marine Technology
- MSc in Mathematics
- MSc in Medical Technology
- MSc in Molecular Medicine
- MSc in Natural Gas Technology- (New from 2009)
- MSc in Natural Resources Management
- MSc in Neuroscience
- MSc in Petroleum Engineering/MSc in Petroleum Geosciences
- MSc in Project Management
- MSc in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
- MPhil in Risk Psychology, Environment and Safety
- MSc in Silicon and Ferroalloy Production
- MSc in Telematics – Communication Networks and Networked Services
- MSc in Urban Ecological Planning