University of Bristol - Industrial Doctorate Centre in Systems - Managing Systems for Enhanced Performance
Summary: BAE Systems is a global company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced defence, security and aerospace systems in the air, on land and at sea. The effectiveness of systems depends on the ability to understand and relate to the context in which they are used. Success depends on integrating information from that context to generate ‘situation awareness'. Research is needed to improve the holistic interpretation of situation awareness and enhance ‘capability'. Working at the Advanced Technology Centre at Filton in Bristol, you would be at the heart of capability development in one of the most technically advanced companies in the world.
The research challenge is to characterise and quantify the whole systems issues associated with building a multi platform, multi-sensor situational awareness system. The research will apply systems thinking approaches to available state of the art technologies; to design, build and evaluate a situational awareness system. The proposed area of focus is the Urban ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) domain. The research will seek to parameterise and analyse issues associated with centralised versus distributed systems:
- What are the requirements for such a system?
- What are the sub components or component of the system?
- How do the component systems fit together?
- What are the implications for the subsystems when contextual and wider issues need to be considered?
- How do human and autonomous agents interact in these type of systems?
- How are issues of trust handled?
- How do we design such a system and what are the metrics that might be applied to evaluate performance?
- What are the system links to Decision making - human and/or autonomous agent?
The EngD in Systems is a full-time, four-year programme, offering the experience of rigorous, leading-edge research within a business context. The EngD researcher will spend approximately 75% of his/her time on the research project, with the remaining time spent on taught courses covering systems and business-related topics. The researcher will be registered at the University of Bristol.
Candidate requirements: Candidates should have a minimum of an upper second (2.1) class honours degree (or equivalent) in a discipline relevant to the research. They should have strong interest in the project and be able to demonstrate an aptitude for undertaking this type of research.
Funding: A tax-free EPSRC stipend (£14,790 for 2009/2010) will be available for the successful (and eligible) candidate, and will be enhanced by a minimum of £3,500 p.a. from BAE Systems. Tuition fees will also be covered. Standard EPSRC studentship eligibility applies but non-eligible individuals are welcome to apply but must be able to find alternative funding arrangements.
Please apply to Postgraduate Admissions at the University of Bristol. Information on how to apply, and where to obtain application forms, is available on the EngD Centre's web site:
For further details regarding the research project, please contact Dr Mike Yearworth ( or Mr Hecotr Figueiredo (
For further details regarding the EngD programme, please contact Rebecca Rose (
Closing Date for Applications: Position open until filled
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