Title: Implementation concepts for integration of UAS communications into UK ATC Network
Lancaster University - Department of Communication Systems
Subject Area: Autonomous Systems
Applications are invited from holders of 1st class undergraduate or MSc postgraduate degrees in subjects such as Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Computer Science, who are seeking to undertake a three and a half years research project leading to the award of PhD.
The successful candidate will work on concepts for the integration of Unmanned Autonomous Systems into the UK ATC network in general and the integration of speech communication and recognition technologies within a real time UAV mission planning framework.
The studentship is supported by EPSRC; the stipend attached to this studentship is negotiable. In addition university fees are covered by EPSRC. Additional finance is available to provide equipment, consumables and travel costs. Applicants must hold a UK passport or have been ordinarily resident in the UK throughout the 3-year period preceding the date of the application for the studentship. Students, who fulfil the academic requirement but have a relevant connection with an EU country other than the UK may be eligible for an award of fees only (i.e. no stipend to the student). A relevant connection may be established if an EU national has been in full time education in the UK throughout the three years preceding the start date of the course. International students can receive the full award if they have Indefinite Leave to Remain issued by the Home Office (see www.epsrc.ac.uk for details). Successful applicants will have the opportunity to interact with BAE Systems and will be part of a Laboratory involved in state-of-the-art research in communication systems.
For more details contact Professor Costas Xydeas, Department of Communication Systems, Infolab21, Lancaster University, at c.xydeas@lancaster.ac.uk
Closing Date for Applications 18th December 2009