University of Oxford - Oxford University Computing Laboratory
The Information Systems Research Group is offering a fully funded D.Phil position in Oxford University's Computing Laboratory. This position is associated with the EPSRC project Query-Driven Data Acquisition from Web-based Data Sources, under the supervision of Professor Michael Benedikt. The project deals with gathering data from the "hidden Web", exploiting knowledge about the queries and datasources involved.
The studentship is fully funded (at Home/EU fees level - overseas candidates will need supplementary funding) for 3½ years from 1st October 2010. It includes a stipend of at least £13,290 per year as well as provision for travel to conferences.Candidates must satisfy the usual requirements:
for studying for a doctorate at Oxford. In addition, the student should be skilled in theoretical computer science. For this position it would be particularly useful to have a strong background in logic.
Preferences will be given to applications received by 15th February, 2010 but applications received after this date may still be considered.
Applications are made online and information about how to apply, including requirements and links to the online prospectus, colleges and university funding, is available from:
Please quote the following studentship codes on the application form:
10-COMP-MB-JOBS (If you are applying from