
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

UK : PhD studentships in Materials Engineering Open University - Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology

Based in Milton Keynes

Three-year PhD studentships

The Materials Engineering group has vacancies for PhD studentships in the general fields of mechanics of materials, joining technologies, residual stress characterisation, structural integrity and high temperature behaviour. Some studentships are available with full stipend and fees, for UK, EU and international applicants.

Precise research topics will depend on the expertise on the student recruited and the source of funding for the particular project. Likely areas include the validation and accuracy of residual stress measurement techniques applied to welds, including neutron diffraction and the newly-developed contour method; high-temperature microstructural evolution in materials for aerospace applications; and creep of materials for power plant applications.

You should have or expect to gain a good Materials Science, Engineering or Physics degree.

Further details can be obtained from Paul Courtnage, Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Michael Fitzpatrick on 01908 653100 or by email:

General information on the group can be obtained at

Closing date: 28 February 2010 although the studentships will remain open until filled.

Equal Opportunity is University Policy.