The Department of Economics, University of Glasgow invites applications for two fully funded PhD studentships (UK/EU/International fees and bursary) for doctoral research.
Applications are sought from exceptionally well-qualified individuals in the area of macroeconomics. Topics of particular interest are: the interaction of monetary and fiscal policy, the application of numerical techniques for solving quantitative problems in macroeconomic policy design and the impact of commitment and discretion in policy outcomes. Applicants will have a Masters degree in economics or have excellent technical qualifications in areas such as mathematics, statistics or related fields.
- The successful PhD students can expect to be supervised by Professor Charles Nolan. The studentships will be available for study beginning in September 2010 for a threeyear period on a full-time basis.
- Professor Charles Nolan: was educated at the University of Strathclyde and Birkbeck College, University of London. He worked for eight years as an economist at the Bank of England. He has formerly taught at University of Reading, University of Durham, and University of St Andrews. He is a member of the European Monetary Forum. His research interests are quantitative general equilibrium macroeconomics and monetary theory, international finance and business cycle analysis. He has several publications in highly regarded journals, including Econometrica, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking and Economic Journal.
- Postgraduate research: All postgraduate research students are provided with dedicated office space and a PC. Students have the opportunity to present their work at a PhD workshop series and to attend the Department's research seminars, which showcase invited speakers from the UK and Europe. Students benefit from research methods courses offered by the Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences and may, where appropriate, attend relevant MSc courses. RAE 2008 places the Department of Economics at Glasgow joint 11th in the UK and top in Scotland on the basis of GPA and research income and ranks all research as being of international quality: 75% is considered to be world-leading and internationally excellent.
- The award: The studentship holder will receive an annual bursary (£13,649 per annum) in addition to payment of full fees at the UK/EU/International rate for three years.
- Teaching fellowships: Successful applicants will become Teaching Fellows in the Department. As a part of their duties, they will be expected to teach up to 100 hours of tutorials per year in economics (normally undergraduate). Appropriate training will be provided for this purpose.
- Applicants: Potential applicants should have a minimum of a 2.1 undergraduate degree and have/expect to achieve a Masters degree with excellent grades in a
relevant subject from a UK university or comparable qualifications from another
recognised university. - Application procedure: Email Jane Brittin (, Postgraduate Secretary in the Department of Economics, stating that you wish to be considered for the studentship. The closing date for applications is 10th August 2010.