
Friday, June 27, 2008

New Zealand : PhD studentship opportunity

Molecular characterisation of dsRNA viruses affecting virulence of Rhizoctonia solani on potatoes

The Bio-Protection Research Centre, New Zealand

Applications close: 18 July 2008

Reference number: CFRAP1

Project Description
Several dsRNA viruses infecting R. solani have been shown to confer either hypervirulence or hypovirulence on potato, providing a potential means for biocontrol of this important fungal pathogen. Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship to study the role of dsRNA viruses in determining the virulence of R. solani on potatoes. Genome sequencing will be used to characterise viruses associated with virulent and non-virulent forms of R. solani found in soils and potato crops. Viruses conferring hypovirulence will then be used to establish the molecular mechanisms involved in their interactions with Rhizoctonia and their potential as biocontrol agents.

The project is a collaboration between Dr Andrew Pitman and Professor Richard Falloon of the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research and Professor Alison Stewart of The Bio-Protection Research Centre. Ideally, the PhD studentship will commence between October and December 2008 (some flexibility) and includes a NZ$ 24,500 tax-free stipend and course fees for 3 years at Lincoln University, funded by the NZ Foundation for Research, Science & Technology and Horticulture New Zealand.

For more information about the project please refer to the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research website at or contact Dr Andrew Pitman at the New Zealand Institute of Crop & Food Research ( Candidates should have or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class honours degree and preferably have a background in molecular biology and/or plant pathology.

How to Apply
Applicants should submit a full curriculum vitae with a covering letter indicating their interest in the project and the contact details of at least two referees to Dr Andrew Pitman ( The covering letter should quote the reference number CFRAP1.