Department of Psychology
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in Psychology at Aberystwyth University to begin on 1 October 2008.
The area of the research undertaken will relate to bi-lingualism and quality of life in the provision and commissioning of cancer services. The scholarship will provide an ideal opening for a psychology student interested in further training prior to applying for clinical psychology.
The scholarship is tenable for 4 years and includes fees and maintenance for the duration of the period of study. The scholarship holder is expected to engage in teaching activities through the medium of Welsh during this period. In the final year, the scholarship holder will be treated as a teaching fellow, and therefore the teaching workload will increase. This is an excellent opportunity for students to develop research skills in an institution committed to research excellence and Welsh medium teaching.
The scholarships are funded by the Welsh Assembly Government via the Centre for Welsh Medium Higher Education as part of the Welsh medium Strategy of the universities of Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government. The University also contributes financially to this scheme by contributing towards the scholarship holders' salaries in the final year.
The closing date for applications for all scholarships is 31 July 2008.
Informal enquiries about the Psychology specific aspects of the scholarship to Dr Kate Bullen, Centre for Applied Psychology, Aberystwyth University.
01970 622688;
See for further details.
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