Five leading research and educational institutions in Europe are collaborating to offer a joint Erasmus Mundus Master of Science program in Photonics, providing a top-quality eduction in all aspects of photonics. The master programme has a duration of two years (120 ECTS points), with students spending a year in two different countries.
Coordinator: Ghent University (Belgium)
Partners: Free University of Brussels (Belgium), St Andrews University and Heriot-Watt University (U.K.), Royal Institute of Technology(Sweden)
Furthermore a student and scholar exchange programme is in place between the EMMP consortium and the following non-European universities: Zhejiang University (China), University of Tokyo (Japan) and the University of Sydney (Australia). European EMMP students have the possibility to study 3 months of their second master year at one of these institutions.
Photonics is now widely recognized as a major innovation enabling discipline for the 21st century. It can be defined as that field of science and technology where the fundamental properties of light and its interaction with matter are studied and applied.
- Full scholarships are available for non-EU students to cover the tuition fee and all living expenses(24000€/year).
- Limited scholarships available for EU students (10000€/year). Other grants for EU students are also available.
Application and online registration are now available
Apply here, Deadline 5 January 2010