LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET invites applications for position as GRADUATE STUDENT IN COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS formally based at Department of Electrical Engineering
The division of communications systems ( preforms research and education in the general area of digital and wireless communications. Current projects deal with the design and optimization of wireless networks, and digital signal processing for communications receivers. We work with applied problems as well as with more mathematical/fundamental questions.
The candidate should have a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering or equivalent and must have a very strong background in mathematics, and strong analytical skills. The candidate must have good knowledge of the English language.
Appointment time
The appointment is given for one year at a time, and will be renewed yearly to successfull performance of duties. The programme corresponds to four years of full-time studies. Normally, the studies are combined with 20% tutorial teaching, which gives a period of employment of five years. The total period of employment cannot exceed eight years.
Starting date: By aggrement.
The commencing salary for a graduate student is at present 24 000 SEK/month. The subsequent salary will be based on locally agreed salary increments.
Professor Erik Larsson, tel +46(0)13-281312, ( The union representative (SACO) Örjan Lönnevik, tel +46(0)13-286634, ( Trade union representative (OFR/S) Gabriel Thott, tel +46(0)11-363171 (
Application procedure
Your application marked with the Registration number LiU-2009-01065, accompanied by your Curriculum Vitae (please use the template and other documents you may wish to refer to, must reach the University Registrar no later than 2009-11-19 at the following address:
Linköpings Universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping
- The application should be written in Swedish or English.
- Documents that are sent electronically shall be in the formats MS Word or pdf.
- Applications submitted too late will not be considered.