
Friday, June 20, 2008

UK : University of Oxford 3 Year PhD Programme for Clinicians

Wellcome Trust Training Fellowships for Clinicians in Basic Sciences

University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division

Click here for Employer Profile

Denmark : Technical University of Denmark PhD scholarships

Nanophotonics for Terabit Communications (NATEC)

A new research centre focusing on nanophotonics for terabit communications is being established at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The centre is based on donations from a private foundation, VILLUM KANN RASNMUSSEN FONDEN. The NATEC centre will, in particular, perform research on light-matter interaction in semiconductor quantum dots and photonic crystal structures and explore the use of such nanostructured materials for realizing photonic chips operating in the terabit regime. The centre is a strongly focused effort involving nanofabrication, experimental characterisation based on nanoscopy and ultrafast lasers, fundamental theory including topology optimization, and systems experiments and will provide ample opportunities for cross-fertilization between these areas.

The NATEC Centre is headed by Professor Jesper Mørk ( from Department of Photonics Engineering, DTU, and involves the collaboration with 4 other institutes at DTU: Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Electron Nanoscopy and Danchip.

At the moment we have openings within the following areas of research:

  • Growth and characterisation of semiconductor quantum dots and fabrication of photonic crystal based devices (Kresten Yvind;
  • Characterisation of pulse propagation in photonic crystal structures and ultrafast dynamics in quantum dots (Mike van der Poel;
  • Theory and modelling of light-matter interaction in photonic crystal structures with quantum dots (Niels Asger Mortensen;
  • Topology optimization of nanophotonic structures incorporating effects of nonlinearities and fabrication uncertainties (Ole Sigmund;
  • Experimental and theoretical investigations of terabit systems emphasizing noise limitations and information capacity (Palle Jeppesen;

We are looking for candidates with a strong track record and with a good experimental, theoretical and/or computational background in photonics, electromagnetics or materials engineering and physics. The annual salary of PhD students starts at approximately 277,000 DKK (36,900 EUR) + pension.

For further information please contact Jesper Mørk or the persons mentioned above, or see the full job announcement at the homepage of DTU. Please send your application as a single pdf file, including CV, list of publications, certificates of exams and grades, as well as a list of references to:
Director Anders Bjarklev
Department of Photonics Engineering
Ørsteds Plads, Building 343
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Deadline for application: July 14, 2008 at 12.00 noon.

Denmark : PhD Scholarships in Engineering, Uni of Southern Denmark

A number of Ph.D.-scholarships at the Faculty of Engineering will be available as of 1st September 2008. The scholarships may be sought by students who wish to obtain a PhD degree, either without or with a previous Master's degree, and who have agreed on a PhD project with a supervisor employed at the Faculty of Engineering.

For applicants with a relevant Master's degree, the scholarship will be for three years of study.

The applications are evaluated based on a number of criteria: the quality of the applicant (publications, grades, references, etc.), the quality of the project, and the degree of co-financing (by the supervisor, a Ph.D.-school, or the applicant). Special consideration will be given to projects with relation to the strategic research areas of the faculty. However, some scholarships will be based on an open competition among the applicants.

The scolarships will be awarded within the Research Training
Programmes at the Faculty:

  1. Robotics
  2. Energy Efficient and Environmentally Efficient Technologies
  3. Functional Materials and Nanotechnology
  4. Applied Mathematical Modelling
  5. Product Design and Innovation

The scholarship is salaried in accordance with the agreement on salaried Ph.D. students between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Association) or for students without a masters degree in accordance with the SU-law (the Danish State Education Grant and Loan Scheme Authority), and

Further information about the can be found at the homepage of Faculty:

The application is to be made using the official application form, which can be downloaded from the homepage of the Faculty of Engineering or can be requested from the faculty secretariat. Please note that before sending in an application you must have defined a PhD. project together with a supervisor at the Faculty of Engineering, who must co-sign your application together with the Department Head.

Please send three copies of the application and enclosures, marked "Position no 084061", to the
University of Southern Denmark,
the Faculty of Engineering,
Campusvej 55, 5230
Odense M.

The application must be at the faculty 1st August 2008 at 12 noon, at the latest.

Application Deadline 01/08/2008

Belgium : PhD Scholarship in Computer Science

The Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM, is a research institute of Hasselt University in Belgium. The research team of about 80 people performs scientific research in 3 areas: computer graphics, human-computer interaction and multimedia & communication technology. Hasselt University calls for candidates for the following vacant position (m/f) in EDM:

PhD Scholarship in computer science (2 x 2 jaar)
(mandate WNI/2007/014-HO)

Job description
The intended research is situated in the domains of networked virtual environments (NVE) and human-computer interaction (HCI). More specifically, synchronization in scalable networked virtual environments is studied, supporting simulation-based interaction. The investigated synchronization techniques enhance consistency of the status of the virtual environment as presented to all users. Heterogeneous environments (different platforms, I/O devices etc.) are taken into account. Besides synchronization techniques, interaction techniques and the flexibility in their realization play an important role in the envisioned research. Usable multimodal interaction metaphors are designed for individuals as well as groups of users. A division of the users in subgroups is considered for both simulation and interaction between several users in order to enhance performance and social interaction. Further details of the PhD research topics will be
determined based on the background and interest of the PhD candidate.

Academic license (4 years), master (5 years) or equivalent diploma in computer science. Students who will complete their studies during the summer, are strongly invited to apply

Further information
Content job responsibilities:

Content terms of employment and selection procedure:

Applicants must use the official application forms

  • which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  • or which can be downloaded here

The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, August 1st 2008.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:

Belgium : PhD Scholarship Human-Computer Interaction

The Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM, is a research institute of Hasselt University in Belgium. The research team of about 80 people performs scientific research in 3 areas: computer graphics, human-computer interaction and multimedia & communication technology. In the context of a FWO research project, Hasselt University calls for candidates for the following vacant position (m/f) in EDM:

PhD Scholarship human-computer interaction (2x2 years) (mandate WNI/2008/025)

Job description
The PhD research will be performed in the research group human-computer interaction (HCI) of EDM. Relevant research domains covered in HCI research at EDM are:

  • technologies and tools for the realisation of user interfaces for ubiquitous computing;
  • model-based development of interactive applications;
  • context-aware, distributed and migratable user interfaces.

The fundamental research project is carried out in the domain of model-based development of user interfaces. The use of models and their transformations are the central concepts in this project. The PhD research consists of the investigation of different aspects of the HCI modeling languages for context-sensitive interactive applications and their place within model-driven engineering. Properties of model transformations, such as correctness, are investigated through formalization of the used models.

Master in computer science, licence in (applied) computer science, civil engineer computer science or equivalent. Students who will complete their studies during the summer, are strongly invited to apply.

Further information
Content job responsibilities:

Content terms of employment and selection procedure:

Applicants must use the official application forms

  • which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
  • or which can be downloaded here

The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, August 1st 2008.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:

Germany : 2 PhD Scholarship -- University of Erfurt

Commencing 1 November 2008 the University of Erfurt will award two doctoral scholarships via the Center of Empirical Research in Economic and Behavioral Sciences (CEREB) and one post-doctoral scholarship for women via the University of Erfurt.

The Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Science (CEREB) is a collaboration of researchers in economics, psychology and organizational management. The members of the CEREB combine scientific theory and empirical methods in their work in order to answer important social questions. The researchers take advantage of synergies of interdisciplinarity and cooperate with international research facilities.

Successful candidates will be able to work in an outstanding research environment. They will profit from an innovative conception of mutual team support and an intensive mentoring programme. With their research they will be integrated into cross-disciplinary research teams, and in this research-oriented environment will receive systematic preparation for either an academic or non-academic career. The research-oriented graduate training will be effectively supported by a corresponding program of study and further education. The CEREB offers an interdisciplinary doctoral colloquium, workshops, a short lecture program, and financial support for participation in conferences.

Applicants for Scholarships must hold a Master's or equivalent degree with top marks, or a PhD in one of the relevant core areas. Scholarships for PhD candidates are €1,000 per month and run for a period of up to 3 years. Postdoctoral scholarships are €1,500 per month and run for a period of up to 3 years. Material and travel expenditures will also be paid. In Erfurt each scholar will have a workstation at his disposal. Scholars are requested to reside in Erfurt for the duration of their scholarship. Participation in seminars of the respective graduate school or the mentoring research teams is mandatory.

A small number of other doctoral scholarships are available for outstanding individual projects in the humanities and social sciences. The documents required for application include:

  • Proposal of the dissertation or post-doc project (ca. 5 pages, including research question, status quo of the research in the field, methodological approach and hypotheses, time and work schedule)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of the first university degree
  • Copy of the final or doctoral thesis - Letter of recommendation by a professor

Applications may be submitted to:
Erfurt University, Vizepräsidium für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs,
Nordhäuser Str. 63, D-99084 Erfurt.

Applications must be submitted in writing and electronically. ( The file must not exceed 2 MB. Queries may be sent to
Angelika Tetzel or Thomas Horstmann
( / ,
Tel. +49 361/737 5040).

More information:
About CEREB:
About the scholarships:

Application has to be received by 12. July 2008.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Netherlands : PhD position in Stability Analysis and Robust Stabilization for System Behaviors

University of Groningen

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD Position Dynamic Performance of Multiphase Materials

Delft University of Technology Aerospace Engineering

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD: Bayesian Constraint Modelling of Metabolic Network Regulation

Delft University of Technology Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Further Details

UK : University of Warwick PAIS East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship

ENTRY 2008/09

Politics and International Studies

The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) invites applications for one East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship to fund three years of doctoral research at the University of Warwick.

This doctoral research will form part of PAIS's programme to consolidate the study of East Asia in the department and across the University. The successful candidate will be supervised by Professor Chris Hughes in PAIS. In addition to pursuing their own doctoral research, the holder of the Fellowship will be expected under Professor Hughes's direction to form part of a research team and provide assistance in a range of activities to promote research on East Asia. PAIS has one of the largest concentrations in the UK of research expertise in the contemporary international and domestic East Asian politics.

The successful candidates should have an interest in the international and domestic politics of East Asia, broadly in one or more of the disciplines of Political Science, International Relations, International Political Economy, Security Studies, East Asian Studies, and Japanese Studies. Professor Hughes would particularly welcome applications in his research specialism of Japanese foreign and security policy, but also seeks applications in areas such as Japan-China relations, East Asian regional security more generally, and East Asian regionalism and political economy.

The Fellowship will be highly competitive. Successful candidates should have obtained at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution of higher education before 31 July 2008. The possession of a MA in a relevant discipline would also be an advantage, as would some pre-existing knowledge of East Asia. Applicants should have the requisite standard of English, and some ability in Japanese or another East Asian language would be useful. Home/EU and Overseas students are eligible for the Fellowship.

The scholarship includes for three years:

The payment of academic fees
A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council standard stipend (£12,940 for full-time award holders in 2008/2009)

Successful candidates may be asked in consultation with Professor Hughes to undertake up to 110 hours of assistance in a year. This assistance may take the form of research and/or teaching and/or administrative duties.

Interested candidates are encouraged in the first instance to contact directly Professor Hughes ( for informal discussions about their suitability and research plans. Formal applications should be made by sending a completed application form, two references, and academic transcript to Professor Hughes. Candidates should also make the normal formal application through the University of Warwick's Graduate School (

The deadline for applications is 4 August 2008.

Entry is for the academic year 2008/09, ideally in October 2008, but slightly later entry is negotiable. For more information about PAIS and postgraduate research, please consult:

Please quote job vacancy reference number PAIS1-068.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 04 August 2008.

The Netherlands : PhD Biofortification and Nutrition

Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group

Further Details

Ireland : University College Dublin Forestry PhD

University College Dublin, together with Treemetrics Ltd and PTR Ltd., have initiated a COFORD (The National Council for Forest Research and Development) funded research project FORESTSCAN - Terrestrial laser scanning technology for multi-resource forest inventories.

The research objectives are:

  • An investigation of the basic principles of terrestrial laser scanning technology and its applicability to (multi-resource) forest inventories.
  • An evaluation of existing data analysis software for forestry applications. Development of new software for a range of applications, both in relation to timber measurements but also for non-timber, sustainable forest management purposes will be investigated.
  • A cost-benefit analysis for the introduction and use of this technology over a range of potential inventory applications.

The project is directed by the Project Coordinator and managed by the Project Management Group consisting of the Project Coordinator and representatives of the participating companies.

The Project Coordinator is looking for a PhD Student for this project.

The research will consist of the following tasks:

  • an investigation of the basic principles behind the scanning systems.
  • a familiarisation with the existing (international) research on these scanning systems.
  • an evaluation of the existing data processing and analysis software for Irish forest applications. The AutoStem software developed by Treemetrics will be the main focus of this evaluation.
  • an assessment of the scanning systems, both hardware and software, based on a range of scans produced in a variety of stands, from simple even-aged single species conifer stands to complex multi-storey, mixed species stands (including broadleaves).
  • a basic cost/benefit analysis of the scanning system.
  • the assessment of new developments in scanning technology and data processing systems.
  • the development of specific operational procedures and data processing and analysis applications for Irish forestry.
  • the testing and documenting of these procedures and applications.
  • individual cost/benefit analyses for each application and comparisons with traditional methods and technologies.

Requirements for this position are:

  • An Honours Degree in Forestry or other relevant discipline, or an equivalent qualification.
  • An understanding of and interest in remote sensing, ICT and statistical applications in forestry.
  • Capable of combining field work with office based activities.
  • An interest in the development of applications and computer software for multi-resource forest inventory.
  • Good writing skills.

The project runs from July 1, 2007 to August 30, 2012. The starting date of the PhD research position is not later than September 1, 2008. The PhD scholarship will have a value of circa €22,000 per year, out of which tuition fees have to be paid, leaving a tax-free scholarship value of circa €17,000 per year.

If you are interested in this PhD position, you can apply by sending a CV (including the names and addresses of two people willing to provide references) and a letter explaining why you feel qualified for the PhD position and scholarship to the Project Coordinator, Professor Maarten Nieuwenhuis (, Agriculture and Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. For inquiries contact Professor Nieuwenhuis at 00353 1 716 7004 or

The closing date for applications is: July 15, 2008.

Further Details

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UK : University of Warwick PhD Studentship for 3 years

Early Detection of Pest and Disease in Greenhouse Crops

Civil and Mechanical Division/Electrical and Electronics Division, School of Engineering

EU - FP7 Funded PhD Studentship

The overall aim of the project is to develop methodologies and a prototype for an early warning system for pests and diseases in greenhouse tomato crops, using multispectral imaging and detection of volatiles, as part of a collaborative project between the School of Engineering and Warwick HRI. The project has also a strong European collaboration and offers the opportunity of travel and work with partners.

The project will be supervised by Dr. D. Iliescu, Dr. E. Hines and Dr. M. Leeson from the School of Engineering.

This studentship is for 3 years with a start date of October 2008, and will be registered at the University of Warwick.

This studentship is available to UK, EU and International candidates. Funds are only available to cover UK/EU Tuition Fees and maintenance allowance. International candidates (outside EU) would be required to pay the difference between UK/EU Tuition Fees and International Tuition Fees.

Enquiries and application form requests to Dr. D. Iliesecu, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0) 2476 522077, Email:

Please quote job vacancy reference number ENG20-068.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 30 June 2008.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

Crisis Management in Project and Programme Management

International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe's top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008.

The repeated failure of major projects and programmes in the public and private sectors has been linked with the inability of project and programme managers to manage crisis situations effectively. One certainty in a world increasingly saturated with complexity and uncertainty is that the future will be punctuated by sudden, unexpected, and potent events that will require a rapid response. The variety of crisis that can arise in projects and programmes is enourmous.

However, there are very few detailed accounts of crisis management. This PhD study will explore the phenomenon of crisis in projects and programmes - its nature, its causes and its resulting managerial behaviour. We envisage that the findings of the study will have significant theoretical and practical implications.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr Elmar Kutsch. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Experience of working on projects is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr. Elmar Kutsch, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 31st July 2008.

Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School's website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email

UK : Cranfield University Funded PhD

CFD for Compressible Flows

Fluid Mechanics and Computational Science Group, Department of Aerospace Sciences

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship, offering a 3-year bursary and tuition fees. Applicants should have a good Upper Second or First Class degree either in engineering, physics, applied mathematics or computer science. The project concerns the development and application of innovative computational fluid dynamics methods for combustion in compressible flows, with application to ramjet and scramjet flow physics.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to get involved with the state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics methods and high-performance parallel computing, while s/he will also benefit from the interaction with several other members of the group and industrial sponsors in the aerospace sector. The research group at Cranfield has ongoing collaboration with several academic and research establishments, as well as industry in the UK, Europe and the USA, in the areas of computational fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics. For more information see:

The application procedure has as follows:
(i) Applicants should send by e-mail a CV, the names and contact details of two referees to Dr. B. Thornber: quoting reference FMCS-CFD.
(ii) The application form can downloaded from

It should be completed and posted along with the CV to Dr. B. Thornber at the address: Cranfield University, Department of Aerospace Sciences, Bld. 83, Cranfield,
Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom.

(iii) The applicants should contact their referees and ask them to send their recommendation letters directly to the above address.

Cranfield is the largest academic centre for postgraduate studies in science and technology in Western Europe. Focused on developing applied research to meet the demands of industry, Cranfield is ranked among the very best and attracts far more industrial funding than its peers.

UK : University of Bath Interdisciplinary PhD Studentship in Computer Science and Engineering

Multi-agent Systems Approach to Wireless Network Configuration

Further Details

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Germany : Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz PhD Students (Anthropology & Geosciences)

Mainz, Germany

The Department of Biology, Institute of Anthropology and the Department of Paleontology, Institute of Geosciences invite applications for three job openings at the research assistant level (PhD student).

The first two projects (Langobards, BMBF) focus on the migration and mobility of the Langobards (Lombards) from their original whereabouts to Italy during the Early Medieval times. Sub-project 1 studies archaeological reference material from designated localities in 4 countries by means of strontium, lead and oxygen isotopes. Sub-project 2 generates isotope maps for the area (geology, water etc.) from which the archaeological remains were obtained. Future archaeological and forensic methods will benefit significantly from the outcome of this case study.

The final project (Iron Age, DFG) focuses on the mobility of Iron Age elites. Based on a highly interdisciplinary research approach, this project deals with Celtic migrations during the 4th and 3rd century BC. The successful candidate will employ stable strontium and oxygen isotopes for the analysis of mobility and migration patterns.

The present vacancies require broadly trained applicants with a Masters degree or equivalent (Diploma etc.) in archaeology, anthropology, bio- or geosciences. The ideal candidates should be highly enthusiastic and motivated about conducting interdisciplinary research and should be capable of scientific independence. Excellent communication skills (both written and spoken) and proficiency in written and spoken German and English is essential.

The appointment will be for 2.5 to three years. Salary according to E13 TV-L/2 (approximately 1,000 € net income) includes fringe benefits (dental + health, social & unemployment insurances). Starting date is negotiable, but preferably on October 1, 2008. All positions are subject to final apportionment of funds.

The University of Mainz is committed to increasing the number of women in science. Therefore, applications of qualified females are strongly encouraged. To build a diverse workforce, the University of Mainz also encourages applications from individuals with disabilities and from minorities.

Interested individuals are invited to submit an application package (including a covering letter, CV, copies of degree certificates, transcripts if available, statement of research and teaching interests, addresses of three referees) as a pdf file (other file formats will not be accepted) via email to and (please include subject: “Langobards” or “Iron Age”, respectively) or via regular mail to Prof. Dr. Kurt W. Alt, Institute of Anthropology, University of Mainz, Colonel-Kleinmann Weg 2, 55129 Mainz, Germany and Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Schöne, Department of Applied and Analytical Paleontology & INCREMENTS, Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Becherweg 21, 55128 Mainz, Germany.

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2008.

Denmark : Technical University of Denmark PhD – Scholarship/Post doc Position in Piston Ring Lubrication Theory and Experiment

Department of Mechanical Engineering

A 3-year PhD scholarship or a three year post doc position is available at Technical University of Denmark, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering from September 1, 2008.

Detailed “understanding” of the piston ring performance in a large diesel engine is a prerequisite for specifying operating and design parameters so as to reduce friction and wear.

In large two-stroke engines a major contributor to the overall frictional loss is situated in the interface between the piston ring and the cylinder liner. One of the major prerequisites for analyzing piston ring friction and wear is a detailed description of the lubrication situation in the interface. An important condition for describing the frictional behavior of a piston ring correctly is knowledge about the amount and distribution of lubricant. During one stroke the piston ring experiences both hydrodynamic, mixed and boundary lubrication.

In large two-stroke engines the cylinder oil is supplied at discrete locations on the cylinder liner at a specific rate at a certain time. The shifting in lubrication regimes and the non-uniform oil distribution opens for the possibility of starved conditions for the piston ring bearing. It is important to quantify the oil film characteristics as a function of the operating conditions. Several test apparatus’ are used to study the interaction between a piston ring and a cylinder liner.

The experimental results are used to verify theoretical findings regarding the influence from speed, number of piston rings, surface characteristics, lubrication oil type and supply flow etc.

The test equipment is developed as a part of an ongoing cooperative research project between MAN Diesel A/S and DTU. The present Ph.D. study will be a part of the EU-project, HERCULES-É¿, which is a cooperative project within the 7th Framework Program. The aim of the Ph.D. study is to analyze, develop and test low friction and wear bearing applications for piston rings in large two-stroke engines.

Candidates for the PhD degree should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. Candidates with prior knowledge in machine elements, tribology and experimental work are preferred.

Candidates for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained from the DTU website ( or by application to the PhD programme office at tel: +45 4525 1176 or +45 4525 1177. The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

Candidates for the Post doc position should have a PhD degree in mechanical engineering, or academic qualifications equivalent to the PhD degree in engineering and they should have demonstrated qualifications in tribology and/or contact mechanics. The salary and appointment terms are negotiated in accordance with the current collective agreement for Danish University faculty members.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

For further information regarding the position, please contact Professor Peder Klit ( / +45 4525 6267).

Please send your application in triplicate, including CV and documentation of educational degree to:

Professor Peder Klit
Att.: Secretary Bente Brask Andersen
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Nils Koppels Alle, Building 404
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Deadline for application: July 4, 2008 at 12:00

UK : Aston University PhD Studentship in Artificial Heart Technology

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : Cardiff University PhD Studentships

Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply

Cardiff School of Engineering

Click here for Employer Profile

Italy: International Master Scholarships in Relational Communication and Fund Raising


PROPONENT: Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for development and communication, , a non profit-making organization committed to the research field of macro communication and development systems for the improvement of human relations.

ORGANIZATION: In-formazione S.r.l. – International leading company in training field.
PARTNERSHIP: Education Faculty of University of Perugia (Italy) and Luoghi Speciali (Special Places)
DURATION: 1st September 2008 – 31st August 2009
LOCATION: Assisi (Perugia, Italy) – the Master is residential
NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS: 3 awarded by L’Albero della Vita Foundation
THEMATIC AREAS: Quality and Excellence, Relational Communication, Fund Raising and Social Responsibility, Communication and Training, Human Resources Management, Arts
TUITION FEE: € 24,000.00
FUNDING: € 24,000.00 for each scholarship
INTENDED AUDIENCE: women and men who: a) are resident and/or come from a developing country listed in OSCE DAC list; b) are resident in Italy or in other countries with a high economic development index, with a total income under the poverty line defined in his/her country by governmental statistical agencies.
ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: a) 25 to 35 years of age; b) university degree in one of the following subject: economics, law, politics, sociology, medicine or in the following field: social work, training, education , psychology, public management, linguistic mediation, agriculture; c) good knowledge of English and/or Italian.
FAVOURABLE REQUIREMENTS: a) specialization in international cooperation, international affaire, local development; b) significant work experience in social field c) presentation of a social project regarding a pressing problem in the place of residence addressed to underprivileged people.

DEADLINE: 10th July 2008
m.benini[ at ] or c.carrara[ at ]
for scholarships: ufficioprogetti.fondazione[ at ],
to read the integral announcement:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

UK : University of Southampton Clinical Band 7 & Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Awards

Clinical Academic Career Pathway for Allied Health Care Professionals and Nurses

• Improving the quality of patient care
• Combining clinical excellence with research excellence
• Generating an evidence base for non-medical interventions

An exciting and innovative programme to provide research and clinical training for practitioners wishing to pursue a clinical academic career has been funded by NHS Education South Central and developed with the School of Health Sciences University of Southampton, in partnership with Southampton University NHS Hospitals Trust, Southampton City Primary Care Trust and Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust.

These new posts provide the opportunity of a lifetime to undertake either doctoral or postdoctoral level clinical research and develop clinical expertise in the specialty areas of one of the following: cancer and end of life care, patient safety focused on infection control, or long-term conditions.

Applications are invited from clinically experienced and doctorally prepared nurses, midwives or allied health professionals for 3 joint clinical academic appointments combining a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with an AfC Band 7 clinical position. These posts are for 3 years in the first instance and will focus on the development of a clinically focused research programme with the development of high level clinical leadership skills in one of the above specialty areas.
£28,313 - £37,326 pa

You will be linked to both the relevant University research group and the appropriate practice areas in one or more of the partnership Trusts.

The above post is offered on a full-time or part-time basis. We will also consider secondment arrangements. Interviews will be held on 14 July 2008 and/or 15 July 2008.

Applicants should submit a full CV and indicate their choice of speciality cancer and end of life care, patient safety focused on infection control, or long-term conditions. To find out more about us and the roles we have on offer visit and apply on-line, or call 023 8059 7831. The closing date for this position is 27 June 2008 at 12 noon. Please quote reference 2446-08-M and job title of post you are applying for.

For more information about this post, please click here
To apply on-line for this position, please click here

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UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

The mindsets of effective programme office managers: A phenomenographic study

International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe's top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008.

In business and government, programmes are used to transform strategies and policies into desired outcomes and benefits. The ‘programme office' is the information hub for the programme, performing on behalf of the programme leadership team a variety of functions associated with programme support. Some programme offices have wider responsibilities for the maintenance of corporate standards and processes.

There is a growing recognition that the role of programme office manager requires an individual with a certain mindset, but little is known about the conceptual attributes that make up that mindset. Phenomenography is an established research approach for identifying and mapping the qualitatively different ways in which people conceive a given aspect of reality, in this case the work of a programme office manager. The approach leads to the identification of the key attributes of conception at a number of levels (usually three of four) that distinguish and explain why some individuals are more effective than others.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr David Partington. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Experience of working on projects and programmes is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr David Partington, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2008. Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School's website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

Distributed leadership in programme management

International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe's top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008.

In business and government, programmes are used to transform strategies and policies into desired outcomes and benefits. Programmes usually consist of multiple related projects. The concept of the project manager as a single point of integrative project leadership and responsibility is widely accepted as a fundamental principle of good practice. Now, professional guidelines in the emerging discipline of programme management advocate a similar single, integrative leadership status for the role of the programme manager. In practice, however, the leadership of programmes is inevitably distributed or shared among a changing group of individuals. The collective nature of programme leadership has important consequences for the behaviours and mindsets of individuals and for the governance structures within which they operate. There is a significant opportunity and need for the creation of new knowledge in this domain, and the development of new theories based on empirical evidence.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr David Partington. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Experience of working on projects and programmes is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr David Partington, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2008. Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School's website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email

UK : University of Nottingham PhD Studentship (Full international fees)

Application of hydropyrolysis to the palaeoenvironmental study of tree rings

School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : Oxford Brookes University PhD Studentship

Modelling Of Mammalian Mitochondrial Metabolism

Further Details

Monday, June 16, 2008

UK : University of Worcester PhD Studentship: Human exposure to allergenic pollen

National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit (NPARU)

Institute of Health, Social care and Psychology

Department of Atmospheric Environment, National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University, Denmark

Applications are invited for a fully-funded full-time studentship to work in the area of ‘measuring and modelling human exposure to pollen allergens in an urban environment’. This studentship is sponsored by and in collaboration with the National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. Half of the PhD studentship will be conducted at the University of Worcester, UK, and half will be conducted at the National Environmental Research Institute in Denmark.

By quantifying human exposure to allergenic pollen in an urban environment this project will help further work in determining dose/response relationships for pollen exposure and symptoms of allergy, which is an important area of aerobiological and allergological research.

The student will carry out a research project that will lead to the award of a higher research degree (MPhil/PhD). The student will be expected to identify, carry out and report an individual research study under the direction of Prof. Jean Emberlin (NPARU), Dr. Matt Smith (NPARU) and Dr. Ole Hertel (NERI). Detailed information about the NPARU and NERI can be found on the following websites:

Applicants should normally have an honours degree in a suitable science based discipline (e.g. biology, environmental science, geography, mathematics, physics or related subjects). Excellent oral and written English and a high level of computer literacy are a must, as are a commitment and enthusiastic approach to completing a higher research degree. The successful applicant will receive a tax free bursary of £12,300 per annum whilst working at the University of Worcester (18 months) and a taxed bursary of £32,000 per annum whilst working at the National Environmental Research Institute (18 months), plus an expenses budget. Fees will be paid in full at the UK/EU rate for home and EU citizens. Overseas students are welcome to apply but will need to fund the balance of fees for Overseas Research Students.

For further details visit:

Application forms can be found here:

For an informal discussion about the studentship please feel free to contact Matt Smith on +44 1905 855223 or by email to:

For questions regarding the application process contact Mrs Helen Tabinor, Graduate Research School Manager (tel: 01905 855012, email:

Closing date for applications is 16th July 2008 Candidates will be invited for interview on 4th August 2008 (provisionally)

UK : University of Sussex Two Doctoral Studentships at SPRU on ‘Transitions to Sustainability'

SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) at the University of Sussex is pleased to offer two DPhil positions, available to start in October 2008. The two doctoral positions are part of a larger research programme led by Professor Frank W Geels and funded under a prestigious first round grant from the European Research Council.
The title of the research programme is: ‘Destabilisation of sociotechnical regimes as the key to transitions towards sustainability'. This refers to the important emerging field of study concerning non-incremental changes in transport, energy and food systems necessary in order to achieve more sustainable societies - a field in which Professor Geels is a leading figure.

The theoretical framework for the programme involves an exploration of the mechanisms and conditions under which existing systems or regimes become unstable. This may partly be as a result of external pressure (from policy makers or civil society), or partly because of changing beliefs of industry actors. The research programme is multi-disciplinary and will combine insights from sociology of technology, neo-institutional theory, and evolutionary economics. Empirical work focuses on the coal industry, car industry and (pig) farming industry, using case studies as the main method.

The doctoral students will be expected to work as a key element of the research programme under the personal supervision and direction of Professor Geels. Their contributions will be intrinsic to achieving the theoretical and empirical goals as specified in the awarded research proposal. This is available at

The successful applicants will receive a salary of ₤21,050 per year over a period of forty-two months. During this period, the salary will be subject to standard incremental advancement. This compares favourably with the level of remuneration and three year funding period that is normal for doctoral positions, thus giving additional funded time for completion of the thesis and preparation of publications. The project budget also includes provision for appropriate travel and a computer. The successful applicant will need to pay the standard applicable student fees.
We are looking for excellent applicants, who meet the following criteria:

• They have completed a master in sociology of technology (STS), neo-institutional theory, evolutionary economics or organization/business studies.

• Applicants should be excellent, and are invited to provide indications for this (e.g. high grades, won prizes, published articles, recommendations) and their suitability for the project.

• Demonstrable affinity or experience with the issue of sustainability and the domains of transport, energy/coal, or agriculture is preferable.

• Current first year (research) students are also invited to apply.

• The projects are open to international candidates.

Applicants should include a CV and a letter that explains: a) why they are interested in the project (programme text available at ), b) why they are good candidates for the post (indications of excellence). For the purposes of evaluation, applicants should also submit a 4-6 page research outline relating to the areas defined in the proposal posted at

This documents should be submitted at: .

Applicants should also indicate under 'other information-finance' that they are applying for an ERC Studentship in SPRU under the ‘Destable' Project. Please inform Merrill Jones in SPRU ( ) when you have sent your application.

Closing date: 1700, 11 July 2008

Further Details