
Friday, June 27, 2008

UK : Aston University Three-year Fees-only PhD Bursaries

School of Languages and Social Sciences

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New Zealand : PhD studentship

Understanding the responses of host plant immune systems to infection by Plasmodiophora brassicae

The Bio-Protection Research Centre, New Zealand

Applications close: 18 July 2008

Reference number: CFRBS1

Project Description
Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is an important but poorly understood disease of vegetable Brassicas. Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship to investigate the response of the host plant immune system to P. brassicae infection. We will build upon ongoing plasmodiophorid genomic studies as well as recently-developed gnotobiotic culturing of P. brassicae. Cell cultures will be exposed to known and potential elicitors of the immune system. Changes in gene expression indicative of switching-on or priming of plant defences will be monitored. We aim to identify new chemical or biological candidates for plant protection against plasmodiophorid diseases.

The project is a collaboration between the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research and the Bio-Protection Research Centre. The project will be overseen by Dr Simon Bulman, Professor Richard Falloon and Professor Tony Conner. The PhD studentship will ideally commence between October and December 2008 and includes a NZ$ 24,500 tax-free stipend and course fees for 3 years at Lincoln University. Funding is from the NZ Foundation for Research, Science & Technology and Horticulture New Zealand.

For more information about the project please refer to the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research website at or contact Dr Simon Bulman at the New Zealand Institute of Crop & Food Research ( Candidates should have or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class honours degree and preferably have a background in molecular biology and/or plant pathology.

How to Apply
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae with a covering letter indicating their interest in the project and the contact details of at least two referees to Dr Simon Bulman ( The covering letter should quote the reference number CFRSB1.

New Zealand : PhD studentship opportunity

Molecular characterisation of dsRNA viruses affecting virulence of Rhizoctonia solani on potatoes

The Bio-Protection Research Centre, New Zealand

Applications close: 18 July 2008

Reference number: CFRAP1

Project Description
Several dsRNA viruses infecting R. solani have been shown to confer either hypervirulence or hypovirulence on potato, providing a potential means for biocontrol of this important fungal pathogen. Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship to study the role of dsRNA viruses in determining the virulence of R. solani on potatoes. Genome sequencing will be used to characterise viruses associated with virulent and non-virulent forms of R. solani found in soils and potato crops. Viruses conferring hypovirulence will then be used to establish the molecular mechanisms involved in their interactions with Rhizoctonia and their potential as biocontrol agents.

The project is a collaboration between Dr Andrew Pitman and Professor Richard Falloon of the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research and Professor Alison Stewart of The Bio-Protection Research Centre. Ideally, the PhD studentship will commence between October and December 2008 (some flexibility) and includes a NZ$ 24,500 tax-free stipend and course fees for 3 years at Lincoln University, funded by the NZ Foundation for Research, Science & Technology and Horticulture New Zealand.

For more information about the project please refer to the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research website at or contact Dr Andrew Pitman at the New Zealand Institute of Crop & Food Research ( Candidates should have or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class honours degree and preferably have a background in molecular biology and/or plant pathology.

How to Apply
Applicants should submit a full curriculum vitae with a covering letter indicating their interest in the project and the contact details of at least two referees to Dr Andrew Pitman ( The covering letter should quote the reference number CFRAP1.

Irelamd : Tyndall National Institute PhD Studentship

Packaging Technologies for Wearable Systems

Ref. No. BOF - 15
Position ID: CLARITY-TYNDALL-student 02

University College Cork, Tyndall National Institute invites applications for the position of PhD Student to investigate and develop Packaging Technologies for the next generation, wearable wireless sensor network systems as part of the Science Foundation Ireland funded CSET - CLARITY.

Tyndall National Institute (Tyndall),, is Ireland's largest research centre, specialising in defined areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The mission for Tyndall can be summarised as follows: "To be a Centre of Excellence in Information and Communications Technology research, development and graduate training, recognised internationally for the quality of its outputs in materials, devices and systems, and its creation of new opportunities for Ireland's economic growth.

Within Tyndall, the WSN team is developing wearable wireless sensor network solutions for a variety of deployment scenarios on and around the body, in the built environment and wearable implementations. The team has a strong background in developing low power consumption, miniaturised systems, requiring rigorous RF simulation and design as well as embedded software development and system deployment and test.

Reporting to the Wireless Sensor Network R&D activity leader the candidate will:

  • Be responsible for the specification and development of Packaging Technologies for wearable Systems.
  • Contribute to and/or initiate peer reviewed scientific publications in the area.
  • Travel to project meetings to present technical results and project updates.

The ideal candidate will have an honours degree in electrical / electronic engineering and an interest in the development of technological processes and development of microelectronic systems. Industrial experience in a relevant area would also be taken into consideration.

To apply for this position, please submit a CV to quoting the reference number.

Questions can be directed to Brendan O'Flynn
Tel: +353 21 490 4088. Email:

University College Cork is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Wales : Aberystwyth University Welsh Medium Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD) in Psychology

Department of Psychology

Further Details

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Netherlands : PhD position in %u2018Sustainable Hydrogen%u2019 f/m

VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Sciences

Further Details

UK : University of Exeter Two PhD Studentships

Islamic History and Maritime Ethnography

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Further Details

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Ireland : Tyndall National Institute Ph.D. Studentship in Graphene-based Nanoelectronic Devices

(Ref. No. AQ - 02)

Graphene, honeycomb layers of carbon only one atom thick, is a fascinating new material with enormous potential for electronics applications. Graphene nanoribbons, patterned from micron-scale flakes using lithography and etching, have been proposed as building blocks for future switches or memory devices. In addition to development of fabrication and contacting processes to electrically interface these nanoribbons, a key challenge lies in understanding the contribution of the ribbon edges to the electronic structure and charge transport properties of these novel building blocks.

Applications are invited for a Ph.D. studentship in this field. The student's work will focus on:
- Assembly and visualisation of micron-scale graphene layers.
- Development of routes for fabrication and functionalisation of graphene nanoribbons.
- Investigation of electrical characteristics of the graphene nanoribbon devices using low-noise variable temperature electrical characterisation.

The successful candidate for this position will have a good undergraduate degree in chemistry, physics, electronic engineering or materials science. Informal enquiries concerning this studentship can be made to Dr. Aidan Quinn (email:, group webpage:

To apply for this position, please submit a CV to quoting the reference number.

Denmark : Technical University of Denmark PhD scholarship in “Biogeochemical process understanding at a groundwater - surface water interface”

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in the area of attenuation of organic pollutants arising from contaminated sites, in particular integrated process studies of a surface water- ground water system at plume scale. The PhD position will be funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research and the Technical University of Denmark in the research project RISKPOINT.

Project description

The RISKPOINT project aims to develop a complete risk assessment tool that can be used to identify and prioritise clean up and management of point sources of contamination to groundwater.

Management of such systems requires detailed understanding of biogeochemical processes relevant for attenuation processes for organic contaminants like chlorinated solvents. The aim is to obtain detailed process understanding using state of the art field and laboratory methods and develop new tools. The project will be focused at a highly instrumented field site at a groundwater surface interface in a catchment in Denmark. The site will be investigated with respect to hydrogeology, biogeochemical processes and ecological impact on the river system from a contaminant plume. Geophysical characterization as well as advanced reactive transport modeling will be carried out at the site and in the catchment.

For this position we seek a young researcher with a Master's degree in environmental engineering, microbiology or hydrogeology. Experience with modern chemical and/or biological analytical techniques is necessary. Experience with laboratory and field investigations and model application is preferable. We expect good communication skills, both verbally and in writing. The position is open to both international and Danish candidates.

The PhD project will be carried out in close collaboration with a group of PhD students and researchers from DTU Environment in the research group on "Contaminated sites" (

The PhD candidate will be enrolled for a period of 3 years at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU Environment.

The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general rules of DTU, which may be obtained from the DTU homepage

The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.

Further information is available from Professor Poul L. Bjerg, DTU Environment, e-mail

Applications with enclosures should be submitted by e-mail to Poul L. Bjerg, by August 22nd 2008 at 12:00 noon. Applications must include a curriculum vitae and documentation of a completed master's degree.

The successful candidate will be expected to start as soon as possible after September, 1st 2008.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

UK : Heriot-Watt University PhD Research Opportunities in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Fully funded PhD studentships in electrical and electronic engineering are available to UK students in the School of Engineering & Physical Sciences at Heriot-Watt University. EU students who have been resident in the UK for over 3 years, may also be eligible for the studentships. The studentships will cover the fees and provide a tax-free stipend of 13,900 pounds a year for three and a half years of PhD study. The PhD research projects can be in any of the following research areas:

  • Image and signal processing
  • Microsystems technology (MEMS)
  • RF/Microwave technology
  • Ocean systems
  • Intelligent systems
  • Energy

The details of the research activities in these areas can be found at Further information about postgraduate studies is available at

In addition a limited number of fees-only scholarships are available to EU and overseas students with excellent academic background.

The closing date for application is 18 July 2008.

For application, send a completed application form with cv at the following address:

Dr Changhai Wang
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences
EH14 4AS

The application form can be obtained at

For enquiries contact Dr ChanghaiWang, Tel 0131 451 3903; E-mail

Further Details

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Ireland : University of Ulster PhD Studentships

Real Estate Initiative

Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in the University of Ulster Real Estate Initiative in the Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment at the Belfast or Jordanstown Campus.

Two studentships are available and we particularly are interested in proposals for the following projects:

1. Analyse the holistic approach to workplace environments, management systems and new technologies in meeting corporate end-user requirements.

Supervisor: Professor Stanley McGreal. T: 028 9036 6566 E:

2. Impact of quality led design on real estate value and performance.

Supervisor: Professor Jim Berry. T: 028 9036 6562 E:

3. An analysis of the role of city branding and place making as vehicles in delivering proactive regeneration.

Supervisor: Professor Ali Parsa. T: 028 9036 6283 E:

4. An investigation of the role of bank financing in real estate development and investment in global markets.

Supervisor: Professor Jim Berry. T: 028 9036 6562 E:

5. Emerging markets - identifying special characteristics of these markets, transparency issues and modes of operation in the Middle East, and Africa.

Supervisor: Professor Ali Parsa. T: 028 9036 6283 E:

Candidates should hold a first or upper second class honours degree in property, urban design, planning, investment or cognate discipline related to the project area. Successful candidates will enrol a.s.a.p. and by October 2008 on a full-time programme of research studies leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Each of the studentships will comprise fees (home, EU and overseas applications welcome) and an annual stipend of £12,600. It will be awarded for a period of up to three years subject to satisfactory progress and is tenable in the Faculty of Art, Design and the Built Environment at the Belfast or Jordanstown campuses.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 1 August 2008. Interviews will be held during August 2008.

If you wish to discuss your proposal please contact the Project Supervisors Apply at: or application materials are available from Research Office, University of Ulster, Cromore Road, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, Tel 028 7032 4729, e-mail, Web

UK : De Montfort University Full-time PhD Studentship

Microbiology - Discrimination of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Faculty of Health & Life Sciences

Applications are invited for a fully funded three-year PhD studentship starting in October 2008. The studentship includes a bursary of £12,600 per annum (tax-free) for three years and all tuition fees.

Candidates should hold a good first degree (at least an Upper-Second Class or equivalent) in a relevant subject area.

Project: Discrimination of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

The emergence of antibiotic resistance in hospital-acquired infections represents a considerable burden to healthcare delivered globally. This research project aims to develop proteomic approaches (including MALDI-TOF-MS) for discrimination and characterisation of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Proteomic techniques, such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, will be used to identify biomarkers of antibacterial resistance on the surface of bacterial isolates. Candidates should have a strong interest in bacteriology and molecular biology. Laboratory based practical experience in microbiology, molecular biology and proteomic techniques would be an advantage.

Applications are welcome from citizens from the EU and those with overseas status as well as those from UK.

Candidates for whom English is not their first language should hold an English qualification at least equivalent to IELTS 6.5.

Enquiries should in the first instance go to the Research Office, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH. Telephone: 0116 2506309. Web:

Closing Date: 25th July 2008

An application form may be downloaded from:

Applicants are requested to contact the office to receive a hardcopy admission pack and will need to provide a full CV with two supporting references. Please e-mail: or call (0116) 2506309 to receive further details.

Italy: PhD Fellowships for Foreign Students, University of Padua

The University of Padova, through the funding of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses. During the 3-year doctoral programme, successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.

Notification of 15 PhD grants for foreign students (24th series)
Deadline: 4 September 2008

Info: Research Training Office
Via del Padovanino, 9 - 35123 Padova
phone +39 049 827 3754/3935 fax +39 049 827 3780
e-mail: formazione.ricerca[ at ]
Mail address: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova

Please visit the official announcement page to obtain call for application and application form

UK: MPhil-PhD Scholarships, Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management, London South Bank University

London South Bank university
MPhil-PhD Scholarships

Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management
Fully-funded: UK/EU/Overseas applicants

We seek applications for a research scholarship: MPhil-PhD in a suitable aspect of Business

The scholarships are for award to outstanding UK/EU/Overseas applicants and are intended to commence in the 2008/2009 academic year.

The scholarships have an annual bursary of £15,000 for the 2008/2009 academic year, and fee-settlement of the relevant annual tuition fee. They are to be offered only to new full-time research students. In the first instance they are offered for one year only, but subject to satisfactory annual progress, are renewable for each of a further two academic years.

You will need a distinctive and related Master’s degree, supported by relevant practical experience and a high standard of both spoken and written English. Applications are sought from all eligible applicants, in particular, those who obtained their Master’s degree from the Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management of London South Bank University.

The faculty’s business-related Research Institute and Centres welcome suitable applicants for doctoral level research training. Applications are invited from scholars wishing to undertake MPhil-PhD research within one or more of the business-related areas stated below:

  1. Accounting, Finance & Governance (Centre for Research in Accounting, Finance & Governance)
  2. International Business (Centre for International Business)
  3. International Marketing (Ehrenberg Centre for Research in Marketing)
  4. Not-for-Profit and/or Third Sector (Centre for Government & Charity Management)
  5. Social and Financial Systems (Centre for Social & Financial Systems Research)
  6. Strategy, Management, Leadership and Innovation (Institute for Strategic Leadership & Service Improvement)

To apply please send a recent CV, the names and contact details of two referees and a brief (circa 700 words) description of the research area that is of interest. Please quote ref: BCIM 02. In addition, you must also complete the standard form for admission to a research degree at London South Bank University available at: this page and sent it to: Dr Kenneth D’Silva, Director of postgraduate Research Degrees Programme, Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, England.

Informal enquiries about these scholarships may be made to Dr D’Silva on dsilvake[ at ] or fax + 44 (20) 7815 7891.

In all cases, fully completed applications must be received no later than 7 July, 2008.