Evaluation of leadership development programmes
Business School
Governments, employing organisations and individuals themselves invest in programmes aimed at developing leadership capacity that incorporate concepts such as ‘emotional intelligence’ or ‘transpersonal dimension’ of leadership. The effectiveness of the resulting development programmes, however, remains under-explored. PhD proposals are consequently invited which focus attention on the development of criteria for the evaluation of such programmes. Proposals which encompass a comparative methodology involving the evaluation of different types of programmes would be particularly welcomed.
Contact for informal inquiries and further information about the project:
Dr. Tatiana Bachkirova – tbachkirova@brookes.ac.uk, or Dr. Elaine Cox – ecox@brookes.ac.uk
Applicants should have a good Honours degree with 2:1 and normally a masters degree within a relevant discipline.
The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress.
Starting bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.
For details regarding how to apply please download the application form and additional information.
Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email hr-bs@brookes.ac.uk
Closing date: 30th April 2008