A research group on “sacred places - sacred landscapes” has been established within Research Area C, “Perception and Representation”, Research group C III “Acts”. As the center of its research are ritual landscapes. Starting from the interaction between space and ritual acts, it investigates the construction of sacred landscapes, seeking in the archaeological findings to identify and reconstruct complex sacred landscapes and their constitution in the process of journeys of pilgrimage and of processions.The research group is striving to expand the range of sources to include archaeological excavations, historical evidence, and recent ethnological studies. By means of intercultural comparison, this will permit fundamental statements on the connection between space and time in the construction of ritual landscapes. The close interconnection between archaeological and ethnological findings opens up new paths of knowledge in this context, because they are able to answer questions about continuity and change more comprehensively.
We are accepting applications for one two-year doctoral stipend that begins on June 1, 2008 and can be extended for an additional year. We are looking for an ethnologist who is familiar with the religious cults of southern Africa; knowledge of archaeology will be helpful but is not conditional. At the center of the research is the processing of existing sources on journeys of pilgrimage to sacred sites, in particular to the many hierarchically arranged rain shrines. Expected are the evaluation of historical sources and oral traditions as well as the conducting of interviews.
The supervisor of the dissertation is Prof. Dr. Ute Luig (Institute for Ethnology, Free University Berlin).
Profile of candidate requirements:
* must have completed a Masters program in Ethnology (Anthropology)
* must be willing to collaborate in an interdisciplinary research team
knowledge of ritual theories and of a South African language is advantageous.
Begin: June/July 1, 2008
The stipend provides 1,300 euros a month. Supplements for family and child care can be granted.
Please send your application only electronically via e-mail to:
Freie Universit?t Berlin
Institut f?r Ethnologie
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Ute Luig
Landoltweg 9-11
14195 Berlin
E-Mail: ethnolas@zedat.fu-berlin.de