
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Switzerland: Plant Modelling Post-doc PhD positions

mathematics/physics/computer science and molecular biology. The project “Plant Growth in a Changing Environment” aims to understand the interactions between mechanical and genetic mechanisms that control plant growth and morphogenesis. The project involves the combination of mathematical and computer modelling (hormone transport, genetic regulatory networks, and physics-based modelling of growth) with experimental physical and molecular-genetic approaches. See PNAS 103: 1301-1306 (2006).
This is an excellent opportunity to do multi-disciplinary research on morphogenesis in the rapidly growing field of Mathematical and Systems Biology. We are looking for motivated candidates to do research in the computer simulation of plant development. A M.Sc. or Ph.D. in mathematics, computer sciences or physics is required. Some experience programming is also required. Our environment encourages modellers to become an integral part of the experimental process.

Contact address Dr. Richard Smith
Prof. Cris Kuhlemeier
Institute of Plant Sciences
University of Bern
Altenbergrain 21
CH-3013 Bern
tel. +41 31 631 4965/4911
fax +41 31 631 4942
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