Reference number: Cat. 20.2 D05-NP
The Joint Research Centre in Geel, Belgium, operates a 150 MeV electron linear accelerator serving as a white neutron source for high-resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements. The Neutron Physics unit offers advanced and comprehensive training in nuclear physics and engineering through cross-disciplinary research based on neutron physics applications.
This project aims at improving the cross-section data in the resolved and unresolved resonance region for tungsten isotopes. Improved resonance parameters will be deduced from high resolution total and capture cross-section measurements at GELINA.
The specific tasks of the job are:
- total and capture cross-section measurement at GELINA applying the time-of-flight technique
- processing of the experimental data to deduce transmission factors and capture yields
- resonance shape analysis to deduce resonance parameters in the resolved resonance region
- application of statistical nuclear reaction models to deduce average resonance parameters and average cross sections in the unresolved resonance region
Selection criteria:
The ideal candidate has a university (master) degree in nuclear physics. The applicant should have a solid background in nuclear physics and a good experience with radiation detectors and related electronics as well as some theoretical aspects of nuclear physics. Experience in the use of scintillators and application of the time-of-flight technique is an asset.
Duration: Up to 36 months
Deadline: 31 October 2009
Scientific IRMM Contact
Grantholders will be offered a contract that conforms with the Belgian national legislation, in particular with regard to social security contributions and taxation. The gross monthly salary of the PhD grantholder (category 20) 2.816,67 EUR. In addition to this payment, the JRC may pay a monthly mobility allowance of 500 or 800 EUR (without or with family respectively) and the annual travel allowance (up to 2.500 EUR), depending on the distance between the place of origin and JRC-IRMM. A generous holiday scheme, family benefits, health care, maternity and parental leave are also applicable, as described in the conditions for grantholders.
(Please note that these figures are only for guidance and do not constitute a commitment on the employer’s part).
Employment Contract under Belgian Employment Law:
How to apply
Please read carefully the eligibility criteria before applying. All eligibility criteria must be fulfilled at the date of reference (deadline for applications).
Candidates must complete the PhD application form, and send it, together with:
- an up-to-date curriculum vitae
- a motivation letter, preferably in English
- a copy of the diploma
- a copy of documents proving that the eligibility criteria regarding age and nationality are met (e.g. copy of the passport)
by registered mail by the deadline (postmark serves as reference date) to:
Personnel Office – Management Support Unit
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements
Retieseweg 111
B-2440 GEEL, Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)14 571321 or +32 (0)14 571757
Fax: +32 (0)14 584273
Only applications using the given form can be accepted. Please indicate the reference number of the project you are applying for. In case you want to apply for several projects, please submit different application forms and clearly indicate your order of preference in your motivation letter. Applications are only valid for one specific deadline. You may not refer to documents or applications submitted previously. None of the papers in the application file will be returned. For any enquiries concerning the application procedure, please contact
Selection Procedure
The call for proposals for PhDs is permantly open in 2009. It is foreseen that a selection committee will meet in principle three times per year to assess applications. Proposals submitted prior to the above application deadlineswill be evaluated in the subsequent selection committee. The selection committee makes a list of candidates and based on the needs and on the financial constraints, the Director of the institute decides on granting a contract, and will inform candidates accordingly.
Other information
The European Commission is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Further details please go to: