PhD Studentship
Employment Relations and Organisational Behaviour
Department of Management
The Department of Management is offering a PhD studentship on the PhD in Employment Relations and Organisational Behaviour programme, to begin in the Lent term of the 2009 / 2010 academic year (January 2010). The successful candidate will implement an interdisciplinary perspective combining multiple social sciences to examine an empirical issue in finance or relating to the financial markets. The position is open to candidates with backgrounds in disciplines including management, accounting and finance, economics, psychology, sociology and public policy and others. The research will take place in conjunction with the Pensions Tomorrow initiative, established within the Department. The studentships will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Paul Willman, assisted by other members of faculty. The research will contribute to ongoing research in the Department on pension provision and financial markets which combines a diverse range of social theories, including psychology and sociology as well as economics and finance.
In line with the multidisciplinary approach of the Department, preference will be given to students able to draw on a wide range of social science approaches and demonstrating strong qualitative and quantitative research skills. Ability to engage with technical financial issues, prior experience of working within complex organisations and a rigorously critical mindset are also highly desirable. Personal qualities should include the ability to work independently and the high degree of motivation necessary to complete a PhD in three years. An interest in pursuing research on pension funds or insurance companies is a marginal advantage.
You should have an appropriate first degree in any social science discipline and a Master’s degree in a subject of relevance to the proposed research.
Following a search process the Department has filled its vacancy for an overseas studentship. Consequently, this advert is only relevant for candidates who classify as Home / EU.
The studentships are available for up to three years full-time and will cover fees and a stipend appropriate for the costs of living in London.
How to apply
Enquiries about the studentships should be addressed to Dr Yally Avrahampour ( in the first instance.
To apply for the studentship, please send the following to
- a cover letter explaining why you wish to be considered
- a statement of your research plan (no longer than 2,000 words)
- a CV
- two academic references.
Hard copy references can be sent to:
Dr. Yally Avrahampour
LSE Fellow
Department of Management
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
Further details
Department of Management
The Department of Management provides a world class environment for multidisciplinary research on management issues as well as a deep insight into the functioning of the global business environment. Our objective is to be the premier management department in Europe and one of the top departments in the world in both teaching and research.
Pensions Tomorrow initiative
The Pensions Tomorrow initiative is an interdisciplinary research program funded by Pension Corporation. It has a broad remit in examining all aspects of the pensions landscape including policy and regulation, the role of capital markets in pensions provision, asset-liability management, public and private sector pensions, longevity, socio-political considerations, labour market issues and the economic history of pensions, both in the UK and internationally.
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