The European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG) offers high quality training, both in terms of scientific knowledge and didactic skills, provided by six excellent university groups within the EU. The EM-ABG is a response to the need for highly qualified graduates in the internationally operating area of animal breeding and genetics.
Universities Involved
University groups on Animal Breeding and Genetics within Europe have a long tradition of collaboration. The consortium consists of:
- Wageningen University (WU) (the Netherlands) as co-ordinator
- University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU), Kiel, Germany
- Agro ParisTech, France
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
- The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Aas, Norway.
The partner universities together form a consortium with a high level of expertise in every core subject in animal breeding and genetics through which EU can provide leadership for the development of a global training program. Moreover, representatives of seven international organisations have joined the International Advisory Board which advices the Consortium on the development of the course.
Fees and Scholarships
The subscription fees are the same, irrespective of the chosen study track
- EU students: € 2,000 per academic year / € 4,000 for the whole master course
- Non-EU students: € 8,000 per academic year / € 16,000 for the whole master course
The subscription fees include the following costs:
- Registration in two universities
- Costs of the orientation period and accommodation of the students during this event
- Allocation of a research grant to every student for direct costs related to thesis research and internship
- Participation in the summer activity at the end of the first year
The subscription fees do not include the living expenses or the travel costs to and within Europe.
The EM-ABG course is supported by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Union:
- Scholarships for third-country (non-EU) selected students are offered. The amount for academic year 2010/2011 is € 21,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurances, travel costs and subscription fees
- Scholarships for third-country (non-EU) selected scholars are offered as well.
- The scholarship application is included in the application form (application deadline 15th of January 2010).
For the EM-ABG program starting in August 2010, scholarships for EU students are available:
- The consortium has some scholarships for EU students covering fees.
- Some scholarships covering fees and living expenses are available for EU-students that spend one year at Wageningen University.
- European students can make use of existing Erasmus-Socrates exchange programmes.
If you wish to apply for the program and/or a scholarship for EU students, please fill in the EM-ABG application form that can be found on this website and write a motivation letter for the scholarship.
Application deadline EM-ABG program and scholarship for EU students: 1st of May, 2010.
For more information and application:
EM-ABG Secretary
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
PO Box 338
NL 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 317 482 335
Coordinator: Prof. Johan A.M. van Arendonk
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
For further details please go to: