This two-year programme provides sound training in modern statistical methodology with a focus on the design and analysis of biomedical and epidemiological studies.
The following compulsory courses are taught as part of this international programme: Concepts of Probability and Statistics; Regression; Analysis of Variance; Nonparametric Methods; Correlated and Multivariate Methods; Principles of Statistical Inference; Foundations of Linear Models; Applied Data Modelling; Medical Biology; Multivariate Data Analysis; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Epidemiology; Genetic Epidemiology; Survival Data Analysis; Clinical Trials.
The following courses are also offered: Data Management; Data Mining, Survey Methods; Computer Intensive Methods; Topics In Biometry, Bayesian Data Analysis; Modelling of Infectious Diseases, Topics in Epidemiology; Bioinformatics; Disease Mapping; Microbial Risk Assessment.
The programme puts strong emphasis on project work and the development of scientific writing skills. Typical projects are: Learning from Data; Discovering Associations; Longitudinal Data Analysis and Advanced Modelling Techniques.
The final part of the programme is a summer project: each student takes part in the ongoing statistical activities at a company, institute, laboratory, etc. The project is assessed on the basis of a scientific report presented orally.
Admission requirements
All applicants should hold a university degree. Applications are primarily expected from candidates with a degree in a maths and/or statistics-oriented discipline.
Graduates from fields like medicine, biology, agriculture and bioengineering may also be admitted, provided they can show good skills in maths and statistics.
Period: September 2009 – September 2012
Language: English
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 16
Promoter: Prof. P. Janssen (UHasselt)
Mrs M. Machiels
Centre for Statistics
Hasselt University
T +32 (0)11 26 82 05
F +32 (0)11 26 82 99
Application for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010
You can apply for this scholarship by clicking the following link: