Alcatel Thales III-V Lab is a new private R&D organisation jointly established by Alcatel and Thales on 1st July 2004, under the French “Economic Interest Group” (GIE) status. Relying on the teams and equipment coming from “Alcatel CIT Research and Innovation” on one hand, and from “Thales Research and Technology” on the other hand, it concentrates in a single entity the most advanced industrial research skills in the field of III-V semiconductors in Europe. Its staff amounts to approximately 100 people, most of them being highly qualified recognised experts.
The purpose of Alcatel Thales III-V Lab is to perform research and development on components, from basic research to development, taking advantage of the synergies between the technologies developed for various markets addressed by Thales and Alcatel, such as telecom, space, defence and security. The streamlining of the research work performed within the Group, allows to strengthen the efforts above the critical mass and to increase the added value through the existing synergies.
III-V Lab is developing silicon photonics together with its partners such as CEA LETI for applications on low-cost photonic integrated circuits for telecommunication applications. IIIV Lab is seeking for motivated candidates for a Ph. D or post-doctoral position through a Marie-Curie fellowship on silicon photonics.
All candidates must be nationals of an EU Member or Associated State, must have a Master Degree on September 2009 for a Ph. D and a Ph. D degree on December 2009. Motivated candidates are invited to send a resume through email to:
Guang-Hua DUAN
Alcatel Thales III-V Lab
A joint Laboratory of “Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs” and “Thales Research & Technology”
Campus Polytechnique
1, avenue Augustin Fresnel
91767 Palaiseau