
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

UK : PhD studentships

University of Oxford - Department Of Engineering Science - Centre For Doctoral Training In Healthcare Innovation

Eleven PhD studentships are available for the 4-year postgraduate training programme at the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Healthcare Innovation. The CDT programme represents a new and exciting concept in graduate training at the University of Oxford, offering PhD students the opportunity to undertake one year of intensive training, followed by three years working on a PhD. On graduating, you will not only have gained an Oxford PhD (DPhil) in engineering but will have first-hand experience of working on clinical problems alongside engineers involved in the healthcare industry. Further details of the programme may be found online at are looking for bright, talented students with excellent grades in their first degree in engineering or in a physical sciences subject. You should be positive about multi-disciplinary research and have a strong interest in biomedical engineering as your PhD thesis will be in one of the following areas: information-driven healthcare; modelling for personalised healthcare; cancer therapeutics and delivery.

10 of the studentships are funded by the EPSRC and are open to UK and EU students only. The level of funding is dependent on the status of the student. One fully-funded Clarendon studentship is available for award to a non-EU applicant. The Oxford Funding Service provides an on-line search tool for locating scholarships within the University for graduate students at Applications will be considered in rounds: The deadline for Round 1 is 20 November 2009. The deadline for Round 2 is 22 January 2010. Non-EU applicants for a studentship must apply by the 22 January 2010.

Further details about the studentships and how to apply are available at Further programme information will be presented at CDT in Healthcare Innovation Open Day scheduled for 26 November 2009. Enquiries should be sent to