Established in 2001 to support outstanding students in advanced studies of sustainable energy development , the e8 Scholarship Programme offers two-year scholarships to Masters and Post-Doctoral students.
What is the purpose of the e8 scholarship?
The purpose of the e8 scholarship is to support outstanding students pursuing advanced studies in sustainable energy development and to encourage meaningful contributions to the collective body of knowledge about this subject.
The e8 considers an outstanding student to be one
- who graduates with excellent grades in the top 20% of her/his class
- who is determined to advance her/his knowledge and understanding
- who has a history of community involvement
- who is committed to sustainable energy
- who is committed to return and contribute to her/his home country
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must
- plan to undertake studies at the Masters level or Post-Doctoral level in areas directly related to sustainable energy development
- be citizens of the developing countries and territories identified for OECD official development aid in the DAC List of ODA Recipients effective as of 2006
What are the levels of financial assistance and the duration of the scholarships?
Scholarships of US$ 23,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Masters level students. Scholarships of US$ 30,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Post-Doctoral students. Up to two Post-Doc and ten Masters scholarships will be awarded annually.
How can I apply?
Information and the application form can be obtained online by clicking on this link to the Application Forms page or from the e8 General Secretariat, 505 de Maisonneuve blvd, Lobby Montreal,Quebec,Canada H3A 3C2
, Canada, or +1 (514) 392-8876 (tel), +1 (514) 392-8900 (fax) or by e-mail:
What will I need for my application?
All applicants must provide:
a) application form fully completed;
b) curriculum vitæ;
c) applicant statement
Masters Applicants
Please attach the form “Applicant’s Statement form – Masters Degree”provided for this purpose. The form may be downloaded from scholarship section.
Post-Doctoral Applicants
Please attach the form “Applicant’s Statement form – Post Doctoral” provided for this purpose. The form may be downloaded from scholarship section.
d) copies of transcripts for degrees and final grades
Masters Applicants
- Bachelors transcripts
Post-Doctoral Applicants
- Bachelors transcripts,
- Masters transcripts, and
- PhD transcripts
e) letter of acceptance from an approved academic institution to undertake studies in sustainable energy development;
- if your admission is pending, please include evidence that you have applied for admission;
- if your admission has been deferred, please included the university deferral confirmation;
- If this application is for the second year of a two-year programme, please include a certificate of enrolment and your results for the first year.
f) academic reference
Masters Applicants
Please attach the form ”Masters Academic Reference” provided for this purpose. The form may be downloaded from scholarship section.
Post-Doctoral Applicants
Please include :
- an academic reference from a person who can discuss your academic and/or professional competence
- the Curriculum Vitae of your supervisor
g) personal reference, it must be dated and come from a person (not family member) who can discuss other personal qualities or interest that make you specially qualified to receive the scholarship.
h) proof of citizenship. Refer to the eligibility section above for country eligibility
i) Research Plan (Post-Doctoral Applicants only)
Clearly and concisely, describe the research relating to sustainable energy development that you intend to pursue. Use a maximum of 2,000 words (excluding the Abstract). You may use additional pages for figures and references. Your statement should demonstrate your understanding of the research principles necessary to pursue your objectives. Present your plan with clear hypotheses or questions to be addressed in the research and include:
- abstract;
- principle objectives;
- background information (broader research or other activities of which the research would be a part);
- data sources;
- methodology or approach;
- expected results;
- significance or application of results to sustainable energy development.
If you have not yet formulated a plan of research, your statement should include:
- abstract;
- description of two or three research questions related to sustainable energy development and any link to your previous research;
- analysis of how you think these questions may best be answered;
- description of your methodology and data sources
Key Dates
Applications for the Post-Doctoral programme must be received by the e8 General Secretariat by December 4, 2009. Applications for the Masters programme must be received by March 19, 2010.
How are applications judged?
An Academic Panel consisting of accomplished representatives from Europe, North America and Japan will review the applications. All selections are final and all applicants will be notified.
How will I receive the funds?
Awards will be directly deposited (in US$) into the accounts of the Institution where you are enrolled and provided to you on a regular basis as long as you are making satisfactory progress toward achieving your academic or research requirements.
What are my obligations to the e8 if I am selected?
You are expected to complete your degree or your research, update e8 about your progress and publish your results. You are required to acknowledge the e8 support when publishing or making presentations on your research and results. We may ask you to present your results at an e8 function, in which case your out of pocket expenses incurred to make the presentation will be covered by the e8.
For further details please open the link follow: