
Sunday, May 4, 2008

USA: AISES Google Scholarships

The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) Google Scholarship will fund scholarships awards to students pursuing degrees in the computer science, computer engineering and management information systems. The $10,000 scholarship awards will be equally disbursed over the scholarship award recipient’s course of study.

For example, if a recipient is in their junior year of study, the award will be disbursed over the four remaining semesters in the amount of $2,500 per semester. If the award recipient is in their final year of study, the full award of $10,000 will be disbursed.

Applicants must have a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited four-year college or in their second year at a two-year college leading to a four-year degree. Students at a two-year college must demonstrate a transition plan to a four-year college/university.

Majoring in one of the following college disciplines at an accredited four year college or university:

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Engineering
  • Management Information Systems

Other majors will be considered if it is evident that the applicant demonstrates a strong academic course of study that includes a high volume of computer science related courses and/or computer science related research.

Applicants must be a member of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian or otherwise considered to be an American Indian by the tribe with which affiliation is claimed; or is at least 1/4 American Indian blood; or is at least 1/4 Alaskan Native; or considered to be an Alaskan Native by an Alaskan Native group to which affiliation is claimed.

Applicants must be a member of AISES. To obtain an AISES membership go to

Notification of scholarship awards are made in September and fall disbursements are made no later than November 1. Spring disbursement of the award will be given out dependent upon maintenance of a 3.5 or higher grade point average (GPA) and official verification of a full-time course load.

AISES Google Scholarship award recipients will be invited to attend the Google Scholars Retreat at Google headquarters the spring following their selection as a scholar. Google will provide scholars with information regarding Google internships and notify students of Google student program opportunities.

To apply, please download the application form (pdf).

Deadline for the 2008-2009 academic year’s applications is on 15 June 2008