
Monday, July 14, 2008

UK : Cranfield University School of Management PhD Studentship

Analysis of work-based relationships and the development of self-efficacy beliefs at differing levels of knowledge, experience and expertise in a clinical context.

Cranfield School of Management, in partnership with Cranfield Health, is offering this 4 year full-time PhD studentship tenable from October 2008. The studentship has been made possible through sponsorship provided by the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Gloucestershire Partnership Trust, Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Bedford Hospital NHS Trust.

The research will consider how significant work-based relationships impact on a clinician's self-efficacy beliefs during key stages in their career. After graduation, junior doctors start working in an environment where they are expected to behave as competent, accountable professionals and be responsible for their own learning and professional development in a variety of new and bewildering situations. Historically, the young graduate would join a ‘firm' of doctors lead by a named consultant and would learn both clinical and professional skills from the doctor above them on the hierarchy. Working for extended periods, the method of learning was a form of experiential apprenticeship. Recently the introduction of the European Working Time Directive and Modernising Medical Careers has challenged this model. Young graduates now find themselves on full shifts in a flatter structure with less peer support available, greater patient and public expectation and an increasingly litigious workplace.

The context for this research is a heightened awareness of work-based relationships as an important factor in the determination of self-efficacy beliefs. Research suggests that individuals who establish and maintain positive work-based relationships have higher self-efficacy, actively gain support and career advantage over those who do not have such relationships. The study will explore the learning and work environment of trainee doctors, including Foundation Doctors, Senior House Officers, the Specialist Registrar and Consultants.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded 4 year full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr Joe Jaina and Professor David Buchanan. The studentship includes full payment of fees and stipend of £12,940 per annum. The successful applicant will have a good first degree and is likely to have, or be currently completing, a Master's degree. Some relevant work experience in the NHS would be desirable. Applications from candidates with a clinical background are particularly welcome.

For an informal discussion about this studentship please contact Dr Joe Jaina, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, or email to whom your research proposal and c.v. should be sent for review prior to your completion of a formal application.

Full details of the formal application process and the PhD programme are available on the School's website at

The closing date for applications is 31 August 2008.