
Saturday, October 10, 2009

USA : Postdoctoral Position in the Haswell Lab, Biology Department of Washington University in St. Louis

A postdoctoral position is open in the Haswell Lab in the Biology Department at Washington University in St. Louis. Several projects are available; each uses a combination of genetic, cell biological, biochemical, and/or electrophysiological techniques to study the structure and function of a family of mechanosensitive ion channels in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

Applicants with previous plant biology or electrophysiology experience are preferred.

To apply, please submit to

  1. A cover letter explaining specifically why you are interested in joining the group, what skills and knowledge you would contribute, and what you think we could offer in terms of training. In addition, please describe your career goals.
  2. A CV with three or more references and their full contact information.
  3. A short proposal for a possible project in the lab. This need not be detailed, but should indicate that you have read enough of the literature to be sincerely interested in some aspect of our research, and that you can think independently and creatively about your work. This can be part of the cover letter.

Further details go to: