Division of Imaging Sciences, King's College London, has available several post doctoral research fellowships; clinical research fellowships; and MSc and PhD studentship positions. The posts will be based in the Interdisciplinary Medical Imaging Group, which is located in newly refurbished laboratory and office space at The Rayne Institute, St. Thomas' Hospital. This multidisciplinary group- comprised of chemists, physicists, biologists, mathematicians and cardiologists- is focused on translational research: from basic science and preclinical studies through to clinical applications. With two dedicated clinical cardiac MR research systems (1.5 and 3 Tesla) containing XMR setup for combined catheter procedures and PET and microPET systems, the group are working on developing advancements in all aspects of medical imaging:
• MRI and PET physics
• Imaging analysis: processing and reconstruction
• Imaging chemistry, biology and Immunology
Partnerships with Industry and the comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St. Thomas' Trust provide further opportunities for research funding and training. There are also close collaborations with the clinical cardiology department at St. Thomas' as well as the Cardiovascular Division of King's College London, with whom we are joint recipients of the recent BHF Research Excellence Award.
IMIG Clinical supervisors are Prof. Reza Razavi, Prof. Eike Nagel, Dr. Sven Plein, Dr. Phillip Beerbaum, Dr. Gerald Greil.
IMIG MRI and PET physics supervisors are Prof. Tobias Schaeffter, Prof. Rene Botnar, Dr. Philip Batchelor, Dr. Paul Marsden.
IMIG Computational Imaging supervisors are Dr. Graeme Penney, Dr. Kawal Rhode, Dr. Maxime Sermesant.
IMIG imaging chemistry, biology and immunology supervisors are Prof. Phil Blower; Dr. Greg Mullen and Dr. Richard Southworth
IMIG also has several CRUK bursaries and studentships available for the taught MSc in Radiopharmaceutics & PET Radiochemistry
Please contact info-isd@kcl.ac.uk specifying your interests or visit http://kcl.ac.uk/schools/medicine/research/imaging/
Click here for Employer Profile
Date of expiry: Wednesday, 14th May 2008