Department of Engineering
The University is committed to equality of opportunity
A PhD studentship is available within the Engineering Department in the field of micro- and nano-tribology. The project will be partially funded by, and will involve collaboration with, the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington. The aim of the work is to develop novel techniques of tribological measurement at the microscale and thereby both acquire reliable performance data on realistically engineered surfaces in the form required by designers of micro-mechanical systems and MEMS and improve the understanding of the physical and chemical mechanisms that control tribological function in such devices. The successful candidate is likely to have a good first degree in some branch of engineering or the physical sciences.
The appointment will be for three years starting as soon as possible and will be funded at the usual EPSRC studentship rates. Further details may be obtained from Professor J A Williams, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, (Tel +44 01223 765237, Fax +44 01223 332662, email by 30 April 2008.
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Date of expiry: Wednesday, 30th April 2008- Subject Areas:
- Physical Sciences
- Chemistry
- Other Physical Sciences
- Engineering & Technology
- Chemical Engineering
- Other Engineering