Applications are invited for two studentships, covering fees at the home/eu rate and maintenance of up to £12,600 pa, for full-time study in either History & Philosophy of Art, Film Studies or Drama & Theatre Studies.
The School has a thriving research culture and postgraduate community, with a 5 rating in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, and has hosted two Leverhulme Visiting Professors and three AHRC Creative & Performing Arts Fellows. There is a weekly research seminar series across our disciplines, together with other research events and excellent research resources.
Staff across the school produce a range of publications in diverse media, from books to performances to films and exhibitions and are involved in a number of group and individual research projects.
We are particularly interested in applications in the following areas:
Aesthetics of Film and/or the Pictorial Arts
The History of the Print
Contemporary European Theatre
British Theatre History
American Cinema
Digital Arts and/or The digital in film
To apply, please complete the University application procedure for doctoral study, details for which can be found at:
In addition, please forward a covering letter, CV, research proposal (max 1,000 words), two academic references and a sample of previous work to the following by Friday, 9th May:
Mr Kevin Goddard, Departmental Administrator
School of Drama, Film & Visual Arts
University of Kent
Eliot College
Candidates are normally expected to have completed, or be in the process of completing, an MA in the area of research being applied for. Applicants will normally be interviewed in relation to their proposal for doctoral research. You will be registered in the first instance for the degree of Mphil, and you will be expected to upgrade to PhD at the end of their first year of registration. Continuation of your studentship is subject to satisfactory progress.
Further information on the School of Drama, Film and Visual Arts can be found at: