Faculty of Technology
The Faculty of Technology will award one Postgraduate Research Graduate School Scholarship (PGR GSS) for UK/EU tuition fees plus a stipend (£12,940 for 2008/2009). This scholarship will be awarded to a new full-time student for 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress). Application from non UK/EU students are welcome with the expectation that funds have been secured to meet the difference between UK/EU and Overseas fees (for 2008/2009 UK/EU fees are £3,330 and Overseas fees are £9,850).
The Faculty are also offering three FEE ONLY scholarships.
There may also be a possibility of EPSRC DTA funding.
Applications are invited in the areas detailed below. Please contact Mrs Carole Watson (email: c.watson@plymouth.ac.uk, tel: +44 (0)1752 233329) for more information.
- Bayesian hierarchical modelling in genetic association studies of common human diseases
- Mathematical and Statistical models for predicting financial behaviour
- Physical charges in external fields
- Statistical Modelling for Time Series via Quantile functions
For detailed project descriptions please visit the following web page: http://www.plymouth.ac.uk/pages/view.asp?page=14461
All applicants must submit a completed application form and the following documentation:
- Two references in envelopes signed across their seals
- Copies of transcripts and certificates of qualifications
- Evidence of meeting our English Language requirements (www.plymouth.ac.uk/elr) if English is not your first language
- CV or resume
- Ethnic and Disability Monitoring Form
For Application forms and full details on how to apply, please visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/pghowtoapply.
The funding will commence on 1st October 2008.