School of Psychology - Psychosis and Addiction Research groups
Two full time, three year PhD studentships are available from October 2008 in the area of the psychosis and substance misuse. The studentships are available for the study of interaction of psychosis and substance misuse and their impact on professional and family carers.
There will be close collaboration with the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust's early intervention in psychosis and addiction services. You will join two very active research groups with a portfolio of MRC trials, NIHR and DH services research with over 15 research fellows and 8 postgraduate PhD , MRes and Clinical Psychology Doctoral students.
The successful candidates will have a First or high Upper Second Class Honours degree in psychology.
The studentships will be at the basic UK research council rate (expected £12,600 p.a. in 2008/9) to provide support over the three-year period and will cover tuition fees. The successful candidates might also be eligible to contribute to our paid Teaching Assistant programme.
For more information and informal discussion about the studentships contact Prof. Alex Copello ( ) or Prof Max Birchwood ( ).
To obtain the School's Research Studies brochure, further information and application form contact Mrs Parveen Chahal on email:
The closing date for applications is 30th April 2008