The PhD scholarships are available for students pursuing PhD degree within the Departement of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences. The PhD programme is divided into two main part (A and B).
During the first two years (part A), students are enrolled in a parallel programme concurrently in both the Master’s degree programme and the PhD degree programme. After successful completion of Part A, the Master’s degree is conferred.
During the last two years (part B), enrolled as a PhD student only. The PhD degree is conferred upon satisfactory completion of Part B, including the submission of a PhD dissertation of a satisfactory academic standard and a successful oral defence.
For further details about the Departement of Political Sciences, please visit the official website.
The scholarships scheme is also divided into two main Part (A + B) in accordance to the PhD programme above.
- Part A is most often funded by a two-year PhD scholarship (two-year fixed-term employment contract as a PhD scholar). The stipend amounts to approximately DKK 116,000 per annum and must cover the PhD scholar’s general costs of living in Denmark, but Graduate School holders do not pay tuition fee during such 2-year employment period during Part A. Besides the scholarship, PhD students enrolled in the 4-year programme will generally receive DKK 25,000 per annum in salary for teaching duties.
- Part B is most often funded by a two-year PhD fellowship (two-year fixed-term employment contract as a PhD fellow). The stipend currently amounts to approximately 300,000 DKK per annum. The fellowship must cover the PhD fellow’s general costs of living in Denmark, but Graduate School holders do not pay tuition fee during the 2-year employment period during Part B.
Application Deadline (for the PhD programme):
- 15 May at 12:00 noon (Danish time); vacancy to be filled as of 1 September
- 15 November at 12:00 noon (Danish time); vacancy to be filled as of 1 February.
For further details please visit the scholarships announcement page.