
Monday, March 31, 2008

UK: University of Plymouth MPhil/PhD Funding School of Engineering

Faculty of Technology

The Faculty of Technology will award one Postgraduate Research Graduate School Scholarship (PGR GSS) for UK/EU tuition fees plus a stipend (£12,940 for 2008/2009). This scholarship will be awarded to a new full-time student for 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress). Application from non UK/EU students are welcome with the expectation that funds have been secured to meet the difference between UK/EU and Overseas fees (for 2008/2009 UK/EU fees are £3,330 and Overseas fees are £9,850).

The Faculty are also offering three FEE ONLY scholarships.

There may also be a possibility of EPSRC DTA funding.

Applications are invited in the areas detailed below. Please contact Mrs Carole Watson (email:, tel: +44 (0)1752 233329) for more information.

  1. Design and Development of an Intelligent Biomimetic Autonomous Robotic Fish

  2. Violent Wave Impact Modelling

  3. Modelling Multi-Phase Moisture Transport in Porous Media

  4. Effect of fibre treatment on the properties of hemp fibre reinforced polymer composites

  5. Dielectric monitoring of moisture levels in structural materials

  6. Tidal inlet dynamics

  7. Nonlinear sandbank dynamics in the long term

  8. Tidal stream vertical axis current turbine hydrodynamic design optimisation, value engineering and pilot rig experiments

  9. Foundations Supported on Vibrated Stone Columns

For detailed project descriptions please visit the following web page:

All applicants must submit a completed application form and the following documentation:

  • Two references in envelopes signed across their seals
  • Copies of transcripts and certificates of qualifications
  • Evidence of meeting our English Language requirements ( if English is not your first language
  • CV or resume
  • Ethnic and Disability Monitoring Form

For Application forms and full details on how to apply, please visit

The funding will commence on 1st October 2008.