Application of hydropyrolysis to the palaeoenvironmental study of tree rings
School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Applications are invited for a full-fees PhD studentship to investigate the “Application of hydropyrolysis to the palaeoenvironmental study of tree rings”. This project, which is funded by the British Geological Survey and the University of Nottingham, aims to investigate the use of hydropyrolysis to extract novel palaeoenvironmental data from tree rings. In particular, we have demonstrated that hydropyrolysis has the potential to reveal hidden environmental signals that relate to the cross linking between polysaccharides and lignin and a talented PhD student is required with an aptitude for multidisciplinary research to explore this further.
The student will initially refine and develop a theory linking lignin-polysaccharide cross-linking to climate change before applying the technique to two 100 year tree ring sequences one from North America, and another from the UK. Comparison will then be made to climate indices.
Students should have, or expect to obtain, a 2.1 honours degree or better in environmental science, earth science, chemistry or biochemistry.
This studentship is available immediately and will cover the University international tuition fees in full for three years.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr D Large, Email:
Applications, with a detailed CV and the names and addresses of two referees, should be sent to Dr D Large, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Please quote ref. ENG/219. Closing date: 30 June 2008.
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