National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit (NPARU)
Institute of Health, Social care and Psychology
Department of Atmospheric Environment, National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University, Denmark
Applications are invited for a fully-funded full-time studentship to work in the area of ‘measuring and modelling human exposure to pollen allergens in an urban environment’. This studentship is sponsored by and in collaboration with the National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. Half of the PhD studentship will be conducted at the University of Worcester, UK, and half will be conducted at the National Environmental Research Institute in Denmark.
By quantifying human exposure to allergenic pollen in an urban environment this project will help further work in determining dose/response relationships for pollen exposure and symptoms of allergy, which is an important area of aerobiological and allergological research.
The student will carry out a research project that will lead to the award of a higher research degree (MPhil/PhD). The student will be expected to identify, carry out and report an individual research study under the direction of Prof. Jean Emberlin (NPARU), Dr. Matt Smith (NPARU) and Dr. Ole Hertel (NERI). Detailed information about the NPARU and NERI can be found on the following websites:
Applicants should normally have an honours degree in a suitable science based discipline (e.g. biology, environmental science, geography, mathematics, physics or related subjects). Excellent oral and written English and a high level of computer literacy are a must, as are a commitment and enthusiastic approach to completing a higher research degree. The successful applicant will receive a tax free bursary of £12,300 per annum whilst working at the University of Worcester (18 months) and a taxed bursary of £32,000 per annum whilst working at the National Environmental Research Institute (18 months), plus an expenses budget. Fees will be paid in full at the UK/EU rate for home and EU citizens. Overseas students are welcome to apply but will need to fund the balance of fees for Overseas Research Students.
For further details visit:
Application forms can be found here:
For an informal discussion about the studentship please feel free to contact Matt Smith on +44 1905 855223 or by email to:
For questions regarding the application process contact Mrs Helen Tabinor, Graduate Research School Manager (tel: 01905 855012, email:
Closing date for applications is 16th July 2008 Candidates will be invited for interview on 4th August 2008 (provisionally)