
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Germany : University of Heidelberg PhD-Research Fellowships

The Dialogue Between Cultures in the late Colonial Andean World

Transcultural Studies

The excellence initiative „Transcultural Studies“ of the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg invites applications for three PhD-research fellowships for its junior-research-group The Dialogue Between Cultures in the late Colonial Andean World by Dr. Claudia Brosseder.

The interdisciplinary research group wants to investigate the interaction between South American and European scholars and Amerindian and Afro-American people. We are looking how scholars in the arts, sciences, theology, and in cultural practices construed cultural identities and how they got influenced by Amerindians.

These fellowships will be awarded to outstanding Latin Americanists interested in devoting their PhD-thesis to the research transcultural activities in Latin American History, and especially the Andes. Fellowships are open to scholars in History, the History of Science, Ethnography, Art-history, Religious studies, and Historical Archaeology from all countries. During the appointment, fellows will be expected to pursue independent research at Heidelberg and participate in the meetings of our research-group as well as in those of the larger community including twelve researchers, who will all investigate transcultural phenomena in different areas of the world. Three years in residence at the University of Heidelberg are expected. Funds for research are available. Knowledge of the German language is not required.

Applications from women and individuals with disabilities are encouraged. For further information please contact:

Applicants must submit all of the following (including letters of recommendation) by August 22, 2008.

  • A two-page cover letter indicating the applicant’s interests.
  • A curriculum vitae.

Two letters of recommendation sent directly to Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg, Transcultural Studies, Projekt Dr. Claudia Brosseder, Voßstraße 2, Gebäude 4370, DE-69115 Heidelberg,

Please send the application material to this same address. We will not return the material we have received.

Fellowships awards will be announced in the first week of September 2008. Fellowships begin mid October 2008.