Department of Engineering Mathematics/School of Engineering University of Plymouth
Bristol University has secured funding from Great Western Research and 3 industrial partners to fund a PhD student to work on tidal power, as part of a collaborative project with Plymouth University and the University of Exeter. The research project will use approximate mathematical models for the local 3D flow field through an array of submerged marine current turbines in order to aid the design of an important next-generation renewable energy source. Complete project details can be found at:
We are looking for graduate in mathematics, physics, engineering or a related discipline with a keen interest in applying their expertise to the development of renewable energy. You will be a member of the Applied Nonlinear Mathematics Research Group at the University of Bristol in collaboration with the Coastal Engineering and Coastal Processes Research Groups at Plymouth and industrial partners Garrad Hassan and Tidal Generation Ltd, The project will be based in Bristol with frequent visits to Plymouth as part of the work.
Desirable skills include familiarity with mathematical modelling, fluid mechanics, computational modelling and common programming languages. Training will be provided as required. The ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team on a problem of current industrial and socio-technological importance is essential.
We are looking for a student to start as soon as possible. The funding is for three years during which time the student will receive a tax-free stipend of £12,600 p.a. and fees at the home/EU rate (£3,300 p.a). Applicants from outside the EU would need to cover the difference (£9,100 p.a) between the home and overseas tuition fee.
It is planned to hold interviews for short-listed candidates two weeks after the closing date.
Informal inquiries may be addressed to Professor Alan Champneys or Dr Deborah Greaves
Application and reference forms can be downloaded from:
Alternatively, hard copies can be obtained by e-mailing
Completed applications and references should be sent to Postgraduate Admissions, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, Queen’s Building, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR. Applications can only be considered on submission of all appropriate documentation.
Closing date: 09.00 Monday 14th July 2008.
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