For study at one of the Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution
The Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution program supports the mission of The Rotary Foundation of improving health, supporting education, and alleviating poverty.
The purpose of the Rotary Centers program is to
• Advance research, teaching, publication, and knowledge of issues of peace, goodwill, causes of conflict, and world understanding
• Provide advanced international educational opportunities for a group of Rotary World Peace Fellows chosen from different countries and
cultures on the basis of their potential as leaders in government, business, education, media, and other professions
• Provide a means for The Rotary Foundation and Rotary clubs to increase their effectiveness in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation
among peoples, leading to world understanding and peace
Candidates should consider these objectives carefully before applying and should be prepared to explain in their written statement and interviews
how they would support these program objectives. In particular, candidates should demonstrate a commitment to community or international
humanitarian service, working for peace, and long-term involvement with Rotary International.
The Rotary Centers program is intended for individuals who have chosen a career in international relations, peace, and conflict resolution and who
already have no less than three years’ experience in these areas. For example, individuals active in journalism, civil service, nongovernmental
organizations, diplomacy, mediation work, and the military may be strong candidates for the Rotary World Peace Fellowships. Many Rotary Centers
university partners have minimum work experience requirements, in addition to academic requirements, for admission into their programs.
Applicants are required to research individual university Web sites for specific admission requirements and current information about curriculum.
The Rotary Foundation will not consider Rotary World Peace Fellowship applications for study immediately following the completion of an
undergraduate degree.
Rotary seeks candidates who are prepared to dedicate their careers to peace and conflict resolution and have real potential to positively impact our
world. If selected as a Rotary World Peace Fellow, you will be expected to
• Gain admission to your assigned Rotary Center university partner, and if denied admission, relinquish your Rotary World Peace Fellowship
• Attend any orientation programs organized by your sponsor and host Rotary districts, including completion of an online orientation teaching
• Speak to Rotary and other audiences in your home and study countries before, during, and after your fellowship term
• Participate in district, zone, and international Rotary events and advise on Rotary projects, when appropriate
• Represent The Rotary Foundation at professional and academic conferences
• Participate in an annual Rotary Center seminar, at which you may be invited to deliver a paper on the status of your research and enter into
small and large group discussions on relevant subjects
• Mentor other Rotary World Peace Fellows
• Encourage and make yourself available for media interviews at home and abroad
• Communicate with Rotarians in your home and study countries before, during, and after your study period
• Seek opportunities for alumni involvement, including participation in Rotary activities, after completing the fellowship term
• Maintain contact with the Foundation throughout your professional career